
Billionare’s Contract Bride

New York's Billionaire Kain Adams is the eldest son in a conglomerates family so thereby he is saddled with the responsibility to lead the family's business to it's peak and keep the family line going. In order for him to do so he needs to do the one thing he dreaded; Getting married. It was something he had sworn to stay away from because of his parents absence in his childhood. Amanda Diez is a college graduate whose dreams got shattered when her father died in an accident leaving her with a responsibility to take care of her mother. But when things get tough and Amanda is in desperate need for money, she gets involved with a certain billionaire who is in need of a wife to sire his child and keep the lineage going. Resigned to their fates, the two are binded by a contract marriage. Kain and Amanda begin their contract marriage in a loveless, business like manner. Amanda is welcomed into the Adam's family and she finds out about the dark side of the Adams. She begins to regret her decision of getting married to Kain and tries to break it up but her life and that of her family is on the line. Secrets are revealed, love begins to bloom and people are tested. Will the secrets break or make them? Will love be enough to hold on to something that was never there to begin with? Will they overcome the obstacles surrounding them? Will their love blossom ? Find out in this spinning book filled with romance, friendship, betrayal and new beginnings?

Yetunde_Hunga · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Amanda waited at the steps of her house for hours, she had been walking around for hours trying to find a way to get the money while Cynthia went to find Malcolm. It was past six and she still wasn't back.

It began to rain heavily but she sat there, her eyes glued to the figure heading towards her direction; it was Cynthia.

Cynthia stood before her, the rain dripping down her hair. "Malcolm skipped town." She said, her voice quivering. "He left this morning probably after we called him. I wasn't the only one he took money from, he lied to me."

Amanda tried to remain calm, but her emotions were too raw, too close to the surface.

"Are you actually suprised? Didn't you think that idiot would do something like that?"

"Amanda." Cynthia whispered.

"Don't you dare pull that pity crap on me! While you were running around chasing after your stupid boyfriend, I looked around, begged around to be more precise and guess what Cynthia, I couldn't get anything. We have no one to turn to for help and mother is laying in her bed, feeling as weak and helpless as ever!"

She stood up from the steps and walked closer to her sister, her voice frantic. "The doctor said if we don't get the money for the surgery, it could get to a point where we can't even treat it anymore because we noticed it late!"

Cynthia wiped the tears and rain from her eyes."I'm sorry Amanda and I hate myself for what's happening, I hate the fact that mum could die because of me, I am living with that guilt!"

"Is you guilt going to heal mum's cancer?! Cynthia I'm really dissapointed in you. So what if mum didn't fall sick and you got accepted to the college of your choice, are you telling me you were just going to throw it all away for some idiot!"

Amanda's heart ached at the tears streaming down her sister's face but she ached more at the fact that she would never be able to find the money for her mother's surgery.

She placed a hand on Cynthia's shoulders and sighed. "Go inside, you'll get a cold if you keep staying in the rain." Her voice was softer now.

"What are you going to do?"

"Find a way to get the money, we have no choice but to figure out another way. Standing here and throwing blames won't do mum any good. There's some leftover soup, take it so you don't fall sick." She fisted her hands in her jacket pocket and began walking away.

Amanda walked in a haze through the rain drenched streets, an added weight on her shoulders because of her mother's health. Lost in thoughts she didn't even notice when she had reached the beach.

She sat down on the sand and stared at the roaring waves. This spot reminded her of her father, the day they came to the beach and it began to rain. Unlike everyone who ran for shelter, they remained, dancing and playing in the wet sand.


The rain fell heavily upon the beach, turning the golden sand into mud and the waves crashed heavily against the shore. Kain Adams and some business partners were seated in a beachfront suite, their attention focused on the PowerPoint presentation being delivered by his subordinates.

Just then, a flash of movement caught his attention; A figure making it's way towards the stormy ocean.

Kain's eyes narrowed as he watched the person stood close the shores, ignoring the brutal shower. He knew exactly what was going through the person's mind as they slowly made their way to the ocean.

"Pause the presentation." Kain commanded, his voice slicing through the hubbub of the conference room.

Without a word, Kain took off his suit jacket and strode out of the room. The rain lashed against his face and his shoes sank into the wet sand as he made his way towards the moving figure.

By the time he reached the figure, they were already knee-deep in the water. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. The figure turned and Kain's eyes met the terrified gaze of a young woman, her long hair plastered to her face by the rain.

"What are you doing?!" Kain demanded, his voice a harsh whisper against the wind.

Amanda flinched, but didn't respond. Her eyes were fixed on the tumultuous sea, as if she were entranced.

Kain's grip on her arm tightened. "Didn't you hear me? Do you think this is some kind of game?"

"Just let me go." Amanda whispered but her words were drowned by the gushing waves.

"I don't have time for this." Kain groaned. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Let me go!" Amanda protested as she kicked her legs frantically.

He placed her down once they had gotten to the beach resort.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Amanda yelled. "I never asked for your help!"

"What's your name?" he demanded, fighting to keep his voice leveled.

Amanda's gaze finally met his, a fire flickering in her eyes. "None of your business."

Kain's frown deepened. "You're right it's none of my business, maybe I should have just let you take the cowardly exit out of this world. Who knows the kind of troublemaker you are?"

Amanda's lips quivered. "I am not a coward."

"You were planning on killing yourself, am I right?" He said, his tone harsh. "I don't even care about you or whatever decisions that made you think ending your life was the best solution. But at least don't be selfish, did you for once think about who this could affect?"

Amanda's jaw clenched, and for a moment Kain thought she might lash out at him. But instead she seemed to deflate, her eyes shallow and sad.

"You're right. How could I do that?" She whispered. She dug the heels of her palms in her eyes, stifling her tears.

As she cried, she thought about her mother and her sister; How would they both survive without her?

"I just don't know what to do, everything is just a mess." She cried.

Kain studied her, feeling a strange stirring of empathy.

"Go home and get some rest."

"Mr Adams!" Kain's subordinates yelled as they ran towards him with towels. "Are you okay sir?"

"I'm fine." Kain said and took a towel from them. "Get my driver to take her home."

Amanda glanced up, her eyes red. "I can handle myself, you don't have to take me home."

He threw a towel at her. "You're right I can just leave you here while you go home in the rain and hope that you do not jump off a bridge or something."

"Why do you care what happens to me?"

Her arched his brows. "I don't and I'm not going to force you to take up my offer."

He began to walk away but stopped to turn around. "If it's too exhausting to live for you then live for someone you care about, that makes life a bit bearable."

With that said he walked away leaving a drenched Amanda staring after him.