
Reunion (2)

"Forget about her…. Anyway… Mel now that you graduated what is your plan…. Are you going to work for your stepmother?" Asked Yue

"No, they do not know I studied Fashion, and I am opening my own fashion house with the help of a friend."

"Do we know this friend?" Asked Alix

She bit her lips and looked down at her nails.

"Young lady start speaking?" said Yue

She was the eldest among four of them. Yue was twenty-three this year followed by Alix and Nuo who are twenty-two and lastly MelLi who will soon turn nineteen in a few days.

They all know each other behaviors, and after seen the way MelLi behaved they knew she was hiding something.

After a while, she told them the whole story.

"Who is he?" asked Yue, trying to control her anger.

This guy was taking advantage of their little sister. And she will not allow that to happen.

"I do not know his name, he never told me…and I always call him Moron, devil…" as she continues to bite her lip

"hahahahaha… cute… he calls her Wild cat, and she calls him devil… I should change my novel and start writing about you Mel instead of a house cleaner in an expensive hotel" said Nuo

"Nuo stop it, this is serious, what if he is a serious killer…" said Alix

As soon as she said that the door opened, and food was brought in but this time a different waiter

"What happened to the earlier waiter?" asked Nuo

"She was assigned in a different room" replied the male waiter

"Thank you." Said Nuo

"Enjoy the meal," and he left

"Alix, I think being a lawyer you always seen a serial killer, he did not send her to prison and instead he was trying to help our Mel to make her name in this society… Everyone needs a strong backing, and he is providing that." Replied Nuo

"We can be her backing, our family are all billionaires, we can even build her fashion house," said Alix

"Yes, but we all know Mel she will never agree to that, but he finds her weakness and that why she agreed… Anyway, I think he is not a bad guy." Said Nuo

"Nuo, this is not one of the romantic novels that you write this is about the life of our baby sister." Continues Alix

"Stop arguing… what is done is done…tell us more about him" Yue said after calming her emotion

"You should have seen him. He looked so rough, arrogant, and dangerous when we first met, but the moment he looked at me, I …. I felt like I was struck by lightning, my whole body was on fire…" she bit her lip and opened her light brown eyes as she recalls the first time they met.

"And when he asked me to sign the document I could see it was a … marriage document… that was the time I realized he was not a bad guy, he did not want me as his sex toy as he puts it, but he was full of mischievous, trying to trick me marry him, so instead of refusing, I signed, and I did not regard doing it… and when he presented me the matching necklace with wedding ring I knew it was he way of making it official, and I even played along, but deep down I was thrilled that he gave me a wedding ring. It doesn't make any sense... I married a guy I barely know his first name.