
Billionaire Wife

A marriage is between two people who are in love. But what if the marriage was fixed or arranged and had the potential to last a long time? Or can you fall in love with each other? Odette and Kiel's marriage began similarly, as a fixed marriage for a business. Odette Lim was known as the architect who designed some of the five-star hotels. Most of the hotels she designs are for her family. Odette's family owns the top five-star hotel and restaurant in the country and a construction firm that Odette's dad has owned for years. Odette was an intelligent and fearless type of girl. She was even part of a Taekwondo team when she was in middle school. Odette was the eldest child of the Lim family. Her dad was known for being strict when it came to business. But Odette was a daddy's girl; she got everything she wanted, but not in her father's deal with Mr. Lopez. Her father dared to seal the deal about marriage with the son of her business partner. Odette had no intention of falling in love with her soon-to-be husband. Even though she can make herself feel good, she knew the deal was just for business. She partied all night with her friends just to feel relieved about how her situation would be framed in the future without having the right to decide for herself. Kiel Calvin Lopez was a well-known billionaire actor and model. In his generation, he was known as the "Supreme Idol" for being the top endorser of luxury brands. His films were blockbusters. Together with his co-actor and real-life girlfriend, their love team was incredible. Kiel had a cold personality, and most of the people around him thought his arrogance just came from his wealth and fame. They don't realize he's doing it to avoid making his girlfriend jealous of other girls. Kiel was the eldest son of the Lopez family; he had a twin who was completely different from him. Kiel was the obedient son and the future face of the Lopez Group of Companies. He will take over his father's multinational corporation. Everyone knows that Kiel is next in line as chairman and CEO of the company, yet he wants to pursue his dream of being an international actor. Will he choose to marry someone he knew he had never loved as an obedient son?  Sloan Payne is an actress and model. Even though she was a great actress, some of her haters called him a "wannabe," and another fan thought she just used Kiel because before he entered the entertainment industry he already had a name because of his dad. Sloan was not from a wealthy family, just like Kiel. But she proved to a lot of people that she was not just famous because of her boyfriend but also because she had talent. But will Sloan agree to the idea that her boyfriend will not be her husband in the future and that she should get married to another girl just for business? When will her love be able to fight for their relationship?  In the marriage of two people, what disaster will it be if there is an intruder? Who will he have to choose between her wife and her girlfriend? Will they still have time to realize they've fallen in love with each other, or will it be too late to express their feelings? Will it be Kiel who falls in love with Odette? He was already aware of his feelings for his girlfriend, Sloan. But will he be aware of what he will feel over Odette? Or should he just ignore it because his mind still tells him it's Slovene? It will be too late for Kiel to discover it, or will he make a move to make things right between him and Odette? Or was it Odette who would realize she was slowly falling for her husband? She had a feeling Kiel already belonged to someone else. Despite my best efforts to keep feelings away from him, she never knew what her heart was saying. Will she fight her love for Kiel or let it go? Is it worth fighting for? Will she choose what will make her happy or not?

kandra_24 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 7:


He opened the door, and I sat in the passenger seat.

"It's my pleasure to drive you on your date. I heard you're the only daughter of Richard Lim."

"I am."

"You're Kiel's fiance. I heard from him that you didn't agree at first when you heard about the arranged marriage that both of your fathers deal with. So what changed your mind to agree on a new plan with him?"

"Well, I want to know why my dad chose him. And I want to forget someone."

"Oh, sorry about that." When we reached the venue, a crowd of girls surrounded the stage.

"I thought we would go to Kiel." Instead of answering me, he just smiled at me and held my hand with all the security surrounding me as we went to the front of the stage.

I'm getting confused by everything that's happening here. I saw Kiel go out from backstage holding a guitar.

"Tonight, I want to dedicate this event to the most beautiful girl I ever saw in my life. I didn't know, but she's been driving me crazy these past few days. even though we just met a few days ago. I'm dedicating my new song to her." He said this while looking at me, and he played his guitar and started to sing.

Oh, what a beautiful sight it is.

to look into your eyes.

The way they sparkle,

I cannot fathom.

The way you look back at me,

how brilliantly they shine.

Heaven must be on Earth.

Stars fall from the sky.

Just look into my eyes.

And you need not.

Ask over and over.

You're the only one I love.

And if you're not convinced, believe in me.

Look into my heart and believe that

You're the only one it has loved.

You're the only one I'd love.

And from your tender loving, I have fallen for you.

I have no idea what to do.

I have no idea where to look next.

A kiss on the lips,

the way we look at each other.

I never imagined that you'd fall for me.

Just look into my eyes.

And you need not.

Ask over and over.

You're the only one I love.

And if you're not convinced, believe in me.

Look into my heart and believe that

You're the only one it has loved.

You're the only one I'd love.

And as days went by, I thought I did not love you.

and that my feelings would not last.

I had no idea that they would never end.

I'll love you even for much longer.

"I can't take my eyes off him." I didn't notice I was smiling while he was singing. He went my way and jumped off the stage, and we went on the stage.

Just look into my eyes.

And you need not.

Ask over and over.

You're the only one I love.

And if you're not convinced, believe in me.

Look into my heart and believe that

You're the only one it has loved.

You're the only one I'd love.



La-la-la La-la-la



La-la-la La-la-la

My love.

After he sings, he looks into my eyes and kisses my forehead. He held my hand.

"Odette Lim, I want you to know I don't want to hide you from the world. I want to be with you, even though we just met a few days ago. But you catch my heart to melt it." A girl went out from backstage and gave Kiel a bouquet.

Kiel gave me the flowers and the chocolate. I can't hear the crowd, as my whole place has stopped. All I can see is Kiel. I didn't notice Kiel wipe my tears.

"You're the girl that we should be proud of. The girl who deserves to be treated better and given everything deserves to be treated by a man who wants to be that man. Ms. Odette Lim, I don't want you just to be a princess; I want you to be my queen who will rule my world. Can I be that King?" I nodded and smiled at him. I don't know but my heart skips beating fast. He hugged me tightly and kissed me on the lips in front of everyone. My eyes widen as I hear the crowd shouting.

As our lips split up, I saw a smile on his face. He faces his fans.

"I knew all of you loved me, and I'm thankful for that. But I want this girl beside me to add in those people I love, just like I love you all. And I want to share this moment with you all." Kiel bowed and blew a kiss at his fans.

"Let's go on our real date, my queen." He smiled and held my hand as we ran towards the crowd and left the venue. So this is how to be a girl of this man.

When we emerged from the crowd, we walked slowly while holding his hand, my heart beating rapidly. I felt my cheeks burning. I don't know, but this moment of holding his hand while we walk without knowing where we will be is something that puzzles my emotions. I was looking into his face when I realized we were almost on the beach side.

"What are we doing here?"

"Secret, just trust me." He went on my back and put a blindfold on my eyes, and slowly, holding my hand again, we went down to the beach. I took a few more steps when he stopped and let go of my hand.

"Kiel?" But he didn't respond. Did he leave me alone on the beach? How can I get home since I didn't bring my car? I took off the blindfold and saw him standing in front of me, holding a box.

"Kiel?" He smiled at me.

"Before we went on our dinner date, I just wanted to give you this, my queen." He opened the box and flashed a necklace with a heart-shaped pink diamond and an infinite symbol surrounding it. He went on my back. I held my hair while he was putting the necklace on my neck.

"I knew it; it was perfectly tailored for you."

"Thank you." He held both my hands and kissed them.

"No, thank you for trusting me about this, even though I knew you didn't mean to agree to date me, even though it was my plan, after all, to get to know each other before our wedding." "Yet you give it a shot." I smiled and looked into his eyes.

"It was nothing; you made my day today, and I knew agreeing to your idea was not just a shot but what I wanted too." He held my hand, and we went into the beach tent. He helped me take a seat on the pillow. I was sitting on the pillow and looking around. We are sitting on the pillow, and the sand has a rose petal. And a lantern in the middle of our table.

Kiel raises his hand, and the waiter comes out from behind me, and they put down the food plates. Steak, wine, and strawberry cheesecake


"How did you know these are my favorites?"


"I ask your dad to make this dinner date perfect, and he tells me you like this food. Shall we eat?" I nodded and ate my steak, even though I was mouthwatering from the strawberry cheesecake. I needed to hide it; I didn't want him to think I was too obsessed with strawberry cheesecake.

I was slicing my medium-rare steak when I saw a server playing the violin. He had my eyes glued on him. He looks familiar; I don't know why, but I think I've seen him before.


"Is there a problem with your stake?" "Do you want me to ask them to get you another one?" Kiel looked confused looking at me, while I was still looking at the guy who plays the violin. That song sounds even more familiar to me.


"Nope, I just thought I heard the song he played somewhere before."


"Maybe you will remember it later." You should eat your cheesecake while it is waiting. He just smiled at me and continued eating his steak. While eating, I can't stop thinking about where I saw him and hearing the song he plays.


After eating my steak, I eat my cheesecake, and my soul wants to escape from my body after taking a bite, my eyes widen open. 


"Do you like it?"


"I love it." 


He took my hand.


"Can I have a dance with my queen?" We stood up, and he put my hand on his shoulder while the other one held his hand and his hand held my waist.


"Did you like it?"


"I love it."

"Thank you for the night."


"No thank you for making this night possible; even I was nervous to do this if the reporters found out. I wouldn't hide it if it was you. It's worth the risk." After he said that, the security went on us.


"Sir, some reporters are here. You need to hide." We look at each other.


"Let them be." Kiel held my waist while the reporters ran toward us.


"Kiel, by having a mini-concert and this dinner date in the backyard, are you confirming that you're dating Ms. Odette Lim?" He looks at me and smiles.


"Yes, I'm dating my future wife."


"Future wife, what does that mean?" ---"


"Our parents may arrange a marriage for us, yet we decided to date and knew each other before the wedding, and I can say it was the best decision I made. To know this girl, who makes my life worthwhile by having fun, and to be in love with her."


"What can you say about your fans and Sloan fans who are waiting that you both back in each other?"


"To all our fans, I just want to say that even though we both have different paths, we are still good friends and partners in all our projects. We understand that you guys love us and want us back, but we have a different partner to respect and love." When he said "love," he looked at me.

I don't, but even if it was corny for the others, this feeling at this time made me feel butterflies in my stomach. Kiel was still holding my waist while answering the reporter's question.


He turned toward me.


"Are you feeling tired?" He put my hair behind my ear and touched my cheeks.


"Nope, I can wait."


"No, you should rest now, my queen. Let's go; I'll drive you home." We run and leave the reporters behind, going back to the concert venue parking. Even if we run in our lives, I will choose to run beside him.

He opens the door and lets me in first. He went to the driver's seat while I was sitting in the passenger seat. While driving, he was singing the song he made for me.


"Can I pick you up tomorrow? I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning, but I have free time for the rest of the day."


"Let me check my schedule first. I'll be in my office tomorrow, so I can't tell you if I'm free."


"Okay, message me if you're free tomorrow." I nodded.  He parked his car in front of the condo building, and when the car engine stopped, he immediately opened the car door. He put his hand on top of my head.


"Be careful, my queen." I smile as he holds the chocolate and the bouquet while we are heading to get our condo. As we entered the building, everyone was smiling at us. I knew no one could even think that this guy dates me and even my fiance.

We are headed to my condo.


"So I'll see you tomorrow. Have a sweet dream tonight, my queen." He kisses my forehead and lets me in first.


I was over the moon when I realized that my friends were still in my condo.


"So what do you feel after your first kiss in public? How smooth was your date with him?" Even though I wanted to answer them and tease them so much, I just smiled at them and ran towards my room.


"Good night girls."


I was looking up into her condo, seeing her in her room window, looking up to the sky. Soon, I'll make you remember me, my love.