

Ziya Anderson's life turned upside down when 1 phone call changed her entire career and life turning it upside down. Ziya lived with her family of 3 happily until one day she lost her parents and she gets to untangle the mystery behind their parents origin while struggling to cope up with work and handling a stuck up, cold, arrogant but sexy as hell Billionaire at her work place. When sparks fly between them, will they keep aside their differences and work out together for the good or will they be torn apart? Join Ziya on her journey to unravel the mysteries behind who she is and what is this connection she feels towards this sexy billionaire. When fate has a chance to pull you towards destiny. Will you resist the pull or give in to the destiny? Mysteries to be solved but adventures awaiting.

Angelic_Ziva · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter - 15

Aziel looked sharply at Juliana and said, " That's none of your business Juliana. "

After saying that, he proceeded towards the table where the chairs were and had a seat before motioning for Juliana to grab a seat, starting the meeting.

Ziya headed downstairs towards the desk and saw that Chris has already headed for the meeting with the managers from yesterday which left her alone with Leslie.

Ziya looked at Leslie and said, " I did the Pre- inspection for the meeting room and he mentioned to come around 12:00 PM for the post inspection, by that time they won't require the meeting room anymore.

Leslie nodded her head in affirmative and said, " So, how did it go? "

Ziya was confused and said, " I didn't speak anything with him as by the time he arrived, I was already done with the inspection. I gave him the form and pen for him to sign and he suddenly apologized to me. "

" Before he could speak more, the model Chris talked about earlier entered the room and he stopped whatever he was going to say. So, I didn't say anything, greeted them a pleasant meeting and bid my farewell. "

Leslie smiled listening to this and said to Ziya, " See, didn't I say that he is not a bad kid. All he needs is a bit of assistance and guidance and he will be back to his usual self. I am pretty sure that he needs an existence of a person like you in his life. "

Ziya didn't say anything or reply anything to that and kept silent. She then headed to perform the keys and parcel audit.

Seeing this, Leslie smiled at Ziya and continued her work from earlier. Soon, it was 12:00 PM and it was time to head back to the meeting room for the post inspection.

Ziya took the form from earlier along with the pen and once again she headed towards the elevator lobby and to the 3rd floor where meeting room is.

Once she reached near the meeting room, she noticed that the meeting was still going on and was not finished. She didn't want to barge in and disturb their meeting.

Eventually, she decided to wait for them to finish the meeting and patiently wait in the lobby. She was super bored while waiting for them that she started singing the songs which were playing on the radio.

While she was still in the middle of the singing, she noticed that the meeting has ended. She stopped her singing and went inside to do the post inspection and noted down her observation, which was nothing. Everything seems good and at it's place.

She then headed towards Aziel and handed him the paper once more for him to sign.

Aziel took the form and signed the form like he did before and handed the form back to her. Ziya took the form from him, genuinely smiled at him and she said, " Thank you. "

Aziel was stunned at her smile for a minute there and Ziya once again looked at Aziel saying, " I would also like to deeply apologize for yesterday and I had let the anger in me consume me. Sorry if, I had offended you in any way. "

Aziel genuinely smiled at Ziya and said, " You did nothing of the sorts rather that that it was my behaviour towards you which was questionable and harsh. I am heartily sorry for my rude behaviour. I hope you will forgive me. "

Ziya smiled looking at Aziel and said, " Let bygones be bygones and let's start anew. I forgive you for yesterday. "

Aziel heaved a sigh of relief and thanked Ziya for forgiving him and keeping the events from yesterday behind and in the past.

Ziya then introduced herself and said to Aziel, " Let's start from fresh. Hello, I am Ziya, I will be replacing Leslie here. Nice to meet you. I hope to see you around. "

Aziel smiled at her enthusiastic introduction and reached out his hand to her while he said, " Nice to meet you too, Ziya. My name is Aziel Watson. We will be seeing each other around. "

Ziya shake the extended hands of Aziel and smiled before she said, " It's not a business meeting Mr. Watson. I am just an employee here. "

Aziel laughed at her remarks and said, " Yes, I do know that now but what happened to Leslie? I mean why is she leaving? Don't mind me. I am grateful to have you here. It's just I am concerned for her. "

" Ziya laughed at his questions and said, " Leslie is actually wrapping everything up in here and she is headed to USA to live with her kids. That's why I am replacing her and taking her position. "

Aziel replied, " Oh, I see. Well welcome to the building. "

Ziya replied, " Thank you for your warm welcome. "

With this, they both headed towards the elevator. Ziya pressed the downward arrow while Aziel pressed the upward arrow.

Meanwhile, they were waiting for the elevator, Ziya said, " I hope you have a wonderful day today. "

Aziel thanked Ziya and replied back, " I wish you the same. "

With this, Ziya headed downstairs towards the lobby while Aziel headed to his penthouse. Ziya reached the desk where she saw Leslie once again busy and occupied with the work.

Ziya left a sticky note for Leslie and mentioned in it that she is heading for her lunch break and will be back. After writing the note, Ziya tapped on Leslie's shoulders and handed her the note.

Ziya went towards the back room and grabbed her lunch from her back pack while heading towards the fourth floor where the break room is. She once again heated her food which consisted of Penne pasta she made for lunch.

After a while, she finished her lunch, washed her lunch box and wiped it clean before she heads back downstairs towards the desk and back room.

She then kept her lunch box back in her back pack and went towards the desk where Leslie is! Ziya informed her that she can take over if she wants to head for her lunch.

Leslie smiled at her and mentioned that, she has already had her lunch on the desk. She is habituated on eating while she is working but thank you for asking me.

Ziya smiled at Leslie and said to her that, " As long as you are not starving yourself, it's good that you eat your food whenever or wherever you wanted. "

Leslie smiled at her and thanked her for caring. Ziya then mentioned to her that she is now heading towards the parking to see the residential side and the visitor's side of parking.

Meanwhile, while she is still there, she said that, she will be performing the parking audit as well.

Ziya headed towards the visitor's parking and noted down all the license plate number in a piece of paper she brought along and headed towards the residential side.

After venturing the entire parking spot, she then headed back at the desk. She then tally the registered license plate numbers and saw that everyone is registered.

By the time, she was done with everything, it was already time for her to head back home.

Ziya's second day at work peacefully ended with no problems at all. She bid her farewell to both Chris and Leslie and she headed home.