


/" Believe me I want this as much as you do but for tonight let's just sit and relax. We need to talk and you know that/" I said pulling his head down so that he could see my eyes. See the want I had for him.

/" talking is so overrated/" he mumbled as he stepped back. This time he couldn't bare to look at my body. I let out a little giggle which seemed to annoy Nick in a way that now made me only laugh at him.

Nick stalked back to me, I squealed when he grabbed the edge of my shirt and pulled it above my head. /" he grabbed my waist and leant down to my ear. /" Meet me in the kitchen when you've finished /" he said gently spanking my ass just before leaving the shower room completely.

I hadn't planned to shower but since I was already wet. There was no point in just leaving the shower without using it.