


I struggled to believe that Nick suddenly stopped caring for me in the way he did before I left for Columbia. To think of how excited I was to see Nick again , to be in his arms as he held me.

/" of course it fucking does, but right now my fathers feelings are a lot more important that mine or yours baby, you know that/" he bit back. I swerved into the door as he turned into the hospital quite aggressively.

Normally his sweet endearment would have my heart racing, my thigh clenching and my eyes moving to his lips but this time I hated hearing it with the way he was treating me.

/"You seem to not give a shit what I feel. Am I setting myself up to be yelled at again/" I said, referring to the main reason for my coldness towards the man I believed to love.

Nick's aggressive driving only continued as he harshly pulled into an open space, not caring for parking guidelines at all as we simply parked on top of the lines.