
Billionaire Confusion

Felicia’s love life seemed to be a never-ending roller coaster. She falls in love with the toxic Zion while she is Dylan’s girlfriend, and then Asher comes into the picture. Her life took an unexpected turn of events when she found out she was pregnant. Who is the father of the child? Who will she end up choosing? Read on to find out!

Ojuolape_Maryam · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter five

Oh God! This can't be happening "

Dylan was there with the ring on his finger smiling at me. I can't break his heart, I know what the pain of rejection feels like.

"Yes, I will marry you " I smiled as he put the ring on my finger, stood up, and hugged me tight like I was going to disappear.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear


We pulled up in front of a nice building. Dylan, we both highlighted. It was a penthouse view a really nice view of the city.

Penthouse memories

We stepped into the house. It was beautiful

"Welcome to your new house," he said looking so proud of the building. I walked around, it was exactly the way I wanted it.

Dylan told me to choose between living with him or getting me an apartment till we get married. I chose the later

"I have hired a cleaner to come in every day, and you have two drivers. I'll have them move in some of your things and we are going shopping for the rest".

"I'll go with Sasha…" I quickly cut in.

"Yeah but you are using my credit card"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes

"I'm changing your car to anyone of your choice". I turned to him with a serious face this time.

"Why are you doing all this?"

"We are getting married so you have to start acting like a billionaire wife"

"Yeah, sure". I walked away

Taking Sasha with me was the worst decision I made. This bitch won't stop talking.

"I want a rich guy too, doesn't he have any friends" she asked as we walked into a designer store.

"Rich guys don't have friends, except business partners"

"You were his friend before you started dating so…." I was checking through the rack of clothes.

They are so expensive.

The security guy following us won't let us breathe. Dylan insisted on going out with security despite my assurance to him that I could handle myself, he just wouldn't listen.

"Our love story is none of your business Sasha" I rolled my eyes at her.

" I know so just link me up with a friend of his and you'd never see my ass again" She showed me a gown, it was classy but red, not really my color.

"I don't know any of his friends"

"So who was the nigga who dropped you off a few months ago" I froze but immediately adjusted before she noticed.


"That's his name?"

"Yeah and trust me he is not someone you want to fuck with" Those were the exact same words Dylan said to me but I didn't listen.

"Why did you say that?" Then suddenly paused giving me a type of look "Did you sleep with him?"

"No!…" I replied abruptly. She gave a relief look

"Good…. Cause I want to be the one to do that"

"Honestly I don't think you should" I threw a gown at her


I froze

Recognizing the voice, I turned around to meet his blue eyes. Was he really here?

"Zion?" Even though I was happy to see him, I dare not show it. It's been two months now, but the feelings weren't gone.

"How have you been?" He had that smirk on his face again. His hands are in his pocket.

"I'm good…. Perfectly fine" I smiled trying to show off my ring finger. I hope he notices it and goes away.

That's not what you really want Felicia

"Oh my God!" Sasha said breaking the silence. We both turned to look at her. " he is more handsome than I thought" she said looking at him like she was ready to go home with him.

Zoom gave us a confused look and I gave a nervous smile.

"Zion this is Sasha, my cousin. Sasha Zion" his smirk grew like he was enjoying the moment.

"It's so nice to meet you, Felicia has told me a lot about you" He smiled

Oh, Jesus!

I groaned mentally.

"Sasha please do you mind paying for all these? I need to speak with Zion alone" I emphasized the last word, giving her the credit card. She smiled at him and left for another section.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked with a serious face. I looked around to make sure there was no one hearing.

" You look more beautiful than I saw you the last time" he stepped closer to me, and I stepped back.

" what do you want this time?"

" I just saw you and came to see you" That wasn't the answer I was expecting, I wanted him to say something like he missed me or he was sorry for what he did.

He doesn't care


"I hope to see you Saturday night" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What was happening on Saturday?

"Make sure you come with your fiancé "

Wait, he knew?

How did he know that? I'm sure he didn't notice the ring or maybe he did or maybe Dylan told him or….


"Yeah sure, we'll try to be there" I played along.

"Bye Felly" he winked at me and left. I was upset for reasons I didn't understand.


The Dame's family is one of the richest folks in New York just like the Hernandez. According to Dylan, their parents started off as rivals until the children took over and they were able to change the relationship to friends and business partners.

The Dames were celebrating Mr Calvin Dames's birthday and also their wedding anniversary. Mrs. Dame was a really beautiful blonde woman and she had a smile on her face since I got here.


Now I see where he got his taste from. Dylan introduced me to everyone as his fiancée like it was really necessary and of course, I got the "gold digger" look from some ladies who recognized their kind and I wasn't one of their kind. Dylan was nowhere to be found and I was lost in the middle of wealth-smelling people.

"You must be Felicia" I turned around to meet a jaw-dropping face. Do all of them have to be this handsome?

"Yes. Can I help you?"

"Not really, Dylan won't stop talking about you, wanted to see the beauty, and trust me when I tell you the paparazzi didn't do justice to all of this" he was cute, I mean really cute and he had a dimple.

"Thank you" I sipped my champagne.

"Lucas!" A deep voice called. We both moved our gaze. Zion walked up to us with a smile and hands in his pocket.

"Dame boy " he teased but Zion ignored it looking at me. I looked away. "Let your secretary come over tomorrow, " he said to Zion.

"Sure… the last time she came, she was looking different though, and I honestly don't appreciate that" he gave Lucas a death glare.

"Of course" Lucas was looking nervous. I didn't understand what they were talking about though. Lucas walked away, the situation was really getting awkward.

" come with me," he said walking away from me. I looked around to find Dylan but he was nowhere. I followed like a controlled doll.

We climbed up the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked but got no reply. He entered a room and I followed. He stopped

It was an office, probably his. I stood by the door.

"Close the door " his deep voice rang. I did.

"What is this about Zion? We shouldn't be here"

"Why? Because you are getting married?" He stepped forward. I didn't move. " Does your fiancé know about our moments?" He stopped in front of me with a raised eyebrow. I looked down. He raised my head up looking straight into my eyes like he was searching for something. I was confused. I wanted him….


I kissed him. I was expecting him to pull back but he didn't. He pulled me closer to him. A soft moan left my mouth. I didn't know what we were doing but at that moment I didn't care. He turned me over to the table, lifting my gown which wasn't much of a problem because it was short. I thrust inside making us both moan. He wasn't gentle...

The door opened. We froze

"Oh God!"