

  "Sir!" I hissed, not wanting to yell because I didn't want to call people's attention to us. One paparazzi was already too much to handle. If all of them came to the counter, my first launch day would all be in the mud.

  The man in the hoodie stopped trying to get in through the side door. And then he lifted his head, staring me in the face with familiar dark blue eyes that grazed my entire body and sent me into freeze mode.

  "Xavier," I whispered, blinking rapidly to be sure he wasn't an apparition.

  Xavier stood before me, dressed in a hoodie and cargo pants. The last clothing I would ever imagine he would wear in public. It seemed he didn't want people to recognize him.

  "Let me in Hailey." He murmured.

  Susie gasped behind me when she heard his voice and shook her head. "Don't you dare! Go fuck yourself, Xavier."