
Billionaire's Redeeming Scars

In a world of lavish parties and opulent lifestyles, the playboy billionaire- Sebastian Quinn sets sail with his tycoon father- Victor Quinn. But when their yacht meets a tragic fate in the heart of the ocean, their survival becomes a game-changer. Cast adrift on a life raft burdened by the weight of their tarnished legacy, Victor spills secrets and confesses his sins and urges his son to be the one whom their city needs and he will be correcting all his father’s wrong doings. He hands over a damning diary, a registry of vile criminals responsible for their city's descent into chaos, before taking his own life so that his son survives and goes back to the city to correct all his wrong doings. Witnessing his father's harrowing demise, Sebastian recalls his fathers words and tries to comprehend it. An unknown and unyielding resolve sprouts inside him who is resolute to restore justice. Adrift at sea, at the mercy of unpredictable tides, fate steers him and the dead body that belonged to his father to 'Mortem Isle', a desolate place that is shrouded in a dark past, guarding secrets of profound many past wars. On this forsaken island, Sebastian is stuck for over five grueling years. Scarred, both physically and emotionally, he daily has to go through such conditions that are honing his resilience and strength, sharpening the brutal art of survival to its pinnacle. The apocalypse that came upon him seemed to have taught him a brutal way of survival. Upon his return, Sebastian is a transformed man—a relentless force dedicated to cleansing the city and bringing retribution to the criminals listed in his father's diary. Concealed beneath a suit and behind a mask, he becomes the city's avenger, a vigilante. By day, he steers the family's tech giant, 'QuinnTech,' as the CEO. By night, he dons a mask and suit, embracing his role as a vigilante, ensuring that the scales of justice remain balanced, even in the shadows. In a shocking twist, after his father's demise, Sebastian's mother, grief-stricken, hastily marries the former Chief Marketing Officer of QuinnTech, merely a month after the tragic loss. This revelation raises unsettling questions about the true nature of their relationship and leaves Sebastian questioning the motives at play. Amidst these family revelations, he also confronts the concerning issue with his younger sister, Amanda. The toll of missing out on her teen years apparently seems to be very drastic especially when her mother herself never gave her daughter the time she had to. She struggles succumbing to the darker paths of life, battling drug addiction. Sebastian's return, however, brings a glimmer inside her but her addiction seemed to be sprouting clashes between the siblings time and again. During one of his vigilante missions, he intervenes to save a drunken girl from harassment in front of a cemetery. The girl, in a drunken stupor, is conversing with her ex-boyfriend—shockingly, Sebastian realizes that her ex-boyfriend is none other than himself, or rather, his grave. The girl is Sara Drake, a face from his past, making him recall certain flashes from his past. Will this encounter strike an imbalance in his responsibility?

Tangent34 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Sebastian's mind went to the diary and the words his father had told him before he shot himself. However, looking back at  his mother, he shook his head and said,

"No, nothing. He drowned in the sea along with the ship. We never got the chance to speak or even look at each other that night."

A soft sigh escaped Isabella's mouth, hardly noticeable. Her heart was in pain at her husband's and son's demise but now she at least felt slightly better knowing that her son had returned back to her. There were things that she did not want her son to know, though she felt guilty for that but that was only to ensure the security of her children. The less they knew, the better it was.

"It's fine. Let's not talk about the unhappy memories. Your sister, she will be returning home today. We haven't told her anything yet. It will be a surprise for her to see you."

Sebastian's eyes softened at hearing about his sister. She must have been eighteen years old by now. This twenty-seven year old bachelor has lost the most precious years of being with his sister but he was determined to keep a surprise for her. He looked at her mother and said.

"I would like to visit company tomorrow to look at the situation.

Isabella looked at her  son and said.

"You have enough time for that son. You rest properly, company is yours it is not going anywhere."

Sebastian raised his brows an replied.

"I don't want to waste anymore time."

Isabella nodded in understanding while she replied.

"You will soon be visiting the company once you have rested enough." 

Understandingly, Sebastian nodded, silently reaffirming his purpose. He would honor his father's memory, cleanse the city, and prove that he was worthy of the second chance he had been given.

As the days passed, Sebastian's strength returned. The physical scars began to fade, but the emotional scars were more profound. Each scar told a story, a chapter of his life that had shaped him into the person he was becoming.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of red and orange, Sebastian stood by the window, his silhouette casting a shadow on the floor. His mother walked in, her gaze softening at the sight of her son, lost in thought.

"Sebastian," she said gently, "you've come a long way. You've faced the darkness and emerged stronger."

Sebastian turned to face her, a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "Everything is fine mother. However, there is something that has been not well in the company."

Isabella pinched the space between her brows and asked softly. This came as a surprise for her.

"You are already looking at the company's details."

Isabella placed a hand on his cheek, her touch warm and reassuring. "You don't have to do it all at once. You have a lifetime ahead of you, and you're not alone in this fight. We'll face it together, as a family."

A sense of gratitude and determination welled up within Sebastian. He wasn't alone. He had his mother's unwavering support, and the legacy of his father to guide him. He was ready to embrace his role, to step into the darkness and bring forth the light.

The city would soon witness his rebirth, and he would be there, ready to stand up against the shadows.

And so, with the setting sun heralding a new beginning, Sebastian looked out over the city, his hands tucked into his hospital gown. A flicker of hope ignited within him, a beacon that would soon pierce the darkness.

The vigilante that he has been in the nights had awakened.


Sebastian's mind was a whirlpool of thoughts as he prepared to leave the hospital. The weight of his purpose bore down on him; the words from his father's diary echoing in his mind. He could almost feel the weight of the diary in his pocket, a constant reminder of the task at hand.

"Are you ready, Sebastian?" Isabella asked, concerned about lacing her voice.

Sebastian nodded, his jaw clenched in determination. "Yes, Mother. I'm ready."

As they made their way through the hospital corridors, Sebastian felt a surge of strength. The physical therapy had worked wonders although he was not at all interested in those childish things still he felt it was good to get some more extra strength. And though he still felt some soreness due to his last night outing on the mission, he was more than capable of facing the challenges that lay ahead.

Outside, the sprawling estate awaited him. The family villa had been a place of countless happy memories, but now it seemed like a fortress. The walls held secrets, and the grandeur masked the trials he had endured.

Three luxurious cars, gleaming in the sunlight, were waiting to escort him home. The family's reputation demanded nothing less. Trailing behind were bodyguards, a sign of the dangers they faced.

The media had caught wind of his return, but the tight security ensured no one could capture his image. Rumors circulated, adding an air of mystery to his homecoming. People speculated on whether he had truly returned or if there was something being kept under wraps.

Sebastian sat in the back of the car, lost in thought. His eyes glanced at the diary in his pocket, a constant reminder of the legacy he needed to uphold. He knew he had to tread carefully, keep his secrets guarded, and play the part of the reformed playboy.

The drive to the villa was filled with a mixture of nostalgia and determination. He had missed this place, missed the times when life was simpler. However, there was no turning back. The truth needed to be uncovered, and justice needed to be served.

Arriving at the villa, the gates opened to welcome him. The sprawling gardens and elegant architecture stood as a testament to the Quinn legacy. Isabella accompanied Sebastian into the villa, her presence a source of strength.

Inside, memories rushed to greet him. The grandeur of the halls, the familiar scent of the estate, and the portraits of his ancestors brought a strange sense of comfort.

"I will leave you to settle, Sebastian," Isabella said, her voice gentle.

Sebastian nodded, offering a faint smile. "Thank you, Mother."


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