

Apple's POV

I attempted to call Bruce on Monday morning, after being summarily fired from my job and escorted out of the building; however, I learned that Bruce had blocked my phone number from being able to call his phone. Almost immediately, I became aware that something was wrong.

Bruce may have acted as if he was a naughty boy billionaire to the rest of the world, but to me, he was just Bruce, the incredible man I couldn't stop thinking about. He claimed to be a bad boy billionaire to the rest of the world. Every night, I would fall asleep in the embrace of the man who made passionate and exquisite love to me before putting me to bed. There is no way that I could be a casual acquaintance.

I couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't right.

It was quite clear to me that Bruce was really concerned about me as a person.

I cared for him at least as much as anyone else, if not more.

It was ingrained in my very skeleton.