
She's Mine

Sebastian's POV

Once again, I am plagued by a furry pest cat.

Now it's a past afternoon, I've just returned from a business meeting when my phone wouldn't stop ringing. And there's a cat on my balcony now. I think this is a little too much for today.

Suddenly, as I was about to yell at the woman in front of me, I realized that her face was unfamiliar to me.

When I saw her in front of me, she had a straight face and black hair that covered her exquisite face. It also features a thin frame. Her bright pink lips and slender neckline also drew my attention.

She said she was sorry and apologized. As soon as she finished saying those words, I was struck by the beauty of her pink lips.

"I'm not sure how Luca fit there. Would you mind bringing him to me?"

My cock enjoys her accent when she uses such things. Was she expecting me to obey her orders? Isn't it obvious who she's talking to?

"Not at all," I said, my tone stern.

My forbearance has almost run out. This cat must vacate my condo, and this delightful diversion must be withdrawn. The last thing I want to do is run into her. If she's really my new neighbor, in which case she's exactly the type of woman I want to bang.

"Go to the front entrance of my condo to retrieve your pet cat."

"Oh, okay. Thank you, sir.'" she says with a chirp. 'Sir,' she called me. Is she picturing me as a frail old man?

My cock appreciates the way uncomplicated and unintimidating ladies communicate, and this is how they do it. This property was advertised as a private unit by the agent who sold it to me. It wasn't, however. But I think I'm in a good position.

She kept up with me as I approached the door. I could hear her footsteps following after me. My cockles twitch just thinking about her. It looks like she could fit three more girls her size inside her pink giant sweater and matching trousers. I'm stumped as to what to make of her outfit, which includes a pair of bright pink cat-head slippers on her feet. I can tell she's a little creature with delicate curves below.

I can't stop thinking about how hot she is.

If I had worn loose boxers today, I would have had to cover a tented groin, which would have been embarrassing.

After I unlocked the front entrance of my unit, she came in and took her pet cat with her. Steve Nyberg, the man who kept me up all night negotiating this acquisition transaction, appeared at the front door in less than a few minutes. He is Phoenix Capital Management Group's neediest, high-touch, annoyance-inducing investor associate, which I co-own with my older brother, Louis. We employed him as an associate in a show of gratitude to our father.

Shocking to see him at my door because he is not allowed to know where I live. There are only a few people that have access to this address, including my father, brother, and a few distant cousins.

He screams, "It's time to have a discussion. The girl next to you needs to go," he said with authority, his eyes fixated on her. "It's even more important."

As my chest tightened with rage, I clenched my hands. As a result of my exhaustion and Steve's harsh behavior toward her.

"Steve, you're the one who gets to go in first. It'll be just a minute," I said firmly.

"Please accept my apologies; yet, he is correct. Don't let your cats out next time," I cautioned her, my mind wandering elsewhere.

Her scared eyes meet mine as she lowers on her knees to pick up the cat. Seeing her from a new perspective has made me irrationally jealous. With those lips so close to my cock, I can almost feel her sucking me into her mouth.

"Yes, and I'll make sure he doesn't come near you."

"By the way, I've never seen you before. Are you a new resident here? Although I've only recently moved here, I know most of the residents already.

"I'm Stella Wilson, by the way. I'm a pet sitter here just beside your condo." she sputters. "So, I'll be looking after the cats while Alice, my boss is away for a few weeks."

"Aren't you attending your high school?" In order to get a sense of her age, I pose the inquiry.

"No. High school isn't something I do. I'm taking my Veterinary degree right now, I've already started college."

A person's voice became agitated as I listened in. Crap. I had completely forgotten that Steve was still here.

In my heart, I apologized to Stella, "Sorry, Stella, but I have to go inside right now," and I looked into her eyes.

I followed the sound of his voice into my living room and slammed the door behind me.

"What the hell is this all about?" This is something I'm curious about.

As if he owned the home, he takes a seat on my sofa with his feet pushed up on my table.

"Steve, how did you end yourself here?' Who told you my address?

It appears as though his brows are furrowing as he concentrates. "Your father told me. Why? Unless I'm mistaken, Is this a well-kept secret because you've brought a woman along?"

"I'm sorry I even brought it up. Please explain to me why you came to see me, please. " My request is formal, yet it is conveyed with courtesy. He is, after all, a close buddy of my father's and a trusted confidant.

"It is imperative that this deal be executed within a week. Two weeks is the maximum length of time permitted. By tomorrow night, if I had my way, we'd have a signed contract in hand. But the way you've treated Mr. Bill and the additional demands you've made on his people aren't going over well with them. It's irrational. You make it clear to the partners that we're willing to walk away if necessary. This time, there are no sacrifices to be made! The only option is for them to sign it now, or we're done. "

I push my lips together as I sit across from him on the recliner. "There's no way you're kidding me, right?"

"But these Mr. Bill folks at the table need to know that we're not playing games with them," he continues. "They are a must for us. There is a pressing need for our help. Tonight, when we meet at the table, make sure you explain it well."

"Wait a minute, what did you say tonight?" I shout, "I've been trying to get that point across for the past twenty-three hours! Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, we will meet again. "

In response, he gets up from the couch and walks away. "We can't afford to give them time to shop our contract around to the competitors, 7:00 p.m. tonight is the deadline for this agreement's finalization."

As much as I'd hate to admit it, he's right. This point has been reached after several months of work. We must hurry up and finish this transaction.

This development has left me about five hours to relax, shower, get dressed, and drive to work. "Fine," I answered. "Remember that we've been working on this for months, so I'll be there. Whether it takes a few days or a few weeks, it will be time well spent."

"Agreed, but it's better to act sooner rather than later."

As I accompany him to the front door and open it for him, we say our goodbyes.

Steve walked out of the condo when we were done talking. I got a flashback to the girl I'd just met. I've been thinking about her. As soon as this arrangement with Mr. Bill comes to an end, I'll take action. I'll take Stella at any cost. When I'm done with her, I'm going to gobble her right up. In all likelihood, the beautiful bloom will be destroyed. But that doesn't matter to me at all. Now that I've seen her, I have to have her.