
Untitled Chapter


(His Strange Prisoner)


Mafia Romance 💦💣🖤


Chapter Seven🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Lucas Anthony's Pov


( short chapter)

Sometimes life can be cruel, and in some other way, it can make you feel like you are the chosen one. I never believed in the word Destiny, not even for once, fortunately, life has its way of lecturing me. Yes, in a different twist that I can never have imagined.

" Don't say a single word," I muttered through gritted teeth. I tried not to let my hand that is on her neck get tighter. I know I planned to kill whoever this person is, but I never want to do it painfully, just want to end everything with one strike, crazy me.

I can hear her saying a few words, but my grip on her neck makes her voice kind of distorted, preventing me from getting the message she was trying to pass on. While I was still thinking about the next thing to do, She suddenly started to cough, and her legs began to give up.

Fuck! looks like I will end up killing this girl like this, I thought to myself. I quickly withdraw my hand from her neck and push her towards the nearest couch. 

I watched as her tiny body collapsed to the couch, with her face facing down. For a few seconds, she didn't make a single sound.

Is she dead? That can't be, have never killed anyone like this before, I said to myself while I linger towards her. 

I'm about to touch her head, when she suddenly started to cough again, one of her hands was placed on her while she struggled for air on the spot.

I stepped back.

She continued like this for like two minutes, while I just continued to stare, waiting for her to get it together before ending everything once and for all. I pulled out the pistol from my back pocket, and then put the silencer on it.

I cleared my throat loudly, trying to get her attention; Just to remind her that I am still here, who knows, she might be pretending with the aim of tricking me. That's not possible anyway, a prey has never escaped from me before, not to talk of this little girl that isn't worth being called a prey. 

She stopped when she heard me, even though it was only her back that was turned to me, I can read the fear all over her, and that kind of makes me feel bad. This is not me, but not like I have any other choice.

 I'm not used to killing innocent but this is my only chance of survival, at least till the time I figure things out. 

" Please...se....se...dont kill me, just take anything you want and leave just don't kill me," Her voice stopped my train of thought, and for some reason, the voice sounds familiar, I don't know why.

" And what makes you think I am here to get something?" I retorted, strode to the couch opposite where she is, I took my seat, leg crossed.

" I don't know, just don't harm me," She stifled at her position.

I chuckled.

" But am sorry, I'm not here because of any of those things"

" What?" She sounds surprised at my response. " What do you want..then...nnn?" She stammered, still not looking up.

" I don't need your permission to take it, It's not something you will hand over even if I ask in a way that will please you,'' I uttered. I tilted my head to the center table where I dropped the pistol earlier, my eyes fully engrossed on it. It's been a few months since I last used it. Unfortunately for me, my killing drought will come to an end in a few minutes. The only problem is that I'm not happy about what I am about to do, yeah I know killing innocent people is not my thing, but this seems a little bit different, like...

" Because I just moved here yesterday, I don't know who your informant is. But I can talk to my mom to settle you guys," The way those words moved out of her mouth made me grin in surprise. It's very funny to me, in this state she is still trying to negotiate with me. 

" Sorry to disappoint you once again, I do not need anything from you,' I mouthed. She must have been seeing me as an easy target because I'm freely exchanging words with her.

" Raise your head," I commanded. She hesitated for some seconds before she eventually raised it, but instead of her looking straight in my direction, she was looking at the other side.

I stood up from the couch I was sitting on, I slowly walked back to the center table and retrieved the gun that was lying motionlessly in the middle of it.

" What's your name?" I don't know where the question came from, I already asked before I realised what I just said.

" What?" She stuttered.

" I'm sure you heard me clearly, right?"

" Yes. Olivia," Her voice was barely above a whisper. 

" Olivia?" I repeated. What a great coincidence, she was sharing the same name with that girl. Come to think of it, this girl is also blonde just like that girl. This is the first time since I was framed that I remember that girl, the girl that started everything. The girl that made me come down to US, the girl that I once......

" And your surname?" 

" Mark," She replied in a shaky voice. I blinked in incredulity, this is not possible, how can she be sharing the same surname as hers? I don't think this is just a coincidence. Unannounced, I walked to where she was, grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face me immediately.

" You!" her eyes turned perplexed immediately she locked them with mine

" What!" That's the only thing I can manage to say.


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