
Untitled Chapter


Chapter Four🥰

Olivia's pov


Getting out of bed early has never been my thing. Even during my college days, my college mates all knew me as a certified Latecomer, I always made sure to satisfy myself to avoid sleepwalking during the day. My roommate, Victoria on the other hand is the complete opposite of me, she hardly sleeps, and she is always the first person to storm out of our apartment every morning, not after she has tried all her possible best to wake me up.


I yawned, tossing the white duvet to the side without looking.


"8:00 pm" I mumbled in surprise before jumping out of the bed immediately. Mia and my mom are meant to be ready to go to the airport by now, I don't even know why the alarm didn't wake me up, maybe it’s because I'm too weak from yesterday's work.


Speaking of Mia, I glanced back at the bed immediately.


" Mia!" I grumbled loudly, but I did not get a response. I guess when I tossed the duvet, it landed on her, covering her entire body. I walked to the side of the bed, intending to give her a loud slap on her buttock, but to my surprise, she wasn't on the bed. I pulled the duvet. 


" Fuck!" I cursed. I already know what's waiting for me the moment Mia sets her eyes on me. Waking up before me is like a trophy to her, and she always cherished this any time she was lucky to get out of the bed before me.


I sighed.


I walked over to the side of the room where the large Wall mirror was placed, dragged out the drawer in front of it, and started ruffling the entire contents searching for anything I can use to pack my hair. It would have been easier if I had enough time to put everything where they belong yesterday. Here I am, in search of something I have no idea where I placed it while arranging things yesterday.


" Olivia!" The door suddenly flew open before I could even look up, Mia was standing at the door entrance, narrowing her eyes at me like I did something that was not acceptable.


I sniffed silently, and then pushed the drawer close.


I fold my hands on my chest.


" Firstly, you can't just bang into the room as you like," I spoke through gritted teeth. I just hope she gets the message that I’m not in the mood to joke around, but I know Mia more than anyone, she won't give up easily until she delivers that message that might not make sense at the end of the day.


When I noticed she made no move even with what I just said, I frowned at her. 


" Mia, it’s normal etiquette to always close the door behind you when you enter, why standing in the doorway?" 


" Because I feel like," She giggled and then rolled her eyes. I don't know if my words are funny or her own. 


" It would be better if you leave on your own or I will drag you out with my hand," I scolded, and this only made her giggle increase.


" I am only here to wake you up, Olivia," 


I withdraw my back from the furniture I was resting on, and move towards her.


" Thanks a lot for your kindness sister, as you can see, I'm no longer on the bed. Satisfied?" 


" Whatever," she replied. 


" Just go, I will be out in a few minutes," I strode to her front, grabbed her tiny hands, and tried pushing her out of the way.


" Wait, wait, Olivia, Mom asked me to tell you something," she muttered, giving me a pleading face as if I'm presently torturing her.


" Just say it and leave, unless you are planning to miss your flight," I hummed, still not letting go of her.


" Leave my hand, first," she complained.


I let go of her, and rested my back on the door frame.


" So?"


" She said it is high time you established a sleeping agency if you don't want your talent to waste," The words flew out of her mouth so fast that it took me a few seconds before I realized what she just said. Before I could think of grabbing her, she had run out of my sight.


" Fuck!"



By the time I finally get out of the room, my mom has already set the dining table. I feel so happy on seeing this, even though a part of me knows that this is supposed to be my treat since they are in my house, but at the same time a perfect opportunity to get a taste of her food. I have no idea when I'm likely to get the chance to go visit her in Texas, not to talk of getting hold of her food.


Mia on the other hand has started to protest that she wanted to start living with me. I nearly choked on the food I was eating when she said that.


After they were set to leave, I helped them to carry their box outside, awaiting the driver that was going to take them to the airport to show up.


" I'm really going to miss you," I whispered, my eyes fully engrossed in her face. 


" You don't need to worry, moreover, you can always come to Texas every weekend if you like," My mom pointed out. What she just said is easier to spit out of the tongue than to put into action. Going to Texas every weekend is not as easy as she said it, and I know she is also aware of that. Just trying to assure me that I will be fine.


" Also, don't think..."


"Olivia, are you going to miss me too?" Mia’s voice cut her off. She was standing outside the gate as if she has someone she is waiting for.


I rolled my eyes at her.


" I can never miss you," I muttered coldly before looking back at my mom.


" This is not supposed to be the memories she should be using to remember you," My mom defended her.


"She is too stubborn at times,"


" I'm not stubborn, my teacher always says i'm cute and cool," The way she sounded made my mom and I burst into uncontrollable laughter. 


" Yes, I'm lying and she is right," I managed to say, still laughing.


The loud sound of the car engine made the three of us transfer our focus to the gate. I watched as the driver pushed the door open. I can't believe I started to hope for someone instead as the door began to open slowly.


Just like I expected, it was Michael, the driver that brought us here yesterday.


He closed the door and immediately increased his pace towards us when he noticed we were already at the gate.


" I'm very sorry for keeping you waiting," He bowed a little. He didn't look up or even make eye contact with me just like he did yesterday.


" This man again!" Mia shouted while she used her hands to brush her hair backward.


Michael flash her a smile, " Hi," he waves at her, but Mia doesn’t seem to be interested. As if she did not hear, she ran to the car without looking at him.


Michael left first for the car, leaving both my mom and me behind as we walked past the gate.


" I don't want you to take your work lightly, and make sure you are always punctual, that's how to learn," My mom explained, giving me that 'Hope you understand' face. 


I nodded.


" I think that's all, I will call you in the night," She proceeds and pull the door open, revealing both Mia and Michael.


She entered.


I'm already feeling lonely. Have never lived alone before, so this is like I'm about to embark on a journey I have no experience about. I’m also scared, scared of everything, most especially what Michael told me....... Ohh that reminds me.


I looked over at the driver’s seat, and was kind of embarrassed when I noticed that Michael was staring at me through the front mirror.


I looked away instantly.


Mia is still in the battle land with her hair, and my mom was busy sending a text message on WhatsApp. It was kind of awkward to me when I noticed this.


" Hi, Michael. Hope you know you left me in suspense yesterday," I grumbled out the few words I can think of at that moment.


He tilted his head to the side but did not look at me directly.


He chuckled.9


" That's the full story," He muttered, his voice laced with an emotion I don't understand.


" Not really. I believe they catch him already," I said confidently, hoping to hear some kind of good news.


" They sight him this morning, but two policemen lost their lives in the process, and..."


" So, you mean he is still on the run?" I cut him off. How can someone be this cruel, killing people like they are apparatus for his killing spree experiment?

I can't feel my face becoming pale as I heard the news.


" It would have been all over the news if they catch him already," He replied.


" Ohhhhh," that's the only thing that moves out of my mouth.


"Olivia, we need to be on our way," Mom’s voice jolted me back when am about to say something. 


" That reminds me, Edward is likely to pay you a visit this evening" 


my eyes widened, " You gave him my address?!"


" Nope,"


" Then how?"


" He just knew it," she said, looking away from me.


" I think we can go now," She announced, and Michael nodded in the front, even though I don't think She noticed him.


" Bye!" Mia shouted. I don't say anything, I'm too frustrated by the news to even wave her goodbye.


I closed the door, and I watched as the car Zoomed off.

Grab your popcorn, this is just the beginning of the story!