

Melissa's pov

" Dad, I thought you left California Already," Daniel's voice is a bit shaky. I managed to look in the direction where the voice came from when I heard this. His father was standing side by side with the guys that were holding Bobby. It would have been better if Bobby was fully conscious, at least he will be able to identify the devil behind all this, just that both of us won't be alive to tell the story, I whimpered silently at the thought.

" You are not supposed to be here, he can easily recognise you, that's a very dangerous move," He whispered, narrowing his eyes at him. I can't see his face very well because of the pallid light, but the way he sounds seems like he has an ulterior motive behind all this, moreover, whether we know them or not, none of us is getting out of here alive. I sniffed, trying to hold the tears from clouding my visions again.

" Really? I can't be here or do you have anything you are planning to hide?" His father moved from Bobby's side after he gave him a long glare that was filled with nothing but hatred.

He walked up to me, then stopped when he was about a few inches away from me and faced Daniel back.

" I will take your silence as a yes," He assumed.

" Hand me the gun," He demanded. The guy that's behind him quickly rushed to where he was standing, bowing his head before handing the gun over. 

I wanted to scream at the sight, all my leg muscles became tense and I could feel my energy evaporating out of my body as fight with my legs to keep me straight.

" Daniel, you know I really trust you that's why you are assigned to deal with them, don't tell me this is how you would have been waiting time till the good show here if I didn't figure out that something is off," He suddenly turned and put the gun to my forehead. 

I managed to muffle myself from screaming, inhale deeply and shut my eyes close, waiting for the worst to come. Not like I will be spared if I beg for my life, this is the end and I know that.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a voice interrupted, the voice was not clear as the person was struggling with each word, but still I recognised the person anyway.

I stifled in my position, " Bobby," I gulped down, I slowly flashed my eyes open to catch a look at him even if this will be the last time.

" Bobby? Correct me if I am wrong," He muttered, and then slowly withdrew the gun from my head before turning to face him.

I sighed, the guys had already tucked me into their arms immediately, and I do appreciate that even though I need to endure the pain that comes with their bodies rubbing over the brushes that are all over my body. Also, my body is already given up on me, and I doubt if I will even manage to escape from this place if a miracle happens, I will definitely collapse and die......

" You fucking idiot! So, you are the person behind all this," Bobby's staggering voice made me lookup. 

He struggled to get loose from the guys holding him, but the guys are stronger than him; I don't think he is a match for them even if he was completely fine.

Since his father appeared out of nowhere, Daniel has not said anything. He is resting his back on one of the car bonnets, with a cigarette in between his fingers, busy exploring what is happening. I darted my eyes away from him when I noticed he was about to look at my side.

I bit my lip in frustration, can't believe I really thought this guy will be our Saviour( or my Saviour; I remember him saying he can only save me If he has the chance, but not Bobby)

" Leave him," Mr Patrick commanded, the guys looking confused, not wanting to do as he says.

" I said you should restrain yourself from  him!" He boomed.  They immediately let go of Bobby instantly. 

I watched as Bobby struggled to stand straight on his feet, he keep on failing at each attempt.

" Bobby!" I found myself screaming at the top of my voice when I could no longer keep mute. He stopped moving when he heard me, made no attempt for a few seconds, and then jumped to his feet. He was already running to Daniel's father before I realized that my words do not affect him.

The boys tried to run after him, but it was already late. The next thing I heard was a loud sound; you know that moment when a person slammed against a hard surface. I involuntarily closed my eyes, not wanting to look at what just happened. Did Bobby hit his father's brother, or did he get hit by the same person? No, I would have preferred if it was the latter that happened, deep down I know that's  definitely not possible.
