
True feeling

Two weeks after.

Melissa's pov.

Each day passed faster than I could think of, and it kept on getting longer as each day passed by. And before I knew it, two weeks passed within a twinkle of an eye. Even though it's been two weeks after the incident, the memory of what happened stayed afresh inside of me. My mom recovered faster than I could ever have imagined, telling me she had been preparing that this day will come eventually, what a strong mother I got. 

But as for me, I find it tough to pretend as if everything is fine by me. The pain, the loneliness and the thought of what life has in store for me as each day passes by keeps on increasing my fear and anguish. The pain is conspicuous, and I didn't pretend to hide it. My mom has started helping the other maids in the kitchen after a week of my dad's death. The head maid didn't agree with her at first but since she knew that being idle won't help her condition either, she accepted. 

Mary didn't seemed to understand what's going on, we only lied to her that Dad travelled and the day of his arrival is not yet decided, funnily, she was easy to manipulate than will think, even with everyone greeting , consoling, and mourning with us, she still doesn't have the idea of what is going on. And for my friends? Hummm.

Melanie and Draven happens to be one of the best people this Earth gave to me, I won't stop thinking how I would have survived and dive through this without the two, they made sure I didn't hurt my self and made any stupid move, even though that kind of thought always popped up in my head every single second.still, they are always there, most especially, Draven, he has been of great help to me. To the extent that he once made a suggestion of getting us an apartment, and stopped being a maid in the mansion, I find it hard to believe it when he told me. What a great offer, right? But, this is not what I want, getting out of this place doesn't mean that a great life awaits us outside of the mansion. And the fact that I will always feel like I owe him whenever I look into his face. Don't get me wrong, he never asked or wanted something in exchange, besides, to him, it just felt like stretching a helping hand to a homeless family. But still, I rejected his offer. 


The dim morning light filtered through the fog outside my window, a sign that another morning is here. I lay still in bed and tried to shake off anything that will make me think about doing some crazy stuff. I rolled around the bed before I eventually gathered the strength to sit upright, my back resting on the bed frame. 

"Here comes another day, again," I muttered under my breath, I slowly stretched my hand for the quilt, and used it to cover my chest, my hands wrapping around my leg as I stared into nothingness. 

The memory of last night flashed through my mind, my head creased, and I found myself holding the quilt more firmly . Even though I never want to think about it, my subconscious mind won't let me rest. 

Throughout the past two weeks after what happened, Bobby always requested to see me, but I always declined his offer. Almost every time, he was always on the phone with Melanie, asking about my well being. I told her not to pick his call again, but I guess each word is going to the back of her ear. If not for my condition, Melanie would have told me to hear what he has to say, even if it is just for once. But thanks for her understanding, she didn't push me around. As for Draven, almost all the maids knew that Bobby's cousin is now a regular visitor in our apartment, he always comes around only if I am with Melanie, and I must say I always enjoy his company whenever I am around him. 

On one of his visits, when he was telling me some random story about himself so as to alleviate the silent atmosphere, Melanie was with us, just only that she was busy  with her phone, what she is busy with is only known by God. Amidst his talk, he paused all of a sudden and called Melanie's name, she immediately darted her eyes from the phone and glanced at us.

" Did Bobby told you anything about him moving or going somewhere," her lips forming a purse as he muttered the word somewhere, I almost choked on the water am drinking at the words moved out of his mouth of all of a sudden, the emotions that i was feeling earlier vanished immediately, and the confusion creeped in before I could even make sense of what I just heard. Going somewhere? The fact that I never wanted to see him or hear his voice made me think I have got over this shock I usually undergo whenever his name is being mentioned, but this time, the feeling is different. I found myself moving my eyes in between Draven that was sitting beside me and Melanie who was sitting on the couch. Her face was bleak, and no sign of being surprised by the news was written on her face. She shrugged before she eventually answered, not after she gave me a fleeting look.

" Ohhhhhh, it slipped my mind, he told me something like that four days ago, is it true?" She answered, innocently. 

" Yeah, My Dad told me he will be taking over his father company very soon," 

" We knew about it already, is all over the internet," 

" But I never knew he meant it when he told me, I thought he said that just to get access to....." She paused for a few seconds, our eyes met, and she looked away instantly, " Melissa," she said my name, eventually.

" Really? You mean Bobby has been calling you to see Melissa,"  Draven asked, looking surprised at the same time. Melanie only nodded, and Draven looked at my side, he didn't say a word, but his expression says otherwise. 

I found myself thinking about the possibility of him leaving soon. But that's supposed to be good news, right? The person have been waiting for to get out of my sight is finally leaving. Am I not supposed to be happy about it? 

But the feeling is different, this is clearly the opposite of what I thought I would feel, my heart beat increased, banging loudly inside my chest like it was looking for an escape route. My head kept screaming for his name, I tried to stop the thoughts, I tried to control my emotion and manipulate my feelings but none of it worked. I thought I could pretend to be oblivious of the truth. Still, it is very obvious that I am dying from the inside. I can see that Draven and Melanie's lips are moving, but I don't seem to hear a sound coming from their lips. I'm completely lost.

I shrieked.

" Just give him a chance! Hear what he wants to say! Hear him out! Or....."  The familiar voice screamed inside my head. Or what? I thought. Melissa, you can still hear him out, calm down, calm down.... I muttered silently. Inhaling and exhaling in an attempt to calm down my anguished mind.

" I only needs to see him," 
