



Mafia Romance 💦💣🖤


Chapter Ten

Lucas Anthony's pov.

With my hand holding the phone firmly, I strode back into the room as fast as I could. Here we go, she was still lying just like I left her, like a log of wood. It took a while before I could manage to convince myself that she is still alive, what if she is not? That's not a loss on my side, she wrote her fate. I'm not supposed to be doing this, I got a lot of fish in my boat, and I need to clear things out instead of standing here, hoping for someone to be alive when it is a single thread that is holding my life together.

Aside from the police, I know that the people that set me up are outside, hunting for my head. So, I got a lot to deal with. 

Something suddenly vibrated in my hand, making me look down. It was her phone that was ringing. Who is the person that is calling her by this time? I thought. I raised my brows when I saw the name of the caller, "Her mom," I whispered to myself, gritting my teeth together.

Without thinking twice, I press the red button and end the call.

I stared at the now black screen. Why is Emily not returning my call? 

Maybe I should try calling her again, it's been fifteen minutes, and I don't even know what to do. I clicked on Emily's number again, before placing it on my ear.  It did not ring more than once before her loud voice buzz out from the phone speaker.

" Lucas! What took you so long to call, I have been expecting your call since I got back to the mansion." She explained from the other side before I could even say a word.

" Good for you. I can see you are telling the truth, and that's the reason I called you two times without getting any response." I paused for a few seconds, " "You must have dozed off while looking at your phone, right?" I probed, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

" Don, I'm very sorry. We were at a meeting on the first floor when you called, I'm not with my phone."

" And you think.."

" How was that bitch! Hope you don't waste many bullets on her," She cut me off. I exhaled slowly before taking a deep breath. This is one of the problems I have with Emily, and I kind of like it but never show it. She is the only one that addresses me formally. She is obedient, and never for once has she disobeyed me, but she always makes sure she provokes me before heading to any of my commands, I guessed that is because of the friendship bond we shared from when we are still a kid.

"I have a situation here," I explained impatiently, completely ignoring her question. 

" Situation? You always say that when you are in deep trouble. Did you get busted? Do you need more firearms? Or do you need more arms to take care....."

" None of that Emily! Can you stitch a wound?" I demanded.

" Lucas, are you injured? How? Where?...."

" Just answered my question, and don't dare interrupt again!" I tried not to sound furious but I'm too tense right now. I tilted my head back to Olivia and stared at her for a split second before darting my head back.

" I can't, but you still need to explain what's going on. You know this is my way of letting you know that I care," She sounded hurt. And I know what is likely to follow when the cold-hearted Emily sounds like this. Here comes the emotional part of her. Have told her several times to bury anything she has for me, and try not to let her emotions get the best of her. She is the only person that knows there is another side than the Dangerous Lucas everybody feared.

" If you can't, then can you get a Doctor tonight?" I inquired, shutting my eyes in an attempt to muffle my voice from getting louder than it was supposed to be.

" I can kidnap one,"

" You don't need to."

" Is it a gun wound?" 

" Nope,"

" Then Michael can handle it then, we will be there in the next ten minutes."

" Okay, be fast," I didn't wait for her reply before I end the call.

I throw the phone to the couch.

" Fuck!'


Ten minutes later, the two arrived.

Anthony was pacing around the room when he heard their footsteps. He didn't bother to look up to confirm whether they are the one or not since he know that Micheal know the password to the building. 

" Lucas," Emily's serene voice made him lookup. He sighs and walks to them. Michael was holding a first aid box. He bowed when Lucas reached their front.

" Where did you get hurt?" Michael asked while he dropped the Box on the tile.

Emily has already rushed to Anthony's back, her hands rummaging his entire body gently.

" Emily, can you stop now. I'm not the one in need of treatment," He hesitated, then take a deep breath.

" Michael, Check Olivia, she collapsed about thirty minutes ago,"

" What!!" Emily and Micheal both asked at the same time, shock is completely written on their faces.

Michael tilted his head to Emily.

" I thought you said I'm coming here to vacate her body?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

" He never tells me anything." Emily managed to say. 

" What are you thinking, do you know how..."

" Do what I asked Michael. I will explain the details later," Lucas muttered flatly as if he did not hear Emily's question.

" Okay, Boss," Micheal muttered. He bent and grabbed the Box back, and then walked towards the couch Olivia was lying on, leaving Emily and Lucas.

" What's going on?"

" We need to talk," He grabbed her by her wrist and walked her out of the room. When they were in the hallway, he let go of her.

" What's going on? I thought we concluded on killing this bitch.I'm very sure you know how dangerous it is if we keep her alive," Emily muttered angrily. The venom in her voice was very obvious. She rubbed her forehead, using the tip of her finger to remove the strand of hair from her face.

Lucas did not say a word, not even his expression seemed like he will say a single word anytime soon. 

" Lucas, I know I'm not supposed to question you, but you know I'm doing this because I care, or do you know her before?" Emily asked again when she did not get a reply from him, the silence becoming awkward.

" I will explain the details later but not now, no question on that until we get things straight," Lucas explained. Emily's eyes widened in shock. She knows that Anthony is very secretive, but she was surprised because she never expect him to hide the details of something like this unless this girl is kind of special to him, which she find odd. 

" Also, Emily, don't do anything to her unless I asked you," He chuckled, and moved closer to her. He grabbed her shoulder and bent his head to her face. A weird smile still forms on his lips.

" I don't want to say this but Emily, don't let your emotions get the best of you. I enjoyed the company of the Brave Emily, not this Emotional version." He whispered to her ear. Emily closed her eyes when his warm breath hit her bare neck. Her heart skipped more than a beat, not because of his words but the temptation that comes with his heart-melting voice. 

Lucas cleared his throat.

He leaned away from her and released his grip from her shoulder.

" Focus Emily," He teased when he noticed her eyes were still closed. He doesn't blame her anyway, he is also aware that his Aura is irresistible, not even a heartless girl like Emily can resist his charm.

"For how long are you planning to keep her?" 

He bit his lower lip, " I don't know, but if she is useless, I might get rid of her as soon as possible."

She raised her eyebrows, " No need to do it by yourself, I will handle it when the time comes,"

Lucas smirked menacingly, " You sound Eager,"

" Nope. I'm always eager to carry out your command,"  They both laughed at her reply, it lasted for a few seconds before Lucas interrupt again.

" You said you were at a meeting when I called, what was that?"  He gave her a stoic look that held no emotion.

" Ohhhh! That's what I intended to tell you first, not knowing that you are..." She looked up to meet his gaze, " I don't know there is another issue on the ground," She quickly rephrased her words.

" And what was that?"

" Derek is coming to the US," Emily answered, a hint of irritation in her voice. Lucas' forehead creased together on hearing this. He took a few steps backwards and rested his back on the wall, pressing one of her legs against it.

He forced a grin, " To do what?" 

" Jerald did not explain the details since you are on the run, and they are suspecting that you have a mole in the mansion. But I am pretty sure he was coming to take over the business down here," She mumbled through gritted teeth.

" Really? What a bold move from him," He huffed in annoyance. He pressed his fist hard against his temple; Something he used to do to calm himself.

Emily hissed, " But what if he has other motives for coming here? And I don't know why I'm having this hunch that he might be the one that framed......"

" Don't go there Emily, those are just assumptions, No evidence," He cut her off.

Emily glanced up at the chandelier, " He is the only one that knows you are meeting him, what evidence do you want?" 

" I know Derek is greedy, but I still want to believe that he will never destroy the nest that houses him,"

" What if he already destroyed the Nest without you knowing, Lucas?" Emily inquired, and this makes him laugh as if she just asked a dumb question.

" He will reveal himself and come for me. I'm sure you know what will happen then?" He stared at her blankly and she hummed in agreement.

" Let's check Michael, he should be done by now."