


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


I'm very sorry for not posting yesterday.

Melissa's pov

I can't say this is the main reason why am shedding tears, is it because my so called boyfriend, that is not even up to 48 hours that we entangled each other with a few words of comfort, confession my stupid feeling when am not even sure of my self, or am i feeling sad because of Draven heart breaking story?

The twist of the situation won't stop amusing me, it seemed like a Hollywood plot , how the hell can this happen to the three of us at the same time? 


I'm very sure that Bobby doesn't have the idea that his fiancee or whatever happens to be the first love of his cousin, how is he going to react when he finds out? There is no way this marriage will be successful without Draven getting involved in any act that can make them terminate the wedding, but is he capable of doing that? We might be having some misunderstanding right now, but still, he is one of my favourite people that I can't joke with, and I can't watch him getting hurt because of this, can I?

I slammed my head on the couch arm. This is really driving me crazy. I would have called this a love square, but since I don't know how Draven feels about me, I think Love triangle will be better. Maybe I should just call Draven and talk with him, he needs someone by his side and maybe I also need someone to talk to, at least to clear out my head.

I'm so lost in thought that I don't even notice the door being opened, still concentrating on my Crazy thoughts with my face on my palm.

" Melissa, are you okay?" I jerked a little on hearing her voice, before looking up. Her eyes held this funny expression as they stared into mine, I don't even remember to wipe out the tears that were still dripping from my eyes slowly.

I quickly used the strap of my shirt to wipe it up immediately, but it was late anyway, my white eyeball must have turned to crimson by now.

I sniffed, head down.

She stalked to my side without saying a word, and sat down beside me. I just stayed motionless like I had been trapped in a spot, not this again. I knew my mom, she won't easily let this slide away without finding out the cause. Even if I want to lie, I don't think I can easily come up with anything to deceive her without her suspecting that something is wrong somewhere.

She cleared her throat, I am sure she did that to make me tilt my head to her side, I abruptly look down as how eyes met.

" Any problem you like to share with me" she asked casually, my eyes widened in shock as the words hit my ears, the mother I knew would ask me in a demanding tone, with a little hint of hysteria, asking me this gently felt so strange.

 One of thing she hate the most is you feeling helpless, or behaving like a weak person, she always say this, " It's normal to be broken and hurt, but the strongest human being is the one that don't let his or her feelings control them, they cried secretly when they need to, and tried as much as possible to hide their pain from others"

" Are you here?" Her voice was little louder this time, she moved a little closer to me, I watched  as 


her hand lingered slowly before grabbing mine.

My head is heavy and blank, how will I even open my mouth to tell her the dumb reason why am crying? No, you can't?! I thought.

"Are you thinking about him? you miss him?" her sudden words made me to choke out while still staring at her, I guess she must have been thinking am weeping just because I miss him, thinking that it's because of my father, silly me, i can't even imagine her knowing that am crying because If a guy, not even just anyone, but the least person she would ever imagine me getting involved, not talk of having some kind of mutual relationship.....,. Fuck! I don't even want to think about it.

I shrugged without saying a word, maybe because I was feeling bad, or embarrassed about the whole turn of thing.

" Don't worry, I'm going to be fine" I assured, flashing her a weak smile, still, she was not moved by my words, still giving me that suspicious look.

I sighed.

"Let's put that aside, about your meeting with Mr Parker, won't you tell me the good news" I frowned a little, hoping she would let go of the previous discussion and take the bait.

Her forehead relaxed a little bit, releasing my hand from her grasp, before sitting upright again.

Her face lightened up.

She started, " Have been thinking about bringing this up after the incident( Referring to my Dad's death, but I don't know how you will feel about this"  she paused, while my eyes were busy scrutinizing her lips as they mumbled each word.

" I and your father has already prepared for this, even though it doesn't easy at first to accept that you will soon lose a love one, still, I have to do his will since I don't have a choice," Literally, I don't why she was saying all this, besides i only asked her about her encounter with Bobby's father, but i guessed she has been looking for a chance to tell all this before, stupid me.

" He told me that we can only leave this place when he is no more, he didn't give me a reason, and I don't bother to ask him either" she sighed, and I can't help but to wonder why my father would say that.

