
Season Two


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

Throughout the night I find it hard to sleep, rolling from one side of the bed to another, continuously. Two feelings creeping over me at the same time, even though I have insomnia since the past few weeks, this is clearly different from what I have experienced before, feeling happy and sad at the same time. I towed the white duvet aside in frustration, my eyes moving towards the wall clock that was hanging opposite my bed frame.

"1:32 pm" I hissed, stretching my hand towards the lamp table, I picked up my phone and turned it on,  staring  eagerly at the dark screen as it come into life again, is not even up to 1 seconds after it finished loading before I quickly clicked on my call logs, eyes moving frantically in search for no other one than his number, I can feel my forehead creasing in disappointment as see there is no missed call from him. 

Is he sleeping already? Is he no longer in the mansion? Or is he waiting for me to call? different thoughts won't stop crossing my mind as I stare at my phone screen, contemplating about what it  might be from my guesses, maybe I should just call him.

My finger trembles a little as it moves closer to the dialing button, maybe I should just sleep and don't bother to call him, he is going to have a long day tomorrow, i think he deserves to sleep.

" Hi Melissa, why are you still awake at this time?" The sudden grumpy sound from my phone speaker made me jump up on the bed. I glanced at my phone in surprise, only for me to see that I just dialed his number. I covered my mouth with my palm, still staring at the screen like I just saw a scary ghost.

" Are you there?" his voice came again, and this time he sounded like the serene voice I am used to, maybe it was my call that really woke him up.

I bit my lips, feeling embarrassed at my stupid behaviour.

" Hi Bobby" I tried not to sound nervous.

" What took you so long to reply, you mistakenly dialed my number?" I can hear him clearing his throat.

I sighed, my hands holding the trousers of my pyjamas firmly.

" Yes... no...... just want to ask if you are sleeping" I fibbed, bitten my tongue in the process, I winced silently.

"Really? that's so strange of you" he teased, and I smiled.

" Maybe that's not the real reason" Even when I knew he was not here, I still rolled my eyes at him.

" Maybe you can tell me the reason them, besides you just woke me up from my land of fantasy"

" Dreaming about who?"

" You," he cooed, I can sense my cheeks turning red as he said " You"

" Really?"

" Yes" none of us talked for a few seconds that followed.

" I'm going to miss you" he broke the silent atmosphere,I can help but to grin at his words.

" I'm also missing you already" I blabbered the words out before I could even realise the implication of what I just said, did I really said that? No! I should have not said it, I used my right hand to slap my head.

" Ohhh" I moaned.

" What's that?" he probed from the other side.

" Nothing" I whispered, my hand rubbing my forehead.

" Is that why you called?" 

" What did you mean?"

" You missed me already"

" That is just a slip of tongue" I wanted to sound defensive but my voice failed me. 

" Melissa," he called tonelessly.

" What?"

" I wish we could talk till tomorrow morning, but I really need to go right now" he mumbled apologetically. Like I expected, I know I am being selfish by calling him now when I actually knew that he really needed to rest, but still, it is not like I intentionally called him, besides it's just a mistake.

" I understand, I should have not...

" No ,no, no,I really like this, don't blame yourself," he cut me off, while I sighed in relief.

" Go back to bed," I hesitated for a few seconds thinking he would say something in return, " Goodnight" my voice was barely audible to my ear not to talk of his.

" Goodnight Melissa, I love you"

" I l....... Thank you" I quickly changed my mind, my heart beating faster. Did I really want to say that?  

I pressed the end button, not waiting for his reply. I tossed my phone to the side before laying on my back. I pulled the duvet closer to my body as my mind reminisced on what happened in the restaurant. I closed my eyes, muffling my voice with a pillow as the picture of the kissing scene flashed through my mind again. I screamed loudly, thanks for the pillow that muffled my voice from sounding loudly. Hearing my loud voice in the middle of the night will make my mom think I am really going crazy, since I have been showing the symptoms those past weeks, maybe that's not the real symptoms of craziness.

I breathed in, I raised my face from the pillow, before reaching for the duvet, throwing it to my feet while I curled myself into a ball, underneath.

My subconscious mind drooling over his handsome face, I find it hard to stop thinking about his gleaming green eyes. I wrapped my hands around my legs, with my face facing my thighs.

What I had been thinking would never happen eventually occurred today, even though I knew this is all wrong, even though I knew we can never be together, I still find myself thinking about having a future together, living forever if possible.

And my concern is.....

Is it possible that he really loves a Maid's Daughter....

Watch out...... missing the second season is like missing the whole story.

If you really love the story, can you spare me a few free seconds out of your time and drop a sweet comment?
