
Say my name


Sorry for the typographical errors in the last chapter, I'm going to edit it, also, don't forget to drop your sweet comments, trust me , it will make my day.😉.......................

A few hours ago

Bobby's pov

The sound of my iPad jolted me out of my small fantasy world,I immediately tilted my head to a side, my hand rumbling through the black duvet in search of it, in my mind the only person am hoping to be the caller is no other person than Melanie.Yes, I gave her my personal number yesterday, weird right? It is very conspicuous that I have completely lost my mind because of a Maid, and at this rate, the only thing that baffles me is hurting her again, and to do that I need to protect her,and  my biggest fear? My parents must not know I got involved with any of their workers, had instructed the head maid not to ever made mention of me visiting Melissa's father in the hospital, don't get me wrong, in fact I don't think have ever fear any of my parents before, but in this situation, if am not very careful, a whole family could be punish for my little mistake, in which I can never watch to happen.

I hissed, as my eyes scan through the is of the caller "Amelia", " fuck!" I grumbled, is this also part of the work of a secretary who is yet to accept,to be calling her boss early in the morning? I don't ever think I can get used to it. I flipped the part of the duvet cover that was covering my leg to a side and then crawled out the bed, cleared my throat before placing the white iPad to my ear.

"Speak!" That's the only word I muttered.

"Good morning, I am very sorry for disturbing you this early morning," The familiar voice replied in a pleading tone from the other side of the phone.

"Not really, if I may ask, what's this all about?" I questioned.

"Apparently, I got a call from the Chairman Secretary( referring to my father sec) " on hearing my father is involved in this my blood started to boil angrily, I clenched my into a fist, funnily, am yet to know what message she has for me. She paused waiting for me to tell her to go on, when she noticed I was not going to say anything, she proceeded.

" I'm sure you know he's coming back to England today, so, your schedule has been changed, I will be at your by  7:am with your escorts,"

My father is  coming back today without even telling me. Thinking about it made me more furious. What is hard about telling your own son ? Just an ordinary secretary is now telling me when my own biological father will return, what a life!

"The scheduled change again? You must be kidding me, as a matter of fact this is 23 minutes past 6:0am, are you now saying I have less than an hour to prepare for this meaningless trip!" I raised my voice, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, in an attempt to calm down my nerves. I don't have to be hard on her, she is only doing what she was told.

"I'm very sorry, sir " she answered, weakly.

"It's fine, the new schedule" I proceeded, "Can't you brief me about it on the phone?"

"I'm very sorry to say this sir, I can only explain that to you when I get to your place" agitated at that moment is not an understatement to what I am feeling right now. But, dumping all my anger onto her is not the right thing to do now, besides she is yet to become my secretary, fully. Because, there is no way another person would be controlling what is mine, even if the person is any of my parents.

"Okay, see you later," I pressed the red button before she could even reply to me, another thing to think about just added to my thoughts. I dropped onto the bed, my legs flying east and west. Different  going through my mind, I slowly brushed my hand through my hair, contemplating on what to do.

I don't think I would be able to survive the rest of the day, if I ever step out of this mansion without catching a glimpse of the girl that cried because of me yesterday night. If it's just for a second. I'm about to stand up and walked to my closet to choose what am going to wear, but my phone started to ring again

"Who is it this time? '' I glanced back angrily, immediately I saw the caller, a frisson of fear swept over me. Melanie is on the line. Is she calling to swear at me? Or, has something happened to Melissa? I'm the one that's hoping for her to call but it is my time to be curious as well. After staying motionless on a spot, glancing at the phone like a warrior who was about to step on a ticking bomb, but at the end I gathered some courage and grabbed the phone, placing it on my ear.

"Bobby, are you there?" Hearing that her voice is calm, made my head crease, I feel so relieved.

"Melanie," I tried not to sound suspicious. " I'm sure you knew the reason I called you this early, but I won't talk about it, that's a story for another day, I called because Melissa"

"What happen....ned to her!" I stuttered, scanning my mind for the perfect word to say.

" She is running temperature, I just checked on her, but the reason I called is that.." She paused, I guess she was expecting me to ask her what it is, I'm also lost, I don't know how to describe what I am feeling right now. The suspense is killing me.


"She is saying your name in her sleep, weird, right? The fact you guys don't get along, it surprised me,"

I don't know whether I should be feeling happy or doing the opposite when she finished, all my muscles that have been stretched, relax immediately.

"It's just a coincidence, she must be cursing me in her sleep" I muttered the first words that came into my mind, silently, I knew I fucked up with my stupid reply, but that's the best thing I could think of .

"Should I just come down to your quarters, I have an unfinished business with the head maid" I added, the words has left my mouth before I realised what I just said, but it's too late to retract it back, I actually want to ask her if she could grant me a wish.

"Okay, I think that will be fine, who knows, maybe I can let you see her" as if she just read my mind.

"Really?" The discontent in my voice was poorly disguised, I didn't even bother to hide my feelings.

" I will be there Asap!" I quickly ended the call, and rushed to my closet, I picked a Brown top and  don it on immediately, without even picking my phone, I rushed out of my bedroom
