


For those complaining about some chapters being repeated, note that am not the one that post a chapter twice. The App did it, am not the one. Besides, why will I post a chapter twice?

Thanks for reading 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


Melissa's pov


I glanced into the empty space in my room, not searching for something actually but my eyes won't stop scrutinising the entire room, like I'm in need of something, or am expecting someone. Maybe the second assumption is really the answer why am being behaving suspiciously.

I knew the twilight is here, and the white cloud has already turned to a dark one. Though I knew my room was clouded with dark, I didn't bother to turn on the light, I  stayed motionless on my bed.

 The myriad of star are gleaming somewhere far away from my window, giving me a perfect view to clear my head of, still, it doesn't help that much, as i kept on darting my eyes to the wall clock every single time, checking my phone's screen with the hope of seeing Melanie call or message. Unfortunately,I got none of it from her, it seemed like I was left in a dark alley without being given something to light my path.

" This is 8:00 pm already, she supposed to have call me by now" I muttered under breath, yanking away the quilt that was covering my leg in anger. 

I sighed loudly, glaring at the clock once again, " what's keeping her waiting, or his he not willing to see me again?" No! That can't be, Melissa! Stop thinking about it, he has been dying to see you, so don't worry, he will never want to forfeit the only chance he has to see you,I thought silently. Thinking about his again only added another chapter of fear into my book of mystery, because the fact that I am yet to know why he wanted to see me is silently choking me up.

After endless advice from Melanie, I eventually agreed to meet him. Maybe if she doesn't persuade me I might not have the boldness to say it to  her face that I am willing to give her a chance, but all the same, I think this is the best move. Don't want anything to do with him, I just want to hear his words. The words kept resounding in my head, trying to dislodge any other thoughts that might try to find their way into my head. 

Only Want to hear his voice, but maybe there is more to this that I don't want to disclose or accept either. And tonight, I was supposed to meet him if the plan doesn't change, " I prayed it won't" I whispered to myself, shutting my eyes close at the fear.

The sudden sounds coming from my phone made me open my eyes immediately, abruptly reaching out my hand to grab it from the lamp table. I don't know I was smiling until I noticed my face reflecting in the flat screen phone I was holding as I stared at the caller, as expected,  Melanie is on the line, even though a part of me is screaming in exhilaration, another part of me is shrinking in concern or fear, what if she called to tell me the meeting is not possible again.


I inhaled deeply before placing the phone into my ear, after I swiped to the green button...

" Melanie," my voice was damp. I waited patiently for her to talk before this precious heart burst out of my chest.

" We are on the way to the quarter, meet us at the gate immediately" she answered sharply, and I sighed in relief. 

" Ok, thanks....

" Wait"


" Make sure you come with your hoodie, it won't be a nice idea if the other maids see you entering his car" she explained slowly.

" Okay ma'am" I answered, and the call was cut.

I stormed to my closet almost immediately, dropping my phone to only god knows where. My hand ruffled through the clothes, contemplating what to wear, I stopped all of sudden while staring at my closet, my body was having this kind of feeling I can't clearly explain. A twinge of guilt. 

" Are you really doing this, Melissa?" I whispered to myself, as if I am trying to call back my real sense, but am I really doing this? I claimed I am only going to hear what he has to say, but why caring about my look? For him? You have to come back to your real self. I picked a jean and a crop top out of frustration, without even bothering to arrange the clothes I scattered, I matched back to my bed. Dropping the clothes on the pink bedspread. 

Removing the clothes I'm wearing at a speed of light, and don the ones I picked earlier on. I picked the dark hoodie that happens to belong to Draven, and wear it on the crop top. 

With this, I walked to the door and pushed it open. I strode into the sitting room.I stopped on my track when I noticed that my mom was sitting on the sofa, her face engrossed on the TV.

" Hi, mom" I mumbled, she darted her eyes to my side and flashed me a weak smile.

" I thought you were sleeping," she answered, "Not really, you want me to get you something?"

" No, no no"," It's just that, that blonde haired guy........ "D something….." she hesitated for a few seconds, trying to remember his name.

" Draven?" It came out as a question.

"Ohhh! That's his name, he was waiting in his car in front of the quarter's gate, I thought he was waiting for you and Melanie" she explained. For some reason my facial expression changed immediately, " What is he doing here at this time?"

" Since I am bored, we just want to clear our heads, I won't stay out long" I lied, and she nodded. I slipped out of the sitting as fast as I could before she would ask me another question. 

 Why is he here all of a sudden? Why can't he call anyone? Series of questions I have no answer for are gushing through my mind.

" Good evening," I muttered as I passed by two maids...

Nothing to hide, everywhere is being illuminated by the bright light that surrounds the mansion, there is nothing like night in this place.

I walked briskly towards the gate, and to my amazement the yellow Benz was opposite the gate as my mom said, I looked down and continued walking.

He must have seen me from the windshield because the front door creaked open immediately I walked  pass the gate. 

" Melissa," he called. 

" Daven, what are you doing here?" I tried not to sound curious, but my voice failed me. He was wearing a White hoodie like mine and a black Underpant. I glared directly into his eyes, without blinking.

" Meli... He opened his mouth to say something, closed it back after a few seconds. I don't know if my expression is poorly disguised, still it is very easy for anybody to detect that am acting suspiciously.

" What do you mean, I am waiting for you of course" he mouthed, breaking the long stare. I feel so bad for how I behaved. 

I inhaled deeply.

" I'm very sorry, I don't mean to hurt you with my words, just that.....

" Melissa!" Someone called me.
