


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

The tiny ray of light passing through the white curtain made me flickered my eyes open, blinking continuously, with my eyes ball scorching under my lids in an attempt to adjust to the sudden light.

I rolled over to the edge of the bed, not fully conscious but i'm awake already.

I yawned loudly, using the back of my palm to cover my high pitch sound...

I pushed myself closer to the bed frame, and then rested my back on it, while my eyes are still blinking... 

" Another morning is here"  My eyes darted towards the wall clock, to my surprise I woke up earlier than I expected, 6:40 am.

I breathed in.

Like broken pieces of memories that gradually come back together to paint the full picture in your head, the memories of what happened gradually started to creep over my head, one by one.

From what happened yesterday night, the restaurant, The sudden midnight call. Everything seemed like a dream at first, maybe it's because I just woke up.

I sighed loudly, ..

All of a sudden I heard my door being opened, I tilted my head to the side with the hope that the person was going to be Melanie, because I knew my mom had no business that would make her come into my room without any further announcement from the outside before she would even enter.

But to my amusement, while still thinking about the possibility of who it might be, the tiny and short figure entered, and I can't help but to gawked at her with my mouth wide open, only God know when last I set my eyes on my sister Mary, even tho we are both living in the same building, I hardly see her, but coming early to my room also surprised me. 

I relaxed my eyes a little, but still glaring at her.

" Ma..

" Melissa," her tiny voice cut me off. I guessed she didn't expect me to be awake at this time.

She raised her head to look at me on the bed, her eyes fluttered in excitement as they landed on mine..

" You are awake," it doesn't sound like a question, besides, it's very clear that I am fully conscious.

She was wearing a blue gown, with many triangle prisms being drawn on it in many sizes, but it was plain blue down her tight end, her braided hair was packed in a ponytail, and I can't help but to drool on her heart melting look. I signalled to her to climb up to my side, and she dropped the lunch Box I didn't seem to notice earlier onto the linoleum.

" Ready for school already?" I probed, while she climbed to my side, still giggling silently, like it has been a decade since she last had her eyes on me.

" Yes, I am waiting for the school bus," she answered cheerfully.

Sometimes, I find it hard to believe she was still an eight years old girl, if not that am her sister, I would have bet she was way older than that, maybe she took after me as my mom used to claim...

" Melissa I need your help," her low voice jerked me out of my world of thought. I didn't realise what she meant at first, but when it hit me, I darted my eyes to her side abruptly.

She was looking down at her finger, she was no longer giggling again, but now  looking afraid like she was about to ask for something she was not supposed to ever mention. 

I gently placed my hands on her two hands that was twisting against each other, when I noticed the tense in her eyes. A part of me was also afraid, besides no one would ever expect an eight years old girl enquiring for something with this kind of tone,i tried acting calm but my mind was fuzzy with different thought, am no more smiling, an adult we clearly noticed the change in my expression, but since she doesn't look at my face it made it easier to hide it.

" Promise that you are not going to tell mom" she looked up, her yellowish Irises scrutinising my face for an answer. I cleared my throat, trying to dislodge the sudden lump that suddenly formed down there..

" You are very funny, you know I will never do that" I tried not to sound curious, my heart beating erratically.

" Promise me first, Melissa" she pressed further, hearing her calling my name would have made me burst into a loud laughter on a normal day, but I find it even hard to chuckle at the way she pronounced it.

" Okay, you can count on me, I promise" one on my hand moved to her hair, and ruffled it lightly, while smiling weakly with the hope that she will stop keeping me in suspense.

" Really!?" her eyes widened,smiling again...

" So what's it?" I muttered silently, looking at her intently..

I watched as she nudged her head to and fro, am sure she was contemplating whether I would keep my promise or not.

" I want to speak to Dad, mom won't allow me to talk to him, just let me talk to him for a minute, i promise not to let my mom know that you called him" her voice was barely above a whisper.

I gasped, my throat struggling for air. No! Not again!

