
Love and pain

Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov.

I refused to believe what I just heard, killing Bobby?

No no, they must be crazy, what are they even thinking to make them think I will bow to their words because they are threatening me with my family's life. No, I will rather die than to be the one to kill someone I truly love. I can even let him go with someone else rather than leaving him getting away hand in hand with death, with me being the path that leads him that.

" What do you mean by....., that.....at....at" I stuttered, Daniel's face was completely bleak like he was not aware about what his father just said, while his father on the other hand was somehow elusive, he kept staring at me. 

" I believe you heard me right, how about killing Bobby," He repeated.

" Thank God you guys are no longer together, I think our plan is going smoothly" Daniel grinned loudly, I'm sure he thought what he just said was funny, at least to him.

I'm Appalled, and deranged at everything, I can't just get this straight, Draven is about to die in their hands, not even sure if he is still alive. And then Bobby suddenly jumped into the puzzle without any proper reason why he became their target, or is it that Bobby is the main target from the onset? Gosh! This is absolutely crazy.

I'm still in my reverie when I unexpectedly felt a hand on my shoulder. I trembled in fear as the person continued to trace his hand down to my spine; his hand was moving slowly, but I could feel his nails slowly piercing into my skin whenever he squeezed my skin. I'm still struggling silently, praying for the person to let go of me. At first, I thought it was Daniel, but when I glanced up, he was nowhere near me. He flashed me a mocking smile as our eyes met, his father was talking to one of their boys so he paid attention to me.

They tied me already, so no matter how I tried, getting to see the person doing this to me will be extremely difficult, moreover, seeing him won't put a stop to this, he was just a crazy thug following an order. Without me knowing, something sharp suddenly poked its way into my skin, followed by the sound of my cloth getting torn. 

I cried out in pain, dropping down on the grass and started to roll. The excruciating pain is far from what I can endure, my clothes have turned red with the help of the blood that was gushing down from my back. I continue to yell and beg them to untie me, it seemed like my soul has commenced to melt out of my body gradually. As each second passed by, I grew weaker and weaker.

Someone I didn't recognise rushed towards me, I could not see the person's face clearly, when he got to my front, he started to untie the blood dripping rope from my body, while I continue to wince louder........

" What have you done!! I asked you torture her, not to kill her. Why did you stab her this deep!!" I recognise that voice, but I don't know who it belongs to, what I am scared of right now is death. Will they leave me to bleed to death since I am a threat to them or will they at least get me treated? I don't know and I can't say, all my body is getting numb,I hardly feel anything longer, it feels like I'm paralysed. I kept hearing some strange sound like some people were yelling but it was too faint for me to understand what they were saying. I'm striving to  drag out my body from my soul, just that with the situation of things, it looks like death gets the upper hand. 

And with last strength, " I don't want to die Mom," I whispered in pain.


Bobby's pov.

I can't contain the joy I am feeling right now, since all this endless night, since all this lonely day, I finally get the chance to meet her. I was too anxious to get back to my mansion as soon as possible, in order to get ready for my trip to California. Have told my Secretary, Amelia, never to record or mention my trip to my father even he pulled a knife to her neck.

" Can you please drive faster, I got a plane to catch" I mumbled eagerly, before glancing back at my watch. I won't like to keep her waiting since I am the one dying to see her,  is she also feeling this way? Not possible, she did not sound like someone that misses me, or is she pretending? Whatever, that is not something to debate on.

" Were here, sir" the driver announced as he pulled over in the large garage, I immediately reached to open the door,something I have not done since a while. Fortunately, the guard was way faster than me, he pulled the door open before my hand could even touch the door button.

" Thanks," I complimented immediately I got down, and he bowed in reply.

I walked as fast as I could towards the front door, deep down I know I might have gamboled to the door if I am here all by myself because I just can't wait.


7:30 pm.

I landed at the airport. The more I get closer, the more I find it hard to hold the exhilaration that was spinning inside of me. The betley that was meant to come pick me up was a bit late, but it eventually arrived anyway, just that I got angry at the driver more than I should on a normal day. 

I hopped in, and we zoomed to my father's mansion immediately. I am wearing a blue shirt with a suit to suit Melissa's taste. I don't know why I am behaving like I'm about to meet my celebrity crush for the first time, that's just a good sign that I am in love. 

I only want to think about her this second, this minute and this hour. Nothing matters as far as I set my eyes on her. I want to hold that fragile body of hers in between my strong grip,whispering into her ears and confessing how much I miss her. If she won't mind I might also find a way to give her a second kiss to make up for the first one I stole without getting permission from her. I kept smiling weirdly throughout the ride like a prince that got lost in her princess place, he will always believe someone will come to him even if none of his guards do.

" We are here," I grumbled in satisfaction as I looked out of the tinted window, my eyes catching the familiar lavender flowers by the entrance of the huge mansion. We stopped for a few seconds at the entrance before we eventually proceeded into the mansion.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Stella's number. She is a spy I snuck into the mansion, not because of Melissa's only but mostly because of her anyway. I get the chance to get a picture of her everyday thanks to her.

"I'm in the mansion, are you ready? Is Melissa with you?" my last question should have come first.

" Sir, I'm very sorry..."

" Is Melissa with you?" I cut her off.

" No, she is yet to be back in the mansion," 

" What do you mean?" I asked in surprise.

" Bobby, can you please just come to the maids quarters"

" Bobby..." I repeated, that's when I realised that the voice I just heard was Melanie's voice not Stella's.

" Okay, I'm coming right away" I managed to say. 

" Just head to the maids quarters," I told the driver. I instantly lose my tie, breathing heavily. I don't know why I started to feel uneasy, she is an adult of course, and it's not too late in the night. But maids are not allowed to go out or  into the mansion immediately after it reaches 9pm in the night, unless it is an emergency. So, where did she go?

Or is she running away from me?

