
Father or not?


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid



Melissa's pov

"What are you talking about?" I asked, absent-minded.

" I'm talking about Amelia," his pale eyebrows pulled together. Amelia? I opened my mouth to say something, but slowly closed it when I don't know whether I should be happy or sad because of the news, I thought he has been dying to see her, so what leads to this sad expression, if there is someone that supposed to be jumping with joy right now, I expect that person to him, but...

" Don't you get it, Melissa," he whispered, his face moving a bit closer to my ear, maybe he was trying not to leak our conversation to Melanie who was sitting opposite us.

With his warm breath hitting my neck continuously, " I don't get it Draven," I paused Instantly,  I'm sure he was also surprised with the intonation I used to mutter his name. He pulled his face back, now facing me with different emotions written on his face.

" What do you mean? don't you know the implications of this?" he mouthed, he pressed his fists hard against his temples, waiting for me to say something.

I sniffed, " Is this not supposed to be a great news to you? I thought you have been finding a way to meet her, so what  the changes all of sudden?" I grumbled without meeting his gaze. From the corner of my eyes, I watched him brush his hand on his new hair aggressively, looking frustrated.

After a minute of silence, he eventually said something.

" Melissa, that is then, fine, we are both striving to not let this marriage take place...."

" Then," I interrupted.

 " Whatever," he continued, "I planned to look for a plan without me showing in the light,don't you get it, I want to do it secretly without her knowing that I still exist, but the table has turned..." he inhaled deeply while shutting his eyes closed.

 " Do you really think this is actually a coincidence? " he whispered silently this time.

" What do you mean?" I stuttered, glaring  at him confusingly. 

" Don't you think about it, how can she be present at the airport at that present time, she was only looking for one thing, one thing Melissa, and that's me, is that still a coincidence?" I was about to say I clearly don't get him, when i realised what he was getting at, no way! His Dad? no, that's not possible..

" You Dad?" I mumbled, studying his expression to know if I guessed right. 

"No other person than him" he answered, his tone was bleak, and damp. 

What is he thinking? I find myself asking myself without no one to toss the answer to me, because this is absolutely Crazy. You sent him away because of this same girl without any reason, even when he pleaded and asked you for change of mine, you rejected everything. But why showing him to a girl that might no longer remember him, why opening a scar that's still in the state of healing? I'm yet to meet him, but I can't even explain how much I dislike him already.....

"I'm sure this is another trick to stop that Wedding from taking place" his serene voice cut my thoughts off. ..

" If that............

" Can someone explain what's going on? You see, one of the things I hate the most is people I called friend leaving me out of...

" Melanie is not something...

" Then let me know...."

" You can't just interrupt...

"I'm not talking to you Draven, besides, you are not my friend " she stood up from the couch and walked closer to us.  " I think it is high time I give you the privacy you want, But..." she faced me. " If you are not ready to explain what's going on, don't ever say a word to me again," before I could even say something to calm her down, she headed for the door already, and stomped out of the room.

I sighed, " So childish" I hissed before facing Draven back.

He was busy looking out of the window, completely lost in thought, I tapped his shoulder.

He flinched" She left already," he chuckled.

" Is not funny, I know how it feels to be left behind," I defended..

" If you say so, back to our conversation* 

" Did he really need to do this, if he wanted you to help him out, I mean that is not pleasant to the ear, but still, he can easily ask you to show at her front secretly, why going this length just to prove to her that you are alive?" 

He chuckled, " Don't tell me you really think he want us to be back together" I blinked my eyes as he muttered the words.

" What do you mean, is that not his ulterior motives?"

He smiled at me, " He only wants this fragile lady to know I still exist, I'm quite sure you can guess what is going to happen next, can you?" I don't even what to think about it, what I just heard sent another wave of torture through me. In the world I live in, I never knew there are some parents that never care about their children's happiness.

"Don't tell me you are leaving the country because of this?" I don't try to make it sound like a question, what is the excess anyway, I know the answer before I even opened my mouth to ask him.

"Maybe," his smile was fleeting, but held so many emotions that I find it hard to interpret even with him staring at my eyes. One thing I know for sure is that this guy is old enough to stop any sword his father pulled to cut him off, he looked too calm for someone that is in crisis, moreover, I'm very sure he would have prepared for this from the onset.....

" Are you trying to say there is a way to prevent you from leaving?" 

hummm, " I'm not supposed to say this to anyone, but to me, you are more than anyone, and our goal is a but synonymous even if you keep denying it"

" What are you diving at?"

" Nothing, but I'm going to know if he is truly my father by this time tomorrow, at least that will show me how to handle this" he winked 
