

Bobby's pov

I know I am already chewing more than I can swallow. The only thing I could only wish for is for everything to finish as soon as possible.

Derek already told me all the necessary things I needed to do to buy him and his squad enough time to get hold of our location and carried everything out as planned. Just like he instructed, I held to the plan. 

Even though I know I have a lot to lose if any of this goes wrong, including Melissa's Life.

Two trackers were installed on my body, one was put under my shirt and the other installed under my flesh; The process is more painful than I think.  

According to Derek when I was questioning him about why we need two trackers.

" They are not dummies, and am pretty sure that people are closer to you than you think," He had said back in the room.

" They know that you will still find a way to do something, even if you are under their surveillance 24/7. That's just the normal instincts of criminals, I have dealt with a lot of them back in Russia. Just that most of them are Mafias, but we can still use the same tactics," He had muttered while I stared at him in awe. 

It feels like my blood is on fire, and it keeps on getting hotter each second.

You can do this, I tried assuring myself.

Derek chuckled.

I flinched a little before raising my head back to face him. My sweaty forehead creased together.

 I cleared my throat.

" I don't know what to say to keep you calm, but you know, it's better to be straightforward in this kind of situation. I can't assure your safety, but I will try my best." He had told me, his voice was laced with no other thing but sincerity, and I can also feel the tension in his voice.

I gulped down.

" Melissa comes first," My voice was a bit distorted. Who won't become afraid of hearing that he might lose his life?

I slowly shut my eyes close, my shoulders resting on the tan desk, while my sweaty palm over my black shirt. Even though I tried hiding it, it's obvious that I am scared. I know, I never deny it.

"Don't worry, I pray everything goes smoothly,"

" Listen," Derek's voice had turned serious again, huskier than before.

" Our hopes are built on these trackers. The one inside your shirt is for them when they easily detect that. They won't bother to proceed with searching. But the problem here is that that will only land you in trouble, let's just assume they won't kill you on the spot. Sorry for saying that but that's the fact." He paused.

" You can beg them to let you see Melissa before anything. There is a 50% chance that they are likely to accept this offer since they know you are not going anywhere. After this, you only need to hang in there until we arrive, don't cause any trouble, and don't play smart," He had warned while I nodded in agreement, even if this is not going to work, who am I to refuse, not like I have anything to offer. 


Hearing her voice has been my dream and my greatest craving. I don't think anything can replace that feeling, that goosebumps every time I remember how angelic her voice is, at least not on this planet.

Hearing it now sent nothing to my heart but an itching pain that I have no control over, I know I have been dying to hear her talk, but have never imagined it to be in this way. 

I'm trying all my possible best to hold it in. I don't think breaking down at this junction would be of help.

With me being away from consciousness, I still manage to get a view of her face from the dim light. The pain is conspicuous, and I blame myself for that. She had to go through all this because of me.

I know I am going to experience excruciating pain here, but what I saw is worse than what  I expected. The physical pain is nothing to compare to my emotional pain right.

I tried to unsee what I just saw, but no, this is fucking! real!

I can't just believe that My father's brother is the brain behind all this, telling it to my face the reason why my existence is a threat to his desire. And killing me is the only solution to solve everything. 

This is a monstrous act and nothing more. What else do I expect from someone that planned to kill his son, Draven? And still threatens his other son to tell him where he kept his brother if he does not want him to kill him on the spot.

" You are nothing but a beast, you still want to kill your son?" I find myself whispering those words, even in my agony state.

Have been listening to their conversation. I have no idea who his other son is, in fact, I only know Draven as his son. But the guy seems like a good guy that has no other choice than to follow his wicked father's order.

" Since you know, does that mean that you are also going to kill me?" The guy's voice dragged me out of my trance a little. I tried changing the way my body was positioned on the dusty ground because it already feels like my ribs are cracking open, but immediately I made the attempt, I regret it. I moaned loudly as something stung my skin, making my whole body grow weaker.

I dropped back.

" That depends on how corporate you are." I heard a familiar voice.

" What if I refused?" 

" Then you are as good as dead," He answered boldly, followed by loud footsteps. Derek was supposed to be here already, I groaned silently. 

The pain is getting worse, but the thing that's keeping me still is Hope. I'm starting to struggle for air, it looks like something was stuck inside my lungs, and it's preventing me from breathing well.

Maybe anytime from now, I'm going to lose it all and give up to the land of no return. I tried raising my head, who knows if I might be lucky to catch a glimpse of her exquisite face before I won't be to do it again. But all the strengths are no longer there, it has been drained from the torture I received before they brought me here..........

" Get hold of him......" That's the last faint sound I heard before the loud noise of gunshots followed. Since I can do anything anyway, I just stay still, awaiting whatever that's going to follow.

I'm already feeling dizzy.

I have no idea about the minutes this continued, but it seems like a very long time.

" Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! ," The voice is vague, making it hard to recognise it, and before I could even think of opening my eyes, everything turned blank.
