

Melissa's pov.

Where am I? Is it that I am dead? Why is everywhere dark? These are the questions that kept on popping up in my head. I don't remember what happened to me or even have an idea of where I am. Everywhere is dark, an ordinary ray of light is nowhere to be found, maybe it is because I have my eyes firmly closed due to the excruciating pain I experienced whenever I tried to open. it. To me, it feels like I have been trapped in a deep dungeon, and the problem now is to know which part of the dungeon I am. 

If I am dead, I should be somewhere standing among some dead soul like me, awaiting judgement. But this is entirely different. 

I attempted to move my hand, with the hope of getting on my feet first before thinking what the next action will be. 

As I moved my hand up, something pulled it back immediately.

What is that? I asked no one in particular, I tried to break free from the grip again, with some force this time, but I ended up wincing in pain.  That's when I  realized I have a metallic object around my wrist, that must be the reason why I find it hard to move my body. 

All my muscles are weak and tense. I tried to remember what happened that left me in this situation. But my head was way too hurt for me to even think straight. 

I grew weaker and weaker as each second passed by, leaving me hopeless. I know I need to do something, maybe not something I will need to use any strength because I don't think I possess any right now. 

I continue to wait for a miracle to happen since that is the only thing I can pray for in my current situation.  Wait, I can just open my eyes to take a look at my surroundings, even if it is dark, I think my eyes are too attached to darkness, and I don't think it would be that hard to notice one or two things. 

Gently, I Flashed my eyes open, and as I predicted, I was welcomed by extreme darkness. Unfortunately, The view didn't last long before I started to experience discomfort inside of my eyes. I endured it at first, but it keeps getting worse. I find it hard to concentrate on anything, can't even say whether I am facing a ceiling or not.

I  instantly closed it back.

I tried for the third time to force my eyes open again, I  slowly shut it close when I felt the pain again; It seemed like there was a sharp object present in my eyes socket, and whenever I attempted to force my eyes open, it stings me deeply, clearing the road for tears to find there way out of my eyes. On the soft thing that I assumed to be a bed that I was lying on, the place where my head was placed was completely damp, all thanks to the tears that won't stop coming out. This goes on for some minutes as I continue to groan silently.

My back hurt the most, but it was a little bit more bearable than my eyes. Even in this pain that I am battling with, I'm still yet to remember what the hell is going on. 

What day is it today? I can't say. I don't even have any idea whether everybody thinks I'm dead or not. Nothing, I knew nothing, but I am here, caged and chained like a criminal. I can't just wait to strangle whoever did this to me in the face, or I can......

" Do you think she will be okay by now?"  I stopped to groan, listening attentively again to confirm if I heard a voice just now. To my surprise, loud footsteps followed, I stayed still, with my hand grabbing the sheet I was lying on firmly. 

I can't help but be scared as the footsteps continue to get louder and louder. Who knows what these people are planning, or maybe they are here to check whether I am still alive or not. 

Even with the pain from my back and head, I still managed to endure it. 

At last, the sound of the footsteps stopped. Did they leave already or are they now in the room with me? I can't help but wonder. Hoping to hear a  sound or something to tell me if they are really in the room with me.

" Did you receive any message from him after sending him those pictures?" Someone eventually talked. I didn't find it hard to recognise the voice immediately when it crashed into my eardrums. 

Draven's father!  I can feel my heart jumping erratically inside of my chest as the truth hits me. How didn't I remember what happened to me the instant I woke up? 

I, Draven, Bobby, marriage......... Everything started to join together again. I wanted to scream at that moment, scream at them, and use the last strength in me to curse them. I just don't think it will be a good move, who knows whether I might be able to lay my hand on some evidence while I still stay motionless like a corpse.

" Yes,  I instructed him to come alone," The other person replied, and the person is no other than Daniel. 

Hope is not what I am guessing, maybe the person they were talking about was actually Bobby. 

No!! He can't come to this place, they will surely kill him as they planned. I tried holding myself together but thinking about him coming is causing me more pain than the physical pain I am feeling. I can't just let someone die because of my stupid act...

" Melissa!!" Daniel called out of nowhere, my heart nearly skipped more than a beat. Did he notice that I am up? or is he referring to another person?. what am I even thinking, am I not the only Melissa here.....

" You better open your motherfucking eyes, or I will help you in ripping it open!" He called out again. My body stiffens in fear. what should I do, what can I do? It will be better to force my eyes open than to make someone pluck them out of my head. 

I slowly started to open them, gently and carefully. it was intensely painful but I dare not close them back. My vision was clouded due to the tears, but I still managed to get a clear view of where I am.  The room was more beautiful than I could even imagine. I won't be surprised if someone tells me this is a five-star hotel. Beside me was Daniel who was busy shooting me a furious look. His father was also beside him, three of their boys were standing beside him with a man who was putting on a lab coat. He must have been the doctor treating me.

" Blindfold him and get him out of here," Daniel ordered. Within a twinkle of an eye, one of the three guys has moved to the Doctor's back, and instantly wrapped a black robe on his face before pushing him towards the doorway. When they were no longer in the room,  Daniel faced me back...

I tilted my face from his side as our eyes met, staring at him will only make me more furious.

My hands were cuffed to the bed frame, the same thing to my legs. There are some broken injection containers with some pills on the lamp table that was placed side by side with my head, including bondage that must have been used to wrap my back.

His father broke the silent atmosphere, " It would be advisable to know your role in all this" he paused for a few seconds. I watched as one of the remaining guys trudged to my side, he pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the first cuff, I turned to look at the second guy doing the same. 

After doing that, they helped me to sit straight on the bed, with my back resting on the two pillows. I have no energy in me, so I just let them have their way without complaining. What is glaring now is that they have no plan of killing me other than to use me as bait to deceive Bobby.

I sniffed before looking at Daniel's father.

" What do you want from me?"  I didn't sound like I wanted to. 

He chuckled and walked to my side. " I need nothing from you, moreover, everything will come to an end tonight,  just wait......"

" Where is Draven?" I cut him off.

" Wow! I can't believe you still care about him," Daniel interrupted. 

"Tell me, if you're to save one person, will you choose Draven instead of Bobby?" He raised his fingers like he forgot something but quickly raised it down like he just remember. 

" Choose," he muttered again, now standing at his father's side.

" I don't need to choose because I won't let any of them get killed by you monsters," I grumbled through gritted teeth. Daniel advanced to slap me but his father signalled him to draw back his hand.

" I like your boldness, but remember that can cost you a lot of life you cherished. I don't think I need to put it that way since we are already counting," Daniel busted into a laugh.

" Your beloved Draven is no more,"
