
Beginning of trouble



Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid

☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂.   I'm very sorry for keeping you guys waiting since all these days☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂☂


Melissa's pov.

Even though he was smiling, there is something beneath that smile that doesn't look real, his expression was kind of anxious and grumpy at the same time, It seems he didn't welcome the idea of meeting his father, me as a person knew part of the reason why he Is not being exultant because of the news.

" If you don't mind, I will like to be on my way" Draven muttered, I raised my head to look at his face, but all I can see is a blank slate, he doesn't look good neither does he looked like his mind was troubled, just like someone i knew, his face was unreadable. Melanie has now moved to the wall, about four meters away from where we are standing, I'm sure she was oblivious of the whole situation, which made her think this is kind of personal between us. 

" Are you...." I stuttered, racking my brain for the perfect words to describe how I am feeling presently, no matter how much I think, I don't think I will find something to pass across how much I will be hurt if I get to know he was mistreated by his father all because of this.

His smile was fleeting, still cute at the same time like everything will be fine. 

" This is embarrassing Melissa, you are making feel like kid"

His hand lingered gently towards my hair,brushing it to and fro lightly, the feeling is awkwardly different, I nearly forgot the situation we are in.

" I can take care of myself, I will be fine" he grinned, I smiled a little while docking my head to Melanie's side. She just stood like a statue, watching a scene without taking a breath, I cut my gaze and face Draven back.

" I'm just.............afraid" I paused, biting my tongue in the process. 

" What if you are sent back to South Africa?" I mumbled under my breath, I don't think I will be able to survive it if today ended up being the last day I am going to set my eyes on him. I prayed is not what I am thinking, because......

His face was bleak again, " He won't even try it, I'm old enough to make my own decision now" he sputtered loudly, he look very furious that am even blaming myself from bringing this up in the first place. He slowly swerve his hand away from my hair sharply, his fingers moved across each buttons on his shirt for adjustment.

" I will be fine" he smiled weakly...

" I guess i'm through with the query, can I be on my way now?"

I nodded.

" Melanie, do you want me to get you something from Texas?" He shouted as he walked to Melanie, leaving me stranded.  

I just stand still, even when I knew he was no longer nearby, Why am I having a bad feeling about this? Don't worry Melissa, if he is truly his father, i don't think he will do something to hurt his beloved Son. But what of Bobby?

Fuck! I cursed, why am I even thinking about him again. I thought I had gotten over all these illusions. 

Let me get this straight, his father knew that something was going on between us as at then, not now though. Even with him knowing that, he still willing to allow me to get close to his son all because of a stupid deal, isn't that looked like a Trap? Now, when I thought everything revolved around me and Bobby, when I thought his father only wanted to torment me by getting me closer to him, Draven's Dad popped up all of a sudden, this is just  getting crazier the more I think about it.

The only problem I am trying to find out is what Draven meant by me getting into a Trap, his father planning to do something to me? Gosh! why am I even getting scared because of someone that knew nothing about me, neither did I know anything about him, ohh! he is Draven's father.

But one thing that is very glaring is that Mr Parker knew nothing about his brother trying not to make the marriage work, if that is true like Draven claimed, this only means he has something to gain if the marriage ended up in fiasco, but what is he after? This doesn't look good.

I sighed.

" Are you okay?" The voice sounded too close, I staggered backwards...

I'm very surprised when I realised who was standing by my side, the blonde girl in the room earlier. Her eyeball was scorching under her eyes lids, her facial expression look scary..

" I'm fine, how can I help you?" I managed to say, gulping down.

" Nothing, just wondering why you are standing here all alone" she flashed me a smile.

" Nothing......Nothing... I'm waiting for my friend"

" That brunette girl you came in with?"

" Yes," I answered...

" Sorry to ask you this, you looked familiar, like have met you before but finding it hard to recollect" she muttered, while my eyes pierced into hers intensely. She doesn't look like someone I have come across before. Moreover, she was too young. I know I am still in my early twenties, but the girl standing beside me still looks like a teenager.

"I don't think so" I confirmed, after staring at her face for what seemed like a long time.

" Ohhh! I must have took you for another person, sorry about that"

" No problem, it's fine," I shrugged. She made to leave, but turned back abruptly after taking a few steps.

" Sorry for this, which college did you attend tho?" 

At first I felt reluctant to answer her at first, but the fact that I  don't want my mood to control my actions,  I decided to let the sleeping dog lie.

" Still preparing, yet to be admitted into any college" I feel so embarrassed, but at the same time, this is not something to be ashamed of, or is it?

" Ohhhh! sorry for asking you that, I will be off if you don't mind"

" No problem"

With this, I watched her back as she walked down the hallway. 

" What's all this question all about? " I thought to myself, or is she making a joke of me? That can't be, I doubt if she even heard my name since she started working here.

I'm still battling with my thoughts when Melanie suddenly appeared in my front. " Still thinking?" She walked closer.

" About what if I may ask?" I rolled my eyes at her, I know what she is driving at, but decided to play along.

" Melissa what......"

" You know I won't tell you, don't bother to ask" I cut her off before she could finish.

" That's very rude, anyway I think we are done for today" she mouthed, and I nodded.

"Let go"
