


Melissa's pov

"Okay, it's fine"  

We stayed silent for some minutes, both of us lost in our own world of fantasy. Frisson of fear swept over me at the thought of telling him the truth. I stared at the pattern on the tan floor thinking about a solution or excuse to get out of Bobby's sudden grip. It's only the second day with him, but it seems like I have been seeing him for what appears to be a long time.

I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder, I turned my head to his direction. He was now looking at me intently, a river of emotion crept over me as u stared at his Crimson eyes which looked like it was searching for something. I cleared my throat in order to stop the long stare. It somehow makes me feel nervous.

"You know you can tell me anything" his soft voice cooed, sending shivers down my spine. Right now I feel like hugging him, I don't think any girl can resist his charm. But I dare not make any stupid movement at someone that helped me out of sympathy. Maybe that's what I think it is.

"Thanks for your concerns" I muttered, avoiding his heart melting gaze. He stood up all of a sudden and disappeared into a room that I assumed to be the kitchen. I stayed silently waiting for him.

After about five minutes, he came out. He was holding a plate with some bread and a cup of coffee on the other hand. He placed them on the table before pushing it to my front.

" Just manage this, I can perceive that you are hungry, have called the kitchen but I will have to go pick the food up by self" 

"Thanks " I managed to say, my intestines were now grumbling at the sight.i understand what he was trying to say. Not wanting the other maid to know I am here. I devoured the bread at a speed of light not minding that he was looking at me. I feel embarrassed but I don't have a choice, my well being comes first.

He stood up all of a sudden, adjusting his shirt before facing me. 

"You can use the landline to call me if you need anything, my phone number is written on a paper beside it"  he droned, I nodded to signal that I understood because of the bread that's still stuck in my mouth. Wait, what if he was on his way to visit Bobby? I don't think he knew anybody here yet. Besides Bobby's parents have travelled, I thought .

"Hope you are not on your way to visit Bobby" I blabbered out before I could even stop myself, I tilted my head backwards to face him. He was about to open the door but turned almost immediately.

"I have no business with, but I can't promise you that I won't branch at his apartment" he gave me an assuring smile without storming out of the room, leaving me speechless.

"Gosh," I growled under my breath, I just don't want me to be in the middle of the two. What am I going to do if both become sworn enemies just because of my carelessness? No, that's not going to happen, I trust Draven he is going to keep his Word.

Bobby's pov

"Looking for something dude, or you lost your way?," I probed sarcastically at the figure standing before me. He smirked at my question. " You of course" he irked. "I'm not in the mood for any talk" I muttered before walking back and tried to close the door behind me.

"Is about Melissa" he said all of a sudden, making me release the door and tilted my head back to him. I frown at him. What game are you trying to play this time on your first day, I thought to myself.

"I think the Saviour is here" I tried making my voice sounded bleak, with no hint of emotion.

"Come in since you are here" I gestured to him, and walked back to the room with him following me. I sat down on a couch waiting for what he had against me this time. He grinned before sitting down opposite me.

"Just go straight to the point" I snapped, he smirked at my reaction, he crossed his leg before looking at me again.

" I just arrived today, won't you welcome your dearest cousin first"

" I don't think I have a cousin, besides I don't like people branching at where they are not wanted"

"But your dad approved it, I think that's okay" 

"Whatever, I'm not in for any chit chat" I muttered out of frustration, giving him a straight look. I don't know why I allowed him in the first place, there is no doubt that he thought I have something for Melissa I guessed that why she always appears in the picture. I tried acting calm but deep down am eager to know what he have for me, about Melissa to be precise. I'm still blaming myself for sending her off. What's happening to me, I shake my head of the thought, I never imagine myself to be disturb emotionally because of one Petty maid.

"Like I said, we need to sort some things out"... His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

" And what's that?"

" It's about Melissa, " he retorted, looking at my reaction. 

" Okay, I'm all ears, what's up with her?" I queried, pretending not to understand what he was getting at.

" I don't know what you might have against her, but keeping someone against her will is not cool" 

There we go again, I guessed she has got a lawyer to plead for her guilty.

"Keeping her against her will? Dude, do you take me for a kidnapper?"  I laughed at his joke, deep down I know what he is driven at, but beating around the bush is what I hated the most. If you want to beg for someone go straight to the point instead of forming dick head.

He chuckled, "don't try to elude the fact that you understand me" , he paused, waiting for my response but since I kept mute looking at him in awe, he continued. " I heard you instructed the head maid to assigned her to your apartment for the month"

" Yes, don't tell me you are here to ask me about that" I tried restraining myself from shouting. I don't know why I became furious just because of his statement. I clenched my fist in order to calm myself.

"Anyway, in here to ask you to take it down" he asked silently, looking at me intently. "Why should I?" I asked  , sitting upright. I assume I am enjoying this chit chat more than what I expected.  

" Maybe it's because I think I have something for her, and I can't cope with seeing her with some random dude you know" his eyes shrewd, drawing on the couch.

I didn't know what to say, I remained speechless for some seconds, thinking about what to say.

"Whatever your feelings, I don't think I can do that, Loverboy" I managed to say, I was somehow catch off guard with his statement.



