

Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

I stood still at my position, not bothering to turn back. I tried relaxing my ears to know if I really heard a voice. 

Is that not  Draven's voice? What happened to Draven? I thought silently. I can feel my legs shaking even without having an idea of what is going on yet. But trust me, I can perceive I just walked into a trap.

Melissa run! run! run! a voice screamed in my head, unfortunately, I'm too tense to even think of doing anything right now, my muscles are getting weak as each second passed by.

" Won't you greet your friend young lady" I nearly lost my balance as the deep voice hit my ears. I have no idea of the person talking, what I know for sure is that, that must be the person that deceived me to come to this place.  

I feel like screaming, running as fast as I could towards the gate even though I know if I do so, there is no probability that I will find someone that will come to my aid. Moreover, I can't just leave Draven all alone by himself, who knows what they might have been planning to do to him before I show up.

You can do this Melissa, don't be discouraged, try to act boldly in front of them..... I was still busy calming myself down when I suddenly felt an enormous hand on my wrist, and before I could even interpret what just happened, the person turned me to face them abruptly, before pushing me on my knees. Even with this, I still kept on staring at the green grass in front of me. I'm not just ready to meet their dangerous gaze.

" Look up," I heard the person that talked earlier again. I just stayed mute without saying a word. I know that I'm in trouble that I am not likely to get out of. But who are those guys first of all, I think that should be the first thing I need to find out.

" You see, I got a lot on hands presently, and I don't think I would tolerate if a  worthless maid decides to waste my time here," he paused, the only sound being heard apart from the singing birds is the sound of someone that am pretty sure must be Draven, He was breathing heavily like his lung is running out of oxygen. 

" Will you look up, or I should help you do that? Trust me it won't be a nice experience if I walk down to you" Unlike before, his voice was a bit serene this time. It seems this man or guy won't hesitate to hurt me if I keep forming a strong head, it will be better if I decide to obey him without throwing a punch.

At last, I managed to raise my head. I gasped immediately my eyes landed on them. I find it hard to believe what I'm looking at, these people are more numerous than I think. I don't know the exact number because my brain is not that working, but I'm very sure they are nothing less than Twenty. Each of them standing unmoved at the back of two people which I assumed must be their leaders. A brunette guy which I guess must be in his early thirties and an older man that must have been talking to me all along. For some reason, the two of them look alike. The older man somehow looks familiar, I'm very sure I have seen him somewhere, but I have no idea where that might have been.

I was fully occupied with the thought of where I had seen him until my eyes landed on Draven, his face was dipped in blood that made me find it hard to recognise at first, he was tied, and also on his knees just like me. He was not looking up, or even moving an inch. 

" Draven!" I don't know when I screamed out his name, my heart was moving erratically down my chest as I stared at the guy opposite with pain. What did he do to deserve this, I can't just help it any longer.

" What the hell do you think you are doing! You bloody criminals, don't think you will escape this!" I cried out, I tried to stand up and attacked the nearest man but I totally forgot that one of them was standing behind me, and before I could even make a move, he knocked me down with a punch. with pain, I land back on my knees again. 

" That's a stupid move if I must say, if I we're you, i would be looking for a way to get out of this mess on my own without getting involved in anybody's business," The old man muttered. He took a few steps towards me, and the other guy followed from behind.

When he eventually reached my front, he bent down to my position, and for the first time, I get the chance to get a close look at his face. But while still glancing at him, the unexpected happened......

" I have no plan to hurt you as far as you follow my instructions,"

" We only need Bobby, and you will get that for us whether you like it or not" The other guy that has not said a word since all these while complete his statement. I glanced up to see him glaring at me like a Hungry lion.

" And what if I decided not to do as you say!'' I fired back at him. I know that's a dangerous move, but I think it will be better to stand up for myself. They need me, so they won't hurt me, even if they wish, they would want to do that after getting what they want....

" Your family life is on the line" he  his lip slowly, he seemed to be enjoying this.

" you dare.....

" And Bobby's life is also on the line, can't guarantee Draven's own tho, sorry about that" He bowed his head a little. I hiss loudly. The man stood up from my front, he walked to the guy and whispered something into his ear. And the next thing I noticed was that one of their guys has now started to drag Draven's unconscious body on the wet grass to an unknown destination.

I find it hard to believe what I am seeing, how can someone be this cruel? No,I can't hold it anymore, even if that will cost me my life, I will say it.

" Why are you doing this to your own Son, are you sure you are not a monster!" My sudden scream made the two of them stop on there track, and they turned back to face me, The guy's face was stoic, but for the man, confusion is the only emotion that filled up his entire face.

" What did you just say?"

" I know that you are his father, and that is his brother," I pointed my finger at him.

" I guess you can do anything for money," I don't know where I suddenly get the boldness to say that.

