


Melissa's pov

Draven kept his face straight as I trudged towards his car, maintaining his scrutiny stare that started to make me feel uncomfortable. Is he still angry because I chose Bobby over him yesterday night? But if he actually gets angry because of that, I am the cause of it anyway. I should have not agreed to follow that Bastard if I had known that he would only add to my pain. Leaving someone that has been there for me all along, still I believe he can easily forget about that, he also knows I'm not in my right senses then..

At last, I reached his side, just stood on a spot, with my eyes looking down, without knowing what to say to him. I can still sense his eyes on me. "Can't he stop already," I whispered under my breath, from the corner of my eyes, I can see that Melanie is no longer placing the phone on her ear which means she was no longer on call. I watched as she walked briskly to our side, seeing this, I used the chance to look up, trying my best not to look at Draven side, not even by mistake.


" Guess who just called," She interrupted me before I could even say her name. I guessed that catches Draven's attention, I can see it from the side of my eyes as he tilted his head to our side.

" Who?" I managed to say. In my mind, the only person that feels my head is...Bobby. I tried not to accept or to think about his name, but I think I have no control over my head at this rate. My heart almost skipped more than a beat.

"Hummmm, I will have to keep you in suspense, am sorry" she teased, my face dropped in disappointment, asking her further to tell me the person will make it look like am expecting her to say someone, Moreover, Draven is here, and I won't forgive myself if I happened to offend him once again, when I don't know how long it will take before he will forgive me for the previous one, Something Flickered inside Melanie eyes before my eyes left her face, it seemed like she was trying to pass a message to me through her eyes, but since i don't get what she was trying to pass to me, I ignore her. Melanie walked to the other side of the car,  pushed the door open and entered, not even bothering to tell me we were about to leave. Before I could call her name, she was already in the car, so I turned to open the front door. Unfortunately, Draven was resting his back on it.

"Gosh!" I sighed, my face turned pale almost immediately, we maintained the long stare for what seemed like an Eternity before I eventually gathered some courage to voice out.

" I'm very sorry...." We both muttered the words at the same time. I wondered if he had been waiting for me to speak before he said something. We both laugh at the coincidence, the laugh feels so natural I didn't force myself like I have been doing when I am with Melanie. I watched as Draven tried to put a halt to his smile that made him show his full dentition, when he noticed that  am no longer smiling.

"Sorry about that," he chuckled, the dimples that were very visible on his cheek earlier gradually faded away, and quickly replaced by the blank look that make it hard to read his emotions.I inhaled the fresh air. 

" You are very funny, I'm the one that supposed to apologise" I managed to say, eyes fixed on the tan linoleum, I doubt if I will be able to say a word while staring at his face, he thumped his hand on the yellow door when I finished.

" You did nothing wrong Melissa, you are not yourself yesterday night, I'm actually blaming myself for letting you leave with him in the first place"  

emphasising on the word "Him" in a menacing tone. I just stay still, scanning my brain on what to say. When I actually thought I offended him, he was begging me instead, someone of this kind is very rare.

" Melissa, are you still angry with me?"

"No, not at all, I am sorry for making you to blame yourself, " I retorted sharply.

" Then stop avoiding my gaze," I bit my lips, before raising my face to look at him, I had to look up because he was way taller than me. He chuckled as his eyes landed on mine. Glue to his face, I find it hard to look at any other place, I'm enjoying the sight until.....

" Please, can we just leave now, I believe you will have enough time for all this prattled talk" Melanie's loud voice made us break the long stare, I darted my eyes to her side, and hissed loudly , loud enough for her to here.

" Who told you what we are saying is irrelevant?" I retorted, a hint of annoyance in my voice,just to get back at her. But instead, I only heard the sound of the door being closed, I guessed someone was not in the mood to argue. 

" Melanie is not in the mood," Draven's calm voice stopped my train of thoughts, and  I replied with a nod.

"Let go now," He added, opening the car door for me, then proceeding to move to the other side of the car.



The drive was very tedious, no one talked to each other, I tried all means to get Melanie attention but all my efforts proved abortive, Draven on the other hand just concentrated on the road and glanced at my side once in a while, he was trying to give me space to clear my head off, when what I actually needed right now is someone to talk with, at least, to prevent me from thinking about some stuff am trying to bypass and slip away from.

"Draven, did you go to your apartment immediately after you dropped Melanie yesterday night?" I questioned, trying to alleviate the silent atmosphere. 

Unfortunately, he only nodded, without saying a word. I wanted to press further, but I just had to pull myself together, and elude anything that would make any of them feel uncomfortable just because of my situation. As for Melanie, she will get back to her sense eventually, maybe she just wants to be left alone for now. I concentrated all my attention on the stereo system, my fingertips moving to and fro on it, all this was just   to avoid thinking about anything.

" We're here," Draven announced. I raised my head, only to see we were about to enter the hospital compound, but the car  was still in the entryway. After the car in front of us moved inside, one of the security guards signalled for us to enter. Without hesitating, Draven drives in, and heads straight to the familiar car garage.

He looked for a perfect space to park, then pulled up. I quickly remove the seat belt and alight from the car, before I pull my gown down.

Melanie also does the same followed by Draven. 

