


Melissa's pov

I kept on running towards the building without looking back. I could hear his loud voice behind my back but that only made me increase my pace. Eventually, I stopped  abruptly when I was sure he was no longer following me, I felt a pain down my lower abdomen, I winced loudly , I bowed down my head, waiting for the pain to subside. I find it hard to breathe, like something is choking me without me knowing. Everywhere is silent, the only thing that is producing sound is the stream of tears that are pouring down my face,, I trudged silently towards the quarter gate, I can still feel the pain but that is the least thing I care about right now. I just want to escape the pain, this anguish only for tonight. No maid is on sight immediately I entered the quarter, a sign that it is very late in the night already, i feel relieved, I won't like a situation whereby many people will rush to my aid when they see me, and am also crying, they won't let go of me until they are satisfied that am okay, and that's not what I needed for now.

"Melissa!" Melanie loud voice pushed me out of my thoughts, I raised my head up to look at her, and before I could even say word,ahh is already in my front, her eyes scrutiny my face for some seconds, I find it hard to say a word to her, her face looked worried as if she had an idea about what happened between me and Bobby.

"Are you okay? Where is Bobby?" Her face moving frantically above my shoulder, she looks like someone who is searching for something. After she was satisfied, and found nobody, she glanced back at me, giving me a  question look. 

"He left, can we go now am tired already, we can easily discuss this tomorrow" I managed to say, I can feel my leg becoming more weaker than before as each second pass by, I tried pushing her to a side and find my way to our quarter but she quickly grabbed me by my waist, and I find it hard to protest further. Melanie seemed to understand what I was going through, because she didn't argue or object to my words. Silently, we slowly walked to our apartment without muttering anything to one another, which I really appreciate. I don't think talking to anyone could make me feel any better than this, even if it's my best friend. Melanie gently pushed the door open and helped me to my bedroom. After making sure that I am sitting comfortably on the bed, she told me goodnight, and I replied with a nod, I quickly pulled the quilt that was lying on the bed beside me over my head, completely ignoring her presence. After some minutes of staying inaudibly, I heard the sound of the door being closed, Melanie just left. My head was blank as I stayed motionless for the next couple of minutes without moving an inch. "Ohhhhhh!!!" I suddenly screamed loudly, and pushed  the quilt over my head. I burst into tears again, funnily, I can't actually say this is why I am feeling pain at the moment, the only thing I can only think of is crying my heart out to my satisfaction. Screaming and sobbing that lasted for what seemed like forever, I eventually dropped down weakly onto the bed, not even bothering about pulling the quilt over my head, and the next thing? I dozed off without knowing.
