
Billionaire's Heart Contest

Gemma has been in love with her boss, Axel , for years. Determined to make him notice her, she pours out her heart and offers him her body only to be crushingly rejected. Gemma regrets ever talking to the proud and arrogant Axel about her feelings. When his very sexy best friend, Kai , sees Axel refuse to act on his obvious feelings for her, he plots to rouse his pal’s possessive instincts by making Gemma a proposition too tempting to refuse. He never imagines he’ll fall for her himself. Two friends. One woman. Let the games begin…

Lolade_Junaid · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Bailing made him feel more than a little guilty. Sure, he'd like to save Kai from making the biggest mistake of his life. But the man was too blinded by lust to hear that Gwyneth was a straight-up narcissist, incapable of loving anyone but herself.

Instead, Axel stayed tight-lipped. That conversation was a fistfight in the making, and he was hesitant to say anything that might drive a bigger wedge between them.

Kai's mouth pressed into a glum line. "I understand. I've the feeling you're eager to get home to something. Or someone. What aren't you telling me?"

A fucking shit ton. But how could he explain to Kai an obsession he didn't understand himself?

Fifteen months ago, when he'd found Gemma hiding in the alley behind his club, he'd taken one look at her, seen the fear and defeat in her pretty blue eyes, and felt a fist squeeze his heart.

He'd had no idea how long she'd been living on the streets, but some asshole had obviously used her as a punching bag, and he'd felt an undeniable urge to save the terrified waif.

At first, she'd been skittish, unsure if she could trust him. She'd masked her fear behind bravado and sarcasm, but Axel hadn't been fooled. Instead, he'd done his best to be patient, gentle, and coaxing. Slowly, it had worked.

Then all too soon his concern had become…more. At first, he'd dismissed the pull he felt as mere need to protect her. After all, without him, she was a child alone in the world. But as the months passed, she'd begun to blossom, no longer bruised, scrawny, or skittish.

Maturity and confidence had turned Gemma from a striking stray to an alluring woman.

Now she was eighteen. Since her birthday, he'd been exercising his considerable restraint and existing on cold showers.

No matter how many times he reminded himself that he was thirty and had no business wanting her, the fact that she now was legal taunted and tempted him every fucking day. Her skimpy outfits and flirtatious smiles only threw kindling on his blaze.

Still, she was too damn innocent to be subjected to his Dominant desire to drag her beneath him, lay his mouth over hers, slide slow and deep into her virgin pussy, and claim her for his own.

How the fuck could he want to save and defile the girl at once?

God help them if he ever gave in. He'd unleash the gnawing beast inside him, and it would destroy them both.

Sure, he knew prettier women, more sophisticated and educated ones. Hell, he had sex with them, willing himself to be satisfied with her substitutes. But none had Gemma's intriguing mix of sharp wit, fragile soul, and wide-open heart.

He had no idea what to do.

Finally, Axel turned to his best friend and lied without even blinking. "Nothing."

Kai frowned. "Are you sure? You seem distracted."

Time to change the subject.

"Hey, since I can't stay, why don't you visit LA? Call it an early bachelor party. What kind of best man would I be if I didn't give you a big send-off?" If he could persuade Kai to come out west, maybe he could introduce his friend to some soft, lovely subs who might change his mind about marrying that soul-sucking shrew. "There are tons of things to see and do.

We could spend a few days checking out Disney, Malibu, Hollywood… I know dozens of amazing restaurants and nightclubs."

Kai had never taken him up on his invitations to visit in the past. Axel couldn't think of a single reason he'd change his mind now. On the other hand, if Kai came to Shadows, Axel would have to explain Gemma. It was probably goddamn selfish, but he hoped Kai refused again. He didn't want his old pal anywhere near her.

"A bachelor party sounds fantastic, mate. I know you'd throw me a legendary bash. But you're coming a few days before the wedding in April, right? We can do it then. I just don't want to leave my girl now. I hope you understand."

Unfortunately, he did.

"Sure," he said as they hopped in the arriving Uber and headed to a pub.

The rest of the night was a blessed blur, and despite the cabin pressure of the plane playing hell with his hangover the next morning, Axel was all too happy to be winging his way back to LA.

By late afternoon, Axel strode through the doors of Shadows. A million and one tasks no doubt awaited his attention, but for the first time in years, he wasn't drained and looking to drown himself in tequila after paying his annual penance in New York. All he wanted was Gemma.

Striding through the dungeon, he scanned the room, itching to lay eyes on her. Three days away from her was two and a half too many.

He skimmed a cursory glance over the members, his heart beating a little too fast with anticipation. It wasn't as if she would run toward him and leap into his arms like some romantic movie. They wouldn't even touch. Their reunion would be nothing more than a few cordial words and a smile.