
Billionaire’s daughters

COMPLETED WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. It’s a blood thirsty battle for the greater share of their late father’s will.......play time’s over as Late Pueterico’s two Spanish daughters, Sophia and Pearl would go any lengths to make sure that one of them control their father’s Will. ...... “You’ve never had sex before?”There was an amused smile on his face. She didn’t answer him. As she tried to push him off her, he grabbed her lips with his and kissed her, using his hand to cup her face again. Sophia shut her eyes tight as she felt his moist tongue enter her mouth. She put her hands up on his shoulders. The kiss was warm and wet. Jason tilted his head the other side and kissed her deeply, inhaling her scent. Using his nose, he trailed her face, down her neck. He felt her shudder silently. He looked at her face and frowned. He took his hand away from her face and glared at her in amusement. Her eyes were shut tightly and her lips were swollen and trembling. She.....She was scared!!! “I don’t rape women”. He said and Sophia opened her eyes. “We agreed to this so why are you so unresponsive to me. Why are you making it seem like you’re forced to do this”. “Well you gave me no choice”. “I remember vividly that I did. You can choose to walk out of here ....but forget about leaving this house”. “You know I can’t do that. I can’t do this either. I’ve never done something like this in my life. And the first time I have to try it out and it’s with you?!!” “There’s no harm in trying new things with people you won’t actually like to try it with”. He smirked at her ruefully.

PrinceS · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
104 Chs

Who killed him

After five minutes of intense make out, Jason pulled away with a frown.

"What's wrong" Pearl asked. She had expected the kiss to last longer.

"You're not my girlfriend"

"We never broke up"

"You're the girlfriend of Adrian Barnes. Not Jason Medes. Get that through your head and don't try to kiss me again" He hands her the gun roughly.

She stared at him in anger.

Jason had used her before as his girlfriend to get confidential information from her father.

Pearl thought she could emotionally black mail him to do what she wants seeing as they had quite an intimate relationship back in New York.

"If you won't kill my sister, I'll kill her my self" She said.

Jason moves past her , his two hands in his pockets. "Ok"

"Don't you interfere in this" She said turning to look at him. "I'm very serious. If you mess this up, you'll regret it"

"Is that a warning"

"It's a threat and I'm serious about it" Then she wiped her lips angrily. "I can't believe I kissed you. You traitor. You're so disgusting"

He nodded. "Unlike You, Sophia's smart, she's stubborn and can be sometimes very rebellious. But she's a lovable person. She's innocent", He came close to Pearl. "I can see why Mr. Pueterico had to trust her to handle his most important possessions"

"Lovable?" She laughed "Why would you say that. Do you think she loves you or will ever love you after murdering her father"

"I held a gun to his forehead but I didn't kill him" Then he leaned close to her and whispered. "You and I know who pulled that trigger".

Pearl glared at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that" She stammered.

"Nothing. Just wondering how I aimed at his forehead but he was shot on his left breast. And why was it that I heard the gun shot behind me and not from my gun"

"What are you saying" Pearl stammered again. She looked away from him and turned around , pretending to find something interesting to look at on her bed.

"Henry had left at that time and the only people left in the house was Sophia, Mr Pueterico, Me and you"

"I was tied up in the basement" She shrugged.

"So who was present to hear exactly where the Will was hidden? Were you still in the basement by that time"

Pearl was trembling slightly but she said nothing.

"You killed him", Jason whispered looking at her back. "Why"

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're obviously the one that killed him. Not me. I'm his daughter. How can I do such a thing"

"But here you are, ....planning to kill your sister. How am I supposed to believe you"

"I think you've over stayed your welcome Mr. Medes. It's already 4:00pm. You should be getting ready for the party by now"

Jason just looked at her saying nothing. He starts leaving.

"And don't bother telling Sophia what we discussed here. I want it to be a surprise. I'm sure she must be very excited to see her big sister tonight" She starts taking off her robe. "What a pity I'm going to have to kill her"

Jason opens the door and leaves, banging it without a word.