
Billionaire’s daughters

COMPLETED WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. It’s a blood thirsty battle for the greater share of their late father’s will.......play time’s over as Late Pueterico’s two Spanish daughters, Sophia and Pearl would go any lengths to make sure that one of them control their father’s Will. ...... “You’ve never had sex before?”There was an amused smile on his face. She didn’t answer him. As she tried to push him off her, he grabbed her lips with his and kissed her, using his hand to cup her face again. Sophia shut her eyes tight as she felt his moist tongue enter her mouth. She put her hands up on his shoulders. The kiss was warm and wet. Jason tilted his head the other side and kissed her deeply, inhaling her scent. Using his nose, he trailed her face, down her neck. He felt her shudder silently. He looked at her face and frowned. He took his hand away from her face and glared at her in amusement. Her eyes were shut tightly and her lips were swollen and trembling. She.....She was scared!!! “I don’t rape women”. He said and Sophia opened her eyes. “We agreed to this so why are you so unresponsive to me. Why are you making it seem like you’re forced to do this”. “Well you gave me no choice”. “I remember vividly that I did. You can choose to walk out of here ....but forget about leaving this house”. “You know I can’t do that. I can’t do this either. I’ve never done something like this in my life. And the first time I have to try it out and it’s with you?!!” “There’s no harm in trying new things with people you won’t actually like to try it with”. He smirked at her ruefully.

PrinceS · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
104 Chs

Living the life

Pearl stepped down the private jet 20 minutes after it had landed. Her driver, Joseph was outside the hanger standing beside the limousine waiting patiently for her.

She walks up to him. She was wearing a short gown that showed off her legs and smooth shoulders.... Then long heels that made clicking noises on the ground as she walked. She held a very expensive purse in her hand and pulled her trolley with the other hand. Her guard, Rousef followed her closely holding her other bags.

"Miss Pueterico " , Joseph said opening the door to let her in while taking her trolley. " How was your vacation"

"Hawaii's not bad. I ended up booking an extra week at the hotel where I spent my vacation. And the beach....Superb"

Then she swished her hair and got inside. Rousef followed but sat at the front with Joseph who started the car. Pearl leaned back in the air-conditioned car, crossing her legs while pulling out her iPhone from her purse. The gold bangle around her wrist shimmered evidently showing its worth of over 3 million dollars.

Life so far had been good. She had to confess, she really was heart-broken when she found the Will and had discovered that her late father had signed almost all his properties under Sophia's name leaving the less important ones for her. She was furious at the thought of her little sister becoming the superior. But her joy knew no bounds when Sophia was abducted. So she had the liberty of signing all the properties into her name claiming that her sister was dead. Now she was really living the life. Though most of her time was spent at her Dad's companies...making sure things were in order. Then her free time was spent enjoying the money that flowed into her account weekly sometimes daily by shopping , touring different countries and going on vacations.

Pearl was sure that Sophia might not be dead as she had claimed and that posed a big threat to her financial status seeing as if she did return, the properties would be shared as it was initially and Pearl would be left inferior to her little sister.

Pearl slowly squeezed her fist in the car. If it meant having to kill Sophia....then she'd do it.

"Um...Joseph" She said when she noticed they were about to pass her Favorite Mall "Would you mind parking over there. I want to do some last minute shopping of the day".

"Yes boss"

She smiled a satisfactory smile at the word 'Boss'. Yes. She was the Boss and she'll forever be.