
Billionaire’s daughters

COMPLETED WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. It’s a blood thirsty battle for the greater share of their late father’s will.......play time’s over as Late Pueterico’s two Spanish daughters, Sophia and Pearl would go any lengths to make sure that one of them control their father’s Will. ...... “You’ve never had sex before?”There was an amused smile on his face. She didn’t answer him. As she tried to push him off her, he grabbed her lips with his and kissed her, using his hand to cup her face again. Sophia shut her eyes tight as she felt his moist tongue enter her mouth. She put her hands up on his shoulders. The kiss was warm and wet. Jason tilted his head the other side and kissed her deeply, inhaling her scent. Using his nose, he trailed her face, down her neck. He felt her shudder silently. He looked at her face and frowned. He took his hand away from her face and glared at her in amusement. Her eyes were shut tightly and her lips were swollen and trembling. She.....She was scared!!! “I don’t rape women”. He said and Sophia opened her eyes. “We agreed to this so why are you so unresponsive to me. Why are you making it seem like you’re forced to do this”. “Well you gave me no choice”. “I remember vividly that I did. You can choose to walk out of here ....but forget about leaving this house”. “You know I can’t do that. I can’t do this either. I’ve never done something like this in my life. And the first time I have to try it out and it’s with you?!!” “There’s no harm in trying new things with people you won’t actually like to try it with”. He smirked at her ruefully.

PrinceS · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
104 Chs

Car race

He shoved the struggling figure into the car and banged the door. Sophia turned in the car to look at him through the window with her eyes wide and angry.

He ignored her and moved to the Driver's seat. As he opened the door, his mind raced with one thought.

𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗺 𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀?

He hated Sophia. After all she was the daughter of his enemy and he knew she hated him. So why couldn't he deal with the fact that Sophia was going to die tonight. Why does he so badly want to help her. Wasn't it a win-win for him if she died. He would kill Pearl then and wipe out the entire Pueterico's Empire. He would wipe their existence from the earth leaving the name Pueterico to only be referred to as 'History'

So what was he doing???

His hand was placed on the car in deep thought.

He looked into the car to see Sophia giving him a suspicious look now.

'I'll just do this once tonight. Not because I want to but it wouldn't be fair if you were deprived the things you rightfully own. 𝗜 would know how painful that would be' He said to Sophia in his mind. He got into the car and closed the door behind him.

Then he took off the clothing around her mouth.

"You look really hot tonight" He managed to say , giving her a sexy look.

"Crazy. That's what you are. You're Crazy Jason"

"Crazy doesn't quite suit me right now. Think of it as mad. I'm mad tonight Sophia"

She burst into angry tears. "You're Crazy 𝒂𝒏𝒅 Mad"

Jason started the car.

"Now stay put or I'll have to blind fold you this time. Even if you try to scream, no one's going to hear you. My car is sound proof"

"Why are you doing this. What's going on? What are you doing. Where are you taking me"

He answered her first question.

"Believe me. I don't even know".

As he pulled out onto the road and zoomed off, he didn't notice a green sedan follow his car.

"Miss Nora" , Veronica exclaimed as Toby helped Pearl out of the limousine. "You look dashingly beautiful tonight"

Pearl maintained her usual air of pride and authority as she said. "All thanks to your designs Miss Medes. I must say. They're highly recommended for social gatherings like this. I don't regret sponsoring your company one bit" Pearl said genuinely.

Veronica was beyond happy.

"Please come in"

........Veronica came into the kitchen. Janvier was there with a phone to her ear. But when Veronica walked in, she brought down her hand and shook her head.

"He's not picking up"

"He knows this party is important to me. Where could he have gone and where's Sophia"

"Nathy. said Jason took Sophia with him"

"To the hotel?"


They were confused now.

"I think Jason returned from the hotel before he took her away" Janvier replied.

"But 𝑾𝒉𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚𝒚"

"I'll try calling him again. Calm down Veronica. You're freaking out".

It was night so the road was empty but for some cars moving at a leisure speed unlike a black Lexus and a green Sedan zooming fast on the streets.

It didn't take much time before Jason noticed that he was being followed. He decided to make sure.

He stopped by a pharmacy and looked through his rear view mirror sneakily and sure enough the green Sedan had stopped just a few meters from his car.

"Why did you stop"

"Sophia be quiet"

Sophia looked at his phone. "Janvier has been calling and you've been muting her calls. I'm probably sure she wants to know our whereabouts. I wonder what stories you're going to cook up for her....."

Jason ignored her and stepped out to pretend look at something behind his car. Then he went back. Once he sat down, he started the car with a full speed that shocked Sophia.

"J....Jason. What are you doing? Do you want a death wish"

He ignored her still. When he arrived at a T-cross junction, he made to go left carefully looking at his rear view mirror as he did. The green Sedan was following him again. He swerved his steering wheel to the right and zoomed right instead. He looked back. The car was not in sight.

He slowed down.

"This must be Pearl's doing" He thought.

"Can you tell me what's going on"


"I deserve to know. I'm the one you tied up in the car. I'm the one you're preventing from going to the party...." Then she paused and looked at him with a hurtful look as she completes the sentence. "....to see my sister"

He tied up her mouth again and watched as she shook violently in the car with tears running down her eyes.

He noticed something dark on her shoulders leading to her back. He stared at it intently. It was a tattoo. Of Pearl!!!! The Art was magnificent, highlighting every part of her face to give the tattoo a realistic look.

When Pearl made to take off her robe in the hotel, he had noticed the same dark drawings at her back. Could the tattoo have been a drawing of Sophia.

He was looking at the tattoo with so much seriousness that he didn't notice a bright light flashing towards his car. It was when Sophia started shaking violently, saying something muffled and looking up, he chose to look up. But it was too late. The black Lexus slammed into the Sedan. Sophia hit her head against the air bag. She started bleeding that moment. She lost consciousness immediately.

Jason was quick enough to hold himself, by placing his hands on the steering wheel tightly as he leaned down on it with so much force.He looked up at the green sedan and could see a man come out with a gun in his hands.

He tried to start the car but as he tried to do so, he felt something cold behind his forehead. He froze.

"I want the girl" The man said. His voice was deep."Get out of the car with your hands behind you"

Jason remained in that position. His mind raced with different ways of escaping but none was smart enough because any silly move, he'll loose his life and he'll loose Sophia.