
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime e quadrinhos
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55 Chs

Fall of Suna Part 3

( In the desert)

"My sister? What do you want with her?" Asked Gaara watching Naruto closely, and felt concerned. During these past three years he wasn't the same blood thirsty boy he was at the Chunin Exams. After Shukaku was defeated by Ahri, Gaara had changed, he no longer felt blood thirsty or insane anymore. Suddenly his heart had changed when he apologized to both of his siblings and vowed to change his way. He even got back into sleeping normally now.

"I want her to be my mate, my new lover. Along with Pakura. Consider it a alliance in marriage. I know everything of what the allied Shinobi alliance plans to do." Naruto replies with Gaara looking shocked by that.

"How?" The red head asked with Naruto smirking.

"Let's just say that Kiri is already in a alliance with me. I married their Mizukage and she told me of what your village and the others are planning to destroy my clan that's being revived." He says with Gaara looking at him with curiosity.

"Why are you telling me this? How do you know I won't alert my Sensei as he would alert the other Shinobi alliance?" Gaara asks with Naruto still keeping a smirk on his face.

"Because I know you won't do it. Even if you did, I could kill you right here and now" Naruto says with Gaara now narrowing his eyes.

"And what's in it for me If i do. Let you have my sister?" Gaara demands as Naruto eyed Sara who was looking at Gaara. She watched him like a Hawk and he knew from this moment that his daughter has found her potential future mate.

"My daughter seems very interested in you Gaara. If we are to be an alliance. I would like you to marry my daughter. If you do, I could help you become Future Kazekage. Don't you want that?" Naruto says as Gaara looked away for a moment. Ever since he stopped being sadistic he wanted the people of Suna to no longer fear him or think of him as a Monster. He wanted to become a Kazekage to show the people of Suna that he's not a monster and wishes to have recognition. He too glanced at Sara.

Both of them stares at each other in silence. She looks beautiful and cute. Maybe he wanted to try getting to know Sara.

( Sara's POV)

She glanced at Gaara. Observing him, the moment she and her half brother Dan saved Gaara from the Akatsuki, she could see that he is a suitable potential mate and lover.

"He is the one... he's worthy." Were her thoughts paying attention to Gaara. She deems him worthy of mating with her and to have his child.

As she turned her stoic expression to her father then at her potential lover. Hoping he would accept her.

( Gaara's POV)

He glanced at Naruto and looked at Sara who was eying him. As if she was trying to observe him.

He found her attractive.

Gaara was never interested in women, during his life growing up in Suna, he used to kill women in Suna when he was driven by madness by Shukaku. All of a Sudden this woman infront of him caught his interest, and she's the daughter of his would be future ally. His father in law so to speak.

Gaara was debating on what he would choose... he knows Naruto is a lot stronger than him. Even if he still has the one tails he could tell that Naruto is awfully a lot stronger than before during these three years since they last met at the Chunin Exams.

Would he really give his Sister to a former enemy? Who saved his life? Could he actually do it? Then there is his dream of becoming Kazekage.

"Naruto... if I agree to your deal... what is to become of my Sensei?" Gaara asks knowing that in order to become Kazekage his Sensei will have to step down.

"Oh. You leave that to me." Naruto says as Gaara suddenly put it all together.

"Your going to kill him are you?" The red head asks.

"Of course I am. It's the only way for you to become Kazekage. He dies from his injuries and you are appointed as the next Kazekage. But look at it this way. You become Kazekage, you also get to marry my daughter AND we can become a secret alliance! Everybody wins!" Naruto says with a smile while Gaara looked away for a bit at that.

"Surely you would accept my offer? I'd hate to have to do this with a bit of force, Gaara. I plan to make the elemental nations into a better place for my clan and I want you apart of it. All I want is your sister and Pakura to be apart of my clan." Naruto says putting his hand out waiting for the teen to shake it.

Gaara looked at Naruto with silence while trying to decide what to do?. Become Kazekage... his Sensei dies... then he gets a very attractive blonde woman as his wife, hands over his own sister. He stares at Naruto who is waiting for him to accept.

Gaara grabs Naruto's hand. Making the man smile.

"I will agree to this. Under one condition." Gaara says with Naruto raising a brow with Sara staring at him stoically while on the inside she's happy that Gaara is willing to be with her.

"You better treat my Sister well, and take good care of her." Gaara says a bit coldly feeling protective of his sister, Naruto grinned.

"Oh have some faith in me Gaara. I'll treat your sister like I do for all my wives. Wise decision in accepting my offer." Naruto says as they shook hands.

"What about my other brother? Kankuro? He will get suspicious about Temari.." Gaara says. With Naruto frowning.

"I'll deal with that. Don't worry I'm not going to kill him." Naruto would say. With Gaara looking a bit relieved.

"Sara dear. Why don't you go with Gaara." Naruto says as she nodded and walked towards him.

"Hello Sara was it?" Gaara asks seeing her.

"Yes. And you are Gaara of the one tails. You've fought dad in the Chunin Exams." Sara answered a bit calmly while keeping her stoic expression on her future mate.

"Yes. I did and lost to him. Yet his own tailed beast defeated both me and Shukaku." Gaara answered while he heard Shukaku grumble in his mind.

"Damn that Fox bitch! She overpowered both of us! If only I fired a tailed beast bomb at her!" ScreechedShukaku hating his sister for beating him on the day ofthe invasion. Just when he was free she actually one shot him and his vessel, sure he knew she has more power out of the other tailed beasts but the chance to be free again was another opportunity that he couldn't miss!

( Suna Gates)

Gaara had returned with Sara flanking by his side. Naruto and co were not seen, why? They went to the other side of the village sneaking through. Naruto plans to assassinate the Kazekage. His Son Dan had given him a injection needle filled with poison. All Naruto had to do was stick the needle in Baki's IV.

"Gaara your back?" Says that her brother is back and safe but then she was taken back by the woman before her, who stared at her with no emotion.

"Who is this?" His Sister asked.

"Her name is Sara. She found me and healed me after I dealt with the Akatsuki." He says with a lie while Temari looked from her to him.

"Pleasure to meet you." She says with little emotion in her voice.

"She's strange... and cold.." Thought Temari seeing Sara look at her like that.

"So that's dad's next target..." Thought Sara observing Temari, who did look attractive.

( With Naruto)

Having snuck in the Suna Hospital, he went to find Baki's room. Knowing the Kazekage is guarded.

Naruto peeked around and saw one Shinobi guarding the door and to his surprise it was Pakura who is guarding the Kazekage's hospital room. He eyed her, she's perfect. Observed her he did.

She was a tall kunoichi. She was fair-skinned with pupiless brown eyes. She had green hair that she tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strands of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face. Her typical attire consists of a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and the back. She wears an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers which extend up to her shoulders, and has bandages around her tights and ankles. Having a curvaceous body build with wide firm hips and a Triple D chest.

He smiled. She is definitely a good choice to be brought in his fold.

Pakura looked around, she is tasked to guarding the 5th Kazekage. She is a hero of Suna she had returned from a mission during the attack from the Akatsuki.

She turns to her right and spotted Naruto coming to her.

"Who are you?" She asks sternly.

"I am your future alpha. Pakura." He says flaring his pheromone onto her in full power.

She blinked, and suddenly gasped. Clutching her chest. Her face flushed.

"What's happening to me? Why do I feel Aroused? Is it coming from him!?" Were her thoughts looking at Naruto as she was fighting this urge to fall for him.

"Resistance is futile my dear." He says walking towards her while she tried to fight it but couldn't.

She tried to use her scorch release to fry him, but for some reason, she didn't have the will to do it.

"What's wrong with me!? Why won't I attack him!?" She thought mentally as he clutched her face and kissed her. Her eyes were wide. She suddenly returned the kiss, feeling the virus being transmitted to her, as it rearranged her molecules and DNA.

Then after they broke apart he bit her neck. Marking her.

Pakura moaned slightly as she looked up at her alpha, now infected.

"Let me through." He says as she obeyed and let him through.

Now inside the Kazekage's hospital room, he could see Baki was sleep.

Naruto walked over to the Iv bag and injected the bag full of poison into it. As it started going inside of the Kazekage.

Smiling that his work is done, the Kazekage will soon die and no one will know who poisoned him.

Naruto left the room and as Pakura followed they both vanished.

Later on it was announced that Baki, the 5th Kazekage had died of his injuries. While no one didn't know he was poisoned. Gaara was suddenly made the 6th Kazekage in his place.

It was only later that night. Gaara had asked Temari to see him privately.

Now at their house. She came, she had just recently left the hospital to visit kakuro and told him the news about their sensei's death.

She wondered what did Gaara want to talk about privately.

"Gaara I'm here." she says as he turned to her.

"Hello, Temari. I called you here privately to see someone." He says as she was confused about who wanted to see her.

Stepping out of the shadows was Naruto.

She widened her eyes and pulled out her fan only for it to be blasted by a fireball courtesy of Pakura who was flanked by Naruto.

"Gaara what's going on here!? Why is he here!? He's an enemy! And Pakura! What are you doing!?" Temari says taken back by this.

"Protecting my alpha," Pakura replies.

"Gaara what is going on!?" Temari demanded as he sighed.

"Temari. What if I told you, that I never defeated the Akatsuki, and that I was saved by Naruto." Gaara says now telling the truth with Temari looking shocked and looked from Him, to Naruto and to pakura.

"You lied to me? Why?! Don't you know what he is!?" she says feeling betrayed

"I do," he answered

"Gaara... This is treason! He's the enemy! How could you be working with him! You let him get Pakura! And now..." She says now putting the dots together eyes wide with horror realizing her fate.

"No... No... Gaara you can't do this!" She says now backing away.

"I'm sorry that it turned out like this Temari. But I have to do my part of the deal Naruto made with me." Gaara says.

"A deal what are you saying?" she asks with a look of betrayal on her face. As he told her about the deal Naruto made with him. As she looked even more betrayed.

"How could you Gaara!? You betrayed sensei too!? I'm not going with him! I refuse! I would rather die!" She says now heading for the door to go alert the village but Sara was at the door blocking Temari's escape.

"Resistance is futile Temari-chan. You belong to me now." Naruto says coming to her.

"Get away from me! I won't be yours!" She screamed pulling out a kunai as Naruto flared his pheromone on her suddenly making her weak in the knees. She tries to resist but she became submissive as Naruto was now in front of her looking at her flushed face.

"You're going to enjoy being with me Temari-chan," Naruto says kissing her, now infecting her as she returned the kiss and felt her molecules rearranged. Temari had fallen for Naruto as he marked her.

The next day.

Kankuro woke up. Looking around, he excepted Temari or Gaara to see him. Only to see neither of them is here. Yet he was greeted at the sight of a pair of Sharingan eyes that spun in his direction. Kankuro had fallen into a trance and genjutsu.

He is under the illusion to follow and support Gaara's decisions.

Naruto had done the deed to ensure Kankuro doesn't get suspicious of anything or Gaara's betrayal.

Now with that taken care of, Naruto leaves with his kids, Pakura and Temari who went with him.

Sara Namikaze Uzumaki stayed with Gaara. Her new lover and future husband.

Now that Suna is dealt with. Iwa was next. In a week.