
A drunken mistake

Mihan and Ruona found themselves in a rather hilarious situation. They had been working tirelessly on ideas for the renovation of the nursery school, fueled by coffee and determination. However, as evening approached, they decided to take a break and indulge in a bottle of wine. After Mihan found out that Ruona had probably never tasted such an expensive wine, he ordered it, and they were set to drink. Little did they know that their innocent decision would lead to a series of events that would test their friendship and the future of the nursery school.

The wine moved loosely as Mihan and Ruona laughed and shared stories. Their shyness loosened, and their minds became clouded with the effects of alcohol. They stumbled upon grand plans for the nursery school, envisioning a place of joy, light, and boundless creativity. It was a moment of sheer bliss, with ideas floating in the air like ethereal dreams.

Unbeknownst to them, Gauis, whom they despised, had been trailing Mihan for days, and that night wasn't an exception. He had yearned to keep his word since he let them know that he was going to deal with them and eventually take ownership of the land that the nursery school occupied. Gauis saw this as an opportunity when he noticed Mihan entering Ruona's house, leaving him vulnerable and unguarded.

Silently, like a shadow in the night, Gauis sneaked into Ruona's house, his eyes shimmering with spite. He knew that by capturing Mihan and Ruona's drunken state on film, he could blackmail Mihan into surrendering the land, therefore gaining control over the nursery school and ruining their dreams.

With his camera in hand, Gaius quietly observed Mihan and Ruona, capturing every moment of their drunken state. The compromising pictures would be his weapon, a means to destroy their hopes and secure the land for his sinister plans.

The next morning, Mihan woke up with a pounding headache, the events of the previous night a hazy memory. He stumbled into his office, hoping for a quiet day of work to recover from the wine-induced stupor. But as he settled into his chair, his heart sank as he noticed an envelope on his desk. Curiosity mingled with dread as he cautiously opened it.

Inside were the very pictures that Gauis had taken the night before. Mihan's blood ran cold as the reality of their situation hit him like a tidal wave. Weston had played his hand, and now he held the power to destroy everything they had worked for.

Destroying everything they had worked for wasn't the only thing that got Mihan worried. Mihan knew very well that if any of the pictures Gaius had taken reached his family members, it wouldn't be a pretty situation, especially for Ruona, whom he had grown to have a liking for. Mihan realized he didn't care about his family cutting ties with him; he cared about Ruona's safety.

Fear gripped Mihan, but he refused to let it consume him. He knew that giving in to Gauis' blackmail would mean surrendering their dreams and betraying Ruona. It was a choice he couldn't make.

Summoning his inner strength, Mihan decided to fight back. He would not allow Gauis to control their fate. With steely determination, he gathered the incriminating evidence and marched straight to the police station. The law would be his ally, and justice would prevail. He knew doing this was going to endanger him in the sight of his family, but he made conscious decisions to protect Ruona and what she cared about the most, the nursery school, at all costs.

Ruona tried to hide her hurt and worries throughout this period, but Mihan could see through her. Mihan kept assuring and reassuring her that everything was going to be fine, but he knew deep down that the struggle was more than what met the eye.

As the investigation unfolded, Mihan and Ruona's bond grew stronger. Together, they faced the storm that threatened to tear them apart. They kept supporting each other throughout it all, and it was more difficult because there was no neutral person to share this problem with. For it to remain private, they had to carry the burden and handle it by themselves. The fight for their dreams became a collective endeavor, fueled by hope, determination, and the unyielding belief that good would triumph over evil.

Mihan and Ruona weren't the only ones who were making plans. Gauis, on his side, kept doing things to tarnish the image of the company to which Mihan headed. He paid people to testify on how Reynolds Industries fed off their ignorance and sold all their goods for triple the original price, and how most of the goods they sold were fake.

All through this, Mihan kept calm and never gave in to the press. Gaius had also kept wondering why he hadn't gotten a reply from Mihan yet. This scared him; he later found out about Mihan's involvement with the police, and he did everything in his power to jeopardize the investigations and inquiries they made. Mihan put Ruona and her well-being as top priorities, and at these times, nothing else mattered to him. He assured her that he was going to protect her and the nursery while the police did their job.

As time went on, Ruona was still uncertain about what she felt for Mihan and was fully ready to go on this adventure with him to find herself. But the ugly turn of events, all thanks to Gauis, made her regret ever meeting Mihan because she started blaming herself for every unfortunate thing that happened. She kept letting Mihan know that she would never forgive herself if the relationship between him and his family got severed.

Gaius, realizing his plans were crumbling, became desperate. He resorted to every dirty trick in the book, but Mihan and Ruona stood firm, united in their beliefs and uncertain love.

Would Ruona and Mihan's Union pull them out of this without any one of them getting hurt?