
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

Mana (Fate) vs. Chakra

July 5th, 1997

General POV

Desmond awoke feeling a small weight on his back. Trey flipped off of him, chuckling at his fallen clone.

"How was your dirt nap?" Trey mocked. Desmond's face twitched in annoyance at the question.

"Begin the countdown," he growled to Jarvis as he used Template to change his powers again. His new outfit was a suit, a trench coat in all black (Kiritsugu Emiya outfit), and a revolver. Trey followed suit, switching into an all-black jumper with a bandage on his left arm.(Sasuke Black Outfit). Trey took a giant leap toward the water as the countdown ended, confusing the audience.

"I know we have seen a lot of powers in the last hour but is that my son walking on water?" Tyson asked, astonished at what he was seeing. Before anyone could answer, they saw Trey's hands move at superhuman speeds.

"Water Style Water Dragon Jutsu!" Trey screamed as he finished his hand signs.


As the giant water dragoon rushed at him, Desmond was calm. He slowly hit the ground with his free hand a red circle formed. An equally huge torrent of fire shot off to block the water dragon. Creating a mist blocking both their visions.

"You'll have to do better than that." Desmond said as he pointed his revolver. As soon as the mist cleared, he shot Trey in the chest. Horrifying the audience watching. Before they could say anything, Trey disappeared.


'Shadow Clone, where the hell did he go?' Desmond wondered as he vigilantly looked around. A second later, he heard the sound of birds chirping.

"Chidori!" Trey yelled, attacking with a lightning thrust from behind.

"Shit Time Alter Double Accel." Desmond huffed out. Slowing down time and sidestepping the attack. He shot Trey in his left shoulder as the ability ended.

"Ahhh," Trey cried as he clutched his shoulder.

"I can tell from the blood you're the real one. Checkmate, it's my win." Desmond said, holding his gun to Trey's temple.

"We're just getting started. Now!" Trey said with a pained smirk. Out of the ground, a second Trey appeared holding a blue sphere with his right hand.

"Rasengan!" Trey shouted.


Desmond was blasted deep into the forest. Trey had the clone bandage his shoulder during this brief reprieve. He was about to give his clone new orders when a rain of bullets shot out.

Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of gunfire rang out as Trey dodged the bullets ruining back towards the beach. When he reached the beach, he finished the hand signs he was weaving.

'Earth Style Mud Wall.' Trey thought as an earth wall arose in front of him. Just when he thought it was safe, he saw a crack form in the wall.


Desmond reappeared with teal rune markings on his face and hands. He easily destroyed the wall before sending another punch. The boy skidded across the lake, slowly falling under the water.

"That's for hitting me with a Rasengan." Desmond with a cruel light in his eyes. His smile that was forming turned into a frown as he saw the water in the lake boiling.


"3rd Gate: Gate of Life OPEN!" Trey bellowed, blitzing Desmond at top speed. Desmond met the charge with a huge grin on his face.


The two fighters had engaged in a barrage of kicks & punches. The camera drone could barely keep up with the speed they were going at. When their clash ended, both fighters were out of breath. Fatigue was starting to set in for both of them after using their enhancement moves. Trey canceled his eight gates before calling out to Desmond.

"Yo man, we're both getting tired from all the fighting from earlier. You wanna call it here or give the audience a grand finale?" Trey asked, taking a breather.

"We both know neither of us wants a tie, but you do know if we do this, our mother will kill us, right?" Desmond said, canceling his magic circuits. With one glance at each other, they knew what they wanted to do. They both smiled before looking at the drone.

"Jarvis, initiate tower lockdown until the match is over." They commanded together.

"Affirmative, sirs." Jarvis responded. Black metal gates began closing on every area in the Tower. The gates then lit up with mass effect shields & two javelins arose from the floor blocking the entrance.

"Boys, Mrs.Carter would like a word with you," Friday called out.

"Mute it for now. Sorry, I want to see who's the best & we can't do that while holding back. Don't worry. Neither of us will get hurt too much." Trey said, smiling innocently at the drone.

"You ready?" Desmond asked as he watched him finish. Trey nodded. They both began running at top speed in opposite directions. When Trey reached the edge of the lake, he summoned two clones. All three started weaving hand signs together.

Deep in the forest, Desmond was also preparing for his final attack. He pulled out a Berserker card & transformed. He appeared with Norse-like warrior clothing with bandages on his arms and legs. Desmond's right arm was enlarged with a black gauntlet. (Male Verison of Beatrice Install)

'Mjölnir (Second Activation),' Desmond thought as a giant hammer with pink lighting crackled around it was summoned into his hand. He then turned around towards where the lake was.


Desmond took a huge leap. Mid-air, he spotted Trey & his clones. They jumped up to meet him.

'Wind Style Vaccum Great Sphere.' Trey's clones thought as they fired two big air blasts.

'Fire Style Fire Ball Justu.' The original Trey thought firing a big fireball simultaneously as the clones. Right before the attacks combined, Desmond had finished charging his attack.

"Roaring Storm of the Thunder God!" Desmond yelled, sending a massive ball of pink lightning.

"Fire & Wind Style Majestic Fire Ball Justu!" Trey roared as his Justus combined into one gigantic fireball. The two ultimate attacks crashed into each other.


The feed cut out as a city block-wide explosion went off from the attacks. The audience waited with bated breaths for the feed to come back on. A minute later, they saw both combatants in a crater. Both had visible injuries. You could see from what remained of their clothes. One was knocked out & the other was struggling to sit up.

"I won!" Desmond screamed with a massive grin on his face. Not even a minute later, he fell back, passing out. The demonstration for the ages was over.

The response I've gotten from most readers is to continue this fanfic, rewrite, or take a break and do something new. So no chapter next week I'm taking a break to see what I want to do next. Thank you to everyone that has read so far. All the feedback good or bad has helped me improve writing my first piece of work.

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