

It had been 4 days since he woke up in this place. He started to see a routine in when he would be sent in and out of the cube. In the morning he would show up back in the jungle in the last place he was in, and any items he had would come back with him. When the sun set and night fell seemed to be the time he would return to the cube.

He also noticed another thing. The creature here were weird. Even with his mind still missing some memories he could figure that out. Tigers with tiny snakes for hair, a spider with feet, and snake so long that it rests up in the trees and covers the top of it.

Every night, a minute after he gets back to the cube, a corner of the floor opens up and up rises a package of some plain tasting gummies. He thought they just some simple snacks until yesterday. After running into a pile of 3-eyed snakes in some bushes he felt he was done for. He was bit multiple times before he managed to get away, he also noticed in his pain that his hand seemed to almost naturally want to go the katana at his waist, but he was too busy trying to get away to want to test out using it. Lately he had been using it to cut down fruits. Anyway, after managing to escape he started to feel numb around his arm and could barely move his fingers.

He was nervous about getting attacked while like this but thankfully he transported back to the cube. While there he was contemplating what to do about his arm when he ate the gummies reflexively. He suddenly felt as if there was warm blanket around his arm and could feel his fingers again. He looked at his arm and found it healed with a slight scar; it looked almost as if it was never hurt in the first place.

It was after seeing this that he started to contemplate where he was again and who he was. Lately he had been trying to figure out his situation in the jungle and not had much time to think. As he was contemplating he suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion, as if he hadn't slept in days, with his last thought being that maybe the gummies had a drawback.

Now back the present he found himself waking up in the same cube and his same reflection staring back at him in the dim light. Where was I before this? That was all he thought before he sat up and waited to be transported back to the jungle. It was day five and he was ready to get back to his routine. Only this time it seemed different. When the sensation ended he found himself in a large white room, with padded walls. Also he saw another human, something he had been trying to find for the last 4 days.

She was a girl with fiery red hair cascading down her shoulders in tangled waves, her emerald eyes sparkling with a mix of defiance and curiosity. Clad in a form-fitting wetsuit, her athletic build suggested she was used to physical exertion, perhaps a swimmer or a diver. Her skin had a tanned glow, and droplets of water clung to her, as if she had just emerged from the ocean. A few faint scars on her arms hinted at past encounters with unknown dangers.Despite the intensity in her gaze, there was a softness in her expression. She tilted her head slightly, studying him with an appraising look before offering a tentative smile, breaking the tension of their silent scrutiny.