
Beyond the magicless limit

In the kingdom of Arathia, magic is the source of all power and those who wield it are revered as heroes. However, there are some who are born without magic and are looked down upon as outcasts. One such person is Ryu, a young man who dreams of becoming a hero, despite having no magical ability. Determined to prove himself and the world, Ryu sets out on an adventure in a world full of dangers and an unsettling beginning of a new era. Cover: Let me know if you know the artist, I couldn't find it 'means it's their thought' "Obviously talking" *For the sound effect, hence bold* Hope you enjoy reading this, would love to have reviews and comments. *** Beyond the magicless limit by Author Asura_zzz . This novel was written by my friend and I'm merely posting it . If you want to support him please read it on Royal road. Editor: Ashlin_17

Ashlin_17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Ever since Ryu's initial encounter with the mutated wolves, he has found himself locked in a relentless battle against an increasing number of monsters. As he delves deeper into the wilderness, their presence grows more prevalent, emerging from the shadows with alarming frequency.

While it would be expected within the confines of dungeons or near their base, the sight of these monsters, with their tails running through their backs like refugees fleeing an unseen horror, is a bizarre and disconcerting sight.

Driven by curiosity and a thirst for adventure, Ryu presses onward with a renewed sense of urgency. Each step takes him further into the heart of the wilderness, his senses heightened as he anticipates the revelation of what is driving these displaced creatures away.

Finally, as if guided by fate, Ryu stumbles upon a grim tableau.

Three lifeless bodies strewn across the forest floor, their limbs twisted at unnatural angles.

The trees and ground bear the marks of a fierce struggle, deep gouges etched into the bark, and the earth upturned by the sheer force of the battle. It is clear that this monster is no ordinary foe; its power and savagery are beyond anything Ryu has encountered thus far.

As his gaze lingers on the fallen, the expressions frozen on their faces paint a haunting picture. Shock and terror are etched into their features, their wide eyes and open mouths silently screaming of the horrors they witnessed. It is as though they were caught off guard, their attention diverted by an unknown force.

But there is no time for mourning or speculation.

Ryu's heightened senses alert him to the presence of a powerful monster just beyond his line of sight, engaged in a desperate struggle with what appears to be the lone survivor of the previous onslaught.


In an unexpected twist, a figure cloaked in dark brown hurtles through the air and lands in Ryu's outstretched arms.

Caught off guard, Ryu instinctively catches the mysterious figure, his muscles straining under the unexpected weight. As the hood fell it revealed the face underneath, and Ryu found himself captivated by an ethereal sight.

Her delicate features are a testament to her otherworldly beauty. High cheekbones, a small nose, and peach-pink lips accentuate her face. Pointed ears elegantly protrude from her flowing silver hair, cascading in loose waves down her back like liquid moonlight on a tranquil lake.

But it was her crystal blue almond-shaped eyes that truly captivate him, sparkling with an inner light that blinds all who gaze upon her.

Although this is Ryu's first encounter with an elf, and the opposite gender at that, he recognizes the undeniable allure that signifies her noble lineage. However, what truly astonishes Ryu is the overwhelming surge of mana emanating from her being. The sheer intensity of her aura surpasses anything he has ever witnessed.

Recalling the stories shared by Haru during their journey, Ryu vaguely remembers the tales of elves and their intimate connection to mana. But the magnitude of this girl's mana was staggering, defying his comprehension. Despite the disparity in their detection methods—mana for magic and ki for Ryu's own abilities—Ryu's heightened ki detection allows him to gauge her immense strength.


Amidst the battle, getting launched into the arm of a stranger, no less a good-looking stranger with features that separate from every man she's encountered, her senses quickly came back.

Sylvia, feeling embarrassed, "You can let me go now."

"I'm Ryu," he introduces himself.

"Sylvia," she responds, her voice infused with a sense of grace and resilience.

Their exchange was cut short by the arrival of the true perpetrator responsible for the horrors unfolding in the forest.

A dark and sinewy creature loom before them, towering at a staggering height of 4.5 meters, its skeletal face reminiscent of a crocodile's jaw. Bloodstained fangs protrude from its massive maw, evidence of its previous victims. Its arms end in razor-sharp claws capable of tearing through flesh and bone with ease, and its body is adorned with rugged thorns, serving as its twisted armour. The creature's enormous black horns emitted an aura of dark energy, reminiscent of the fabled Muramasa blade.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the monster launches a flurry of clawed slashes towards Ryu and Sylvia.

Ryu, tapping into his honed combat instincts, effortlessly deflects the onslaught.

He wields his ego sword, Muramasa, with a mastery that surpassed mere imagination, honed through countless battles with monsters on his journey.

"An ego sword!?" Sylvia exclaims in awe, her voice filled with astonishment.

"Well, something like that."

Empowered by the realization that his arduous battles have borne fruit, Ryu takes advantage of the monster's momentary hesitation. Closing the distance between them in a blur of movement, he strikes with precision, severing one of the creature's legs.


The monster loses its balance, providing Ryu with an opportunity to sever the other leg. With each successful strike, he inches closer to his ultimate goal—the final slash aimed at the monster's head.


But the monster refuses to be vanquished easily. In a ferocious counterattack, it sends Ryu hurtling through the air, his body crashing violently against the unyielding trees. The impact is bone-jarring, but Ryu's indomitable spirit and formidable physique grant him the resilience to endure.

"I expected as much. It wouldn't be fun if it were this easy," Ryu muses, unfazed by the onslaught.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but my body is much harder than you think it is."

With unyielding determination, Ryu quickly returns to the battlefield, ready to resume his assault on the formidable monster.

'For a moment, I thought Ryu met his end, I could hardly sense any mana in his body' Sylvia admits to herself, her heart skipping a beat.

'If what he said is true, then this might work'

"Sorry to ask, but could you keep that ugly bastard busy for a few minutes? I have a plan."

"No problem, miss foul mouth,"

Sylvia closed her eyes, her lips moving in a silent chant. She summons forth an endless stream of words, her voice resonating with raw power and unwavering resolve.

As the battle intensifies, Ryu displays his prowess, predicting the monster's every move and landing devastating blows with calculated precision. His muscles strain with the effort, his ki coursing through his veins, empowering his strikes.

However, the monster grew increasingly agitated. In a display of raw strength, it unleashes a ground-shaking tremor, causing the very earth to shatter beneath them. A chasm opens up, and Ryu finds himself tumbling ten meters into the abyss.

A smirk graces Ryu's face, for he knows this turn of events has worked in his favour. He finds himself in a position advantageous to his fighting style, ready to exploit the monster's weaknesses.

"Perfect, just what I needed," Ryu thinks to himself, his mind focused and his resolve unyielding.


'Oi, oi, I guess those horns weren't just for show'

Between the creature's horns, there was a black circle, pulsating with concentrated mana. The realization dawns upon him—the monster is preparing a devastating blast, one that could obliterate any living organism with ease.

With a surge of determination, the monster releases the blast, hurtling towards Ryu with lethal intent.

"Sorry, Muramasa," Ryu whispered, his voice filled with resignation.

In a split-second decision, Ryu alters the rotation of his Kanata, holding it flat out. He channels his inner strength, flexing his right arm until his veins visibly strain against his skin. Just as the blast reaches him, Ryu delivers a mighty strike, colliding with the force of the blast and redirecting it back towards the monster.

The blast should have detonated upon contact with Muramasa, adhering to the laws of magic, but to Ryu's surprise, it bounces off the blade, defying conventional expectations.


The monster staggers, wounded but far from defeated.

"It's not dead yet," Ryu mutters, his voice filled with determination and grim resolve.

With a surge of adrenaline, he hurls the half-burnt body of the monster high into the air. Sylvia's eyes sharpened and sparked as she was waiting for this moment to arise.

"Alright, it's your turn, Glory hogger!"

Sylvia chants fervently, her voice carrying the weight of impending doom

"Flames brighter than bright and hotter than hot, I beseech thee, combine with my flame, I desire an eternal flame, a flame that causes doomsday, return all to nothing and come forth, Explosion!"

"Oh- "














Due to the author's busy schedule with university work, the upload schedule will be less frequent.

"I Don't Want Peace, I Want Problems, Always"

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts