
Beyond Love (The Untamed)

This story is based on the Untamed but not the same story line, this story about our Xichen and Jiang cheng, second lead our wangxian ,i don't want to reveal the story ,i promise that you guys are loved the plot

IZEL_VIOLET · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Lotus Blooming


that one word rules the world,without any barriers, no genders, nothing important in front of our loved ones right?

but there is something else that will stop us from opening up our hearts in front of our loved ones...lets search for it with our Lan Xichen and Jiang cheng...


"A-cheng? A-ying? where are you guys? " yanli searched for her brothers everywhere but the two were nowhere within sight

fengmian " yanli don't waste your energy my dear come sit down and eat"

yanli " but a-die they _

he cut off her" they will come within a few minutes wait for your mother "with a little smirk

she sighed but silently took a seat beside her father who was silently sipping his tea

Madam yu entered the hall with her two assistants" a-li where are the two brats? "

"mother i searched for them but couldn't find them" she said with sigh

"these two ...." she breathed in and out then shouted " you two brats come here instant or i will chop your hands and legs"

next second they hear footsteps

a-niang/ aunty yu

"sit down and eat then go wherever you want, a-ying you are the elder one you should be little responsible for your health" she scolds him ,then to her son" and you young man how can you become a strong sect leader if you don't eat? what? cat got your tongue? speak both of you or my zidian will speak " she raised her eyebrows

" a-niang we were just playing with our shidis, forget the time sorry a-niang "

" aunty we truly are sorry " wei ying said with pout

she sighed"alright take your seats"

they sat immediately for a few minutes of silence broken by Jiang fengmian " hmm childrens how are you going to prepare? don't miss anything, "

"good a-die"

" not bad"

"What have done in my previous life? god im better staying here than going there"

madam yu sighed again" Gusu Lan not that bad my a-ying just one year,and a-cheng listen to him when you reach there "

Jiang cheng smiled at her" I will a-niang" to wei ying" we are twin prides of yunmeng Jiang , i will never ever disrespect my big brother "

wei wuxian smiled widely" yes yes aunty don't worry about that and we will protect our sister "

the parents smile and" tomorrow you can set off to the Gusu Lan clan mind your tongues and be yourself okay?"

the trio" we will "


the breeze of nature hits the ever smiling face of xichen,his brother who is busy writing on the scroll notices his brother is face

" Brother "

" yes wanji? "

" are you okay? you are spacing out"

" is it? hmm wanji Tomorrow you have to manage the room arrangement for students ,im....im bit tired wanji " he said

"father and uncle will manage the sect dutys brother please don't stress anymore we are here for you " he said worriedly

ever since his brother finished his training he always worked hard for their sect, his father and uncle always guide them no matter what but recently he noticed his ever smiling brother look disturbed and bother

" please brother talk to me "

xichen sighed" im a bit nervous wanji what if I couldn't rule our sect properly,what if I....

his words cut off by their father

" I trust you son, don't use the word if, I'm here for you"

he hugged his son and patted his back " i knew you were nervous, but don't be okay we are with you"

he just nodded his head

" a-die I'm confident but there is something that I couldn't pinpoint because my feelings says something about to happen. good or bad i don't know but I will protect our clan and family " he thought to himself...

"okay sons lets stop the works come with me ,Qiren waiting for us in the dining hall "

said he dragged them out

" a-die don't run "wanji said

" son don't be like that I'm a sect leader, i knew the rules come come" said again grabbing wanji with his arm walking fast" you are walking so fast father, slow down " wanji said" No im not, im just bit faster than you" they both bickering,xichen smiled at them both... followed them to dining hall with blooming smile on his face...


Gusu Lan clan

xichen welcome everyone with his smile beside him wanji who is face look like Ice with cold and distant aura stood silently hand over the room arrangement scroll to everyone...

" Xichen how are you?" asked nie minju who just landed with his brother and disciples... bowed with respect

xichen replied to the courtesy " Da ge, huisang welcome, "

wanji " Da ge ,young master nie" he bowed with his brother

minju " aiya you two,drop the formalities, where is uncles?"

xichen " they both are inside the meeting hall with elders"

" alright then I am going to meet them on my own you two carrion,huisang behave well," said he went inside the gusu with his disciples following him

huisang " Er ge please guide me with my studies"

Xichen smiled " don't worry huisang i will, go to your room prepare for tomorrow first day class"

huisang bowed went away with smiling face...

hours passed...

Almost sun set on, the twin jades waiting for most important three sects paitently...

then Lan Xichen heard the laughs, his ears perk up to listen the melody laugh, instantly he turned around noticed a young man with purple robe ,nine petel lotus bell hung by his slim waist, running laughing while chasing by another two young mans,behind them two ladies one wearing purple robe other sandle shade robe following by yunmeng Jiang and Jin clan disciples...

Jiang cheng Stop midway " brother and brother in law please i can't run anymore,my feet hurts"

jin jixuan " oh my dear brother in law you have to think before you spoke,now take back what you said"

" yes dear a-cheng take back what you said" said wei ying with pout..

Jiang cheng with innocent face " what? can't do that brothers because I can't lie, and you both look like same as the monkey while chasing each other for banana? so i said that,right shijie?

she just smiled...

while the twin jades are just watching the whole scene,with amusement, unaware of Xichen his mind and heart felt the peace which he missed the past two weeks...

Just then Jiang cheng noticed others presence,his cheeks flushed he embrassed in front of them,he immediately bowed," my apology , I'm Jiang cheng courtesy wanyian from yunmeng Jiang"

" I'm Wei ying courtesy wuxian from yunmeng Jiang"

" i am Jiang yanli from yunmeng Jiang"

" jin jixuan from jin clan"

lan xichen smiled at them " Lan Xichen" he bowed followed by wanji " Lan Wanji"

again Jiang cheng smiled nervously " again sorry for our earlier behaviour"

xichen " no need for that youngmaster , its okay"

Wanji " go to your rooms rest early tomorrow morning don't be late for class"

they bowed left for their rooms, xichen smiled at the ritiering figure..

wanji" you look happy brother "

xichen turned to him" is that so? but i saw you looking at the young master wei? " he asked with smirk

wanji" I'm Not " xichen smiled" i saw that wanji "

wanji just ignore his brother with ear and his neck turning reddish pink....

The sun bid farewell soon moon came , they all retired for their rooms after dinner ....