
Beyond limits of life

Stab! Stabbing for the last time , antagonist smirk contentedly at her "so called best friend" and spat mockingly at her miserable condition ,which is ofcourse result of her disgusting grudge. ……" Honey ! Honey! There is no place for a 'Damsel in distress ' like you in this filthy world . That's why I set you free, now just wait and soon you will be dispatched to heaven ;perfect place for your innocent soul." Hahaaaaaaaa……… Miserable female protagonist laying on the cold concrete couldn't help but to recall all previous memories of her past with the sting pain in her heart , definitely agonising her more than the stabbing pain . Only one question is hurting her like hell……" Am I going to die this pathetically , without taking my revenge , justice for being naive. Male protagonist 'THE GREAT VAMPIRE LORD' appears at the site of crime out of nowhere ,after all how could he let his bride die so easily. Being ruthless and cold blooded he just couldn't help her for nothing …….. " LITTLE GIRL! NOTHING CALLED FREE LUNCH …...BE MY LIVING BLOOD BANK ! AND I WILL HELP YOU WITH YOU REVENGE! DEAL?" [With his infamous smirk] This one deal apparently upended both of their lives. Leading her to become 'HALF HUMAN HALF VAMPIRE'. A girl with dignity and grace is now under someone else's mercy , the princess of her family compelled to forget her family forever just for the sale of REVENGE. ONLY GOD KNOWS OR MAYBE ' ONLY HER VAMPIRE LORD KNOW HOW FAR SHE HAS TO GO ON THE NAME OF REVENGE.

Ariana_Fortune · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

she is gone

Ariana's eyes widened in sheer shock and disbelief as she stared at Venoma, her mind struggling to comprehend the horror unfolding before her.

"Venoma, you... What are you doing here?" Ariana's voice trembled with fear and confusion. "What on earth did you just mix with my water?"

Venoma sauntered closer to Ariana, her movements oozing with a dangerous allure. With a wicked grin, she leaned in, her fingers trailing provocatively over Ariana's cheek.

"Oh, dear Lordess, Ariana," Venoma purred, her tone dripping with malice. "It's delightful that you still remember me. You've asked two questions, but I'll only answer the second. Once you hear it, you'll understand the first."

Closing the distance between them, Venoma brought her mouth close to Ariana's ear, her voice a chilling whisper.

"The thing I mixed in your water, my dear, was black king cobra poison," she hissed triumphantly. "Hahahaha!"

As Venoma whispered into Ariana's ear, revealing the horrifying truth of the black king cobra poison, Ariana felt her world shatter. The realization hit her like a sledgehammer, filling her with a primal terror she had never known.

Ariana's shock turned into horror as Venoma's words sank in. Her hand instinctively moved to her stomach, her unborn children suddenly the only thing that mattered.

Tears welled up in Ariana's eyes as she tried to comprehend the enormity of what Venoma had done. Her body trembled with fear and despair. She felt helpless, unable to protect the lives growing inside her.

Clutching her stomach, Ariana's thoughts raced, her maternal instincts kicking into overdrive. "My babies... Please, stay strong," she pleaded silently, her heart breaking at the thought of their innocence caught in this deadly web. "My babies, please, don't let yourselves be harmed," she pleaded silently. "Stay strong until your father can come to rescue you. I don't know how long I can hold on, but please, don't let anything happen to you."

Tears streamed down Ariana's cheeks as she whispered words of love and protection to the precious lives growing inside her. "Even if I can't tell your father how much I love him in this life, if you two can survive, find yourselves nurtured in another's womb. When you come into this world, stay by his side, be a symbol of our love, and remind him of my existence, of the time when I was with him."

The thought of not being there to see her children grow, to love them, tore at Ariana's heart. But in that moment, it was all she could offer them—her love, her wishes, her hopes for their future.

With a cruel smile, Venoma leaned in closer, her eyes glinting with malice as she wiped Ariana's nose with her thumb. Holding the blood-stained thumb up for Ariana to see, she taunted, "Look, Ariana, your nose is bleeding. Now you must have the answer to your first question, huh?"

Ariana's heart sank as Venoma confirmed her worst fears. The realization that Venoma had come to kill her and her unborn children sent a wave of terror through her.

Venoma's laughter echoed in the room as she continued, "Yes! You guessed it right. I came here to end your life and the lives of your innocent children. And now, after seeing this blood, I can assure you that a miscarriage is inevitable. Don't worry, I'm not that venomous. This poison will only take you to the place where your children are now!"

Ariana's world crumbled around her as she struggled to comprehend the evilness of Venoma's actions. With tears in her eyes, she could only pray for a miracle, hoping against hope that somehow, her babies would survive.

Ariana's anguish turned to resolve as a fierce determination overtook her. Through tear-streaked eyes, she whispered to herself, "Sorry, babies. Your mother failed to protect you." Her voice cracked with sorrow.

But then, something shifted within Ariana. A fierce determination replaced her despair, and she looked at Venoma with eyes filled with a newfound strength. With tears still glistening in her eyes, she began to laugh, a wicked, mocking sound that echoed through the room.

"Hahaha! Haaaaaahahahaaa!"

Venoma, taken aback by Ariana's sudden change in demeanor, looked at her with confusion. "Ariana, have you lost your mind in the pain of losing your children? Why are you laughing like a crazy person?"

Ariana smirked, wiping the blood from her nose and lips, her expression turning arrogant. "So, Venoma, what do you think? Do you believe that after killing me, you can have Alex? Do you think he'll come running to you, begging, 'Venoma, you are the most beautiful girl on the planet, please marry me'? Huh?"

Venoma's anger flared at Ariana's words. "I do have a plan for that, my lordess," she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "When you're gone, and out of my way, I'll slowly but surely make him mine. You don't need to bother about it. You just go and REST IN PEACE! Haven't you heard the phrase, 'out of sight, out of mind'? Once you're no longer around to pester him, he'll forget all about you, and I'll make my space in his heart!"

Ariana's laughter rang out in the room, each peal filled with scorn. "Venoma, you truly are an idiot. I never expected such blatant stupidity from you, such a brainless bimbo!" Her words dripped with disdain.

Then, with a fierce expression, Ariana's demeanor shifted once again. With unwavering confidence, she addressed Venoma. "Listen closely, Venoma. I have absolute faith in my husband. Even if you were to stand before him naked, he wouldn't spare you a second glance, not even by mistake."

Her voice carried a weight of conviction as she continued, "And as for these children, they are more precious to him than anything else. Not because they are his successors or his firstborn, but because they are a testament to our endurance. Yes, they were conceived through force, through his brutality. But I chose to embrace them, to nurture them with love despite the circumstances."

Ariana's eyes blazed with determination as she revealed the truth. "He believes that these children have brought us closer together, that they have healed wounds we never thought would mend. And as for me, I don't need to prove anything. He has shattered norms, defied conventions, all for the sake of marrying me . So, you see, Venoma, your delusions of replacing me are nothing but fantasies. He loves me, and he always will."

Ariana's eyes blazed with defiance as she continued, her voice unwavering. "And when he loses all three of us, just imagine how fierce he will become, how relentless in his pursuit of justice. As a lord, it won't be difficult for him to find the culprit. Can you even fathom the wrath he will unleash upon you?"

A sense of unease flickered across Venoma's face, but she quickly regained her composure, scoffing at Ariana's words. "Do you think you can scare me? There's no chance he'll ever know that I'm behind all this!" she retorted defiantly. "I came here with a foolproof plan. First, I deceived the Prime Lady and Her Highness, making them believe I was their trusted guard, appointed to take care of you. Secondly, Alex is busy in court. And thirdly, I've bound this place with my powers. No one can enter this room, and no one can leave without my permission."

Venoma's confidence was evident, but Ariana refused to back down. "Think about yourself instead of me," Venoma continued. "Hurry up and die. Don't take too long. And if you're hoping to survive, forget it. Black king cobra venom is the deadliest venom across the globe. After ingesting it, no human can survive for long."

With a defiant smile, she retorted. "Hahaha! Miss Venoma, you are truly something! I must commend your vivid imagination! Inviting death upon yourself, yet you dare to imagine that death will welcome you lovingly instead of brutally ending you!"

Her laughter continued, filling the room with its mocking tone. "Don't worry, for the sake of our acquaintance, I'll reserve a seat for you in hell. So, after Alex is done with you, at least you'll have somewhere to stay!"

Venoma's fury reached its peak as she screamed at Ariana, "You bitch! Still showing arrogance! Who do you think you are? Don't overestimate yourself. Your death won't trouble our Lord. He'll forget you soon after you're gone!"

Ariana's laughter only grew louder in response. "Keep dreaming, Venoma. Dreaming is a good thing, and you, my dear, are quite the artist when it comes to daydreaming! Hahaha!"

Ariana's laughter was interrupted by a fit of coughing, blood staining her lips. But even then, she didn't falter.

Venoma's smile was twisted with satisfaction as she observed Ariana's weakened state. "You're coughing up blood and yet you still try to act strong," she remarked, a hint of malicious amusement in her tone.

On the other hand...

Alex abruptly rose from his throne, his expression troubled. "Court is adjourned for now! I will inform you all later about its second session!"

His announcement left everyone stunned and unsettled, murmurs filled the air, confusion evident on the faces of the courtiers. They exchanged worried glances, speculating about the unusual turn of events.

Gossip quickly spread among the courtiers. "Our Lord never takes work for granted! He never throws tantrums like this! Why did he suddenly adjourn the court in the middle of the session?"

Bai, sensing Alex's unease, approached him cautiously, concern etched on his features. "Lord, is there a problem? Why did you suddenly call off the court?" he inquired, his voice laced with worry.

Alex's response was tinged with urgency and anxiety. "Bai, I'm not feeling well. This sensation—it's like something ominous is looming on the horizon. Gather our best vampire soldiers immediately. Half are to secure our borders, and the other half are to ensure the safety of the Royal palace. I need to inspect the palace myself."

With a nod of understanding, Bai swiftly set about carrying out Alex's orders, his own concern growing with each passing moment.

As they reached the floor where Ariana was confined, Alex's senses heightened, detecting a powerful presence nearby. "Bai, I smell a potent talisman here. Who else within this fort would dare to wield such power?" he questioned, his tone grave.

Bai considered the possibilities before suggesting, "Perhaps the Prime Lady and Her Highness? It's conceivable that they may have employed it for some purpose."

Determined to uncover the truth, Alex wasted no time. "Then let's confront them and ascertain the reason behind the use of such a potent talisman," he declared resolutely.

As they approached Prime Lady and Her Highness, who were busy preparing supplements and maternal medicines, Alex's mother intercepted them with a puzzled expression. "What brings you two here? And why do you look so pale?" she inquired.

Alex and Bai Wang's distress escalated when they saw Prime Lady and Her Highness preparing supplements instead of using a talisman. Simultaneously, they yelled in a worried tone, "We need to rush to Ariana's room!"

Inside Ariana's room, Ariana was feeling increasingly dizzy. Blood gushed from her nose, and she coughed up blood, her consciousness slipping away with each passing moment.

As Alex and Bai Wang rushed to Ariana's room, their distress grew with each passing moment.

The smell of the talisman grew stronger, confirming their worst fears. With a surge of fury, Alex unleashed a powerful spell, shattering the door into pieces.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by a sight that filled them with horror. Ariana, pale and weak, was losing consciousness before their eyes. Blood gushed from her nose, and she coughed violently, her body wracked with pain. His heart clenched at the sight of Ariana on the brink of collapse, her strength waning with each passing second.

Without hesitation, Alex rushed to her side, catching her before she could fall. His hands trembled with a mixture of fear and anger as he cradled her limp form, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Venoma, what the hell have you done to her?" His voice echoed with a ferocity that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. In that moment, Alex's love for Ariana transformed into a fiery rage, fueled by the sight of her suffering. He vowed to unleash his wrath upon whoever was responsible for causing her such agony.

Venoma, taken aback by Alex's furious reaction, staggered back in fear, her resolve crumbling before his rage. Before she could even think of a way to escape, Bai moved swiftly, apprehending her.

"Take this low-blood away from my sight!" Alex's voice thundered through the room, his anger palpable. The intensity of his fury was enough to send chills down anyone's spine.

Bai wasted no time in complying with his lord's command. With a firm grip, he escorted Venoma away from their.