
Beyond limits of life

Stab! Stabbing for the last time , antagonist smirk contentedly at her "so called best friend" and spat mockingly at her miserable condition ,which is ofcourse result of her disgusting grudge. ……" Honey ! Honey! There is no place for a 'Damsel in distress ' like you in this filthy world . That's why I set you free, now just wait and soon you will be dispatched to heaven ;perfect place for your innocent soul." Hahaaaaaaaa……… Miserable female protagonist laying on the cold concrete couldn't help but to recall all previous memories of her past with the sting pain in her heart , definitely agonising her more than the stabbing pain . Only one question is hurting her like hell……" Am I going to die this pathetically , without taking my revenge , justice for being naive. Male protagonist 'THE GREAT VAMPIRE LORD' appears at the site of crime out of nowhere ,after all how could he let his bride die so easily. Being ruthless and cold blooded he just couldn't help her for nothing …….. " LITTLE GIRL! NOTHING CALLED FREE LUNCH …...BE MY LIVING BLOOD BANK ! AND I WILL HELP YOU WITH YOU REVENGE! DEAL?" [With his infamous smirk] This one deal apparently upended both of their lives. Leading her to become 'HALF HUMAN HALF VAMPIRE'. A girl with dignity and grace is now under someone else's mercy , the princess of her family compelled to forget her family forever just for the sale of REVENGE. ONLY GOD KNOWS OR MAYBE ' ONLY HER VAMPIRE LORD KNOW HOW FAR SHE HAS TO GO ON THE NAME OF REVENGE.

Ariana_Fortune · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

pervert Bitch

Tina's excitement was palpable as she approached the senior and Ariana, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Wow, senior, you actually came! I really never thought that you would take my invitation seriously and will come," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with delight at the unexpected turnout.

The senior rose from his seat, extending his hand for a handshake as he greeted Tina with warm birthday wishes. Tina accepted his gesture eagerly, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of happiness and nervousness. "Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're here," she gushed, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of her plan coming to fruition.

With determination in her eyes, Tina rallied everyone's attention, her voice cutting through the chatter. "Hey, guys, let's move towards our party room as the senior is also here. We should proceed for the cake-cutting ceremony now," she declared, her tone filled with anticipation as she led the way to the designated room.

As the room filled with birthday wishes and cheers, Tina stood at the center, ready to make her grand announcement. "Attention! Attention! Now I am going to propose to my longtime crush," she proclaimed, her voice trembling with nervous excitement as she prepared to lay her heart on the line.

With bated breath, everyone watched as Tina approached her senior, her heart pounding in her chest. Clutching a red rose in her trembling hand, she extended it towards him, her voice barely above a whisper as she confessed her feelings. "Ahem! Senior, I have liked you for a long time, but I never gathered up my courage to confess it to you. But today, on my birthday, I am confessing it to you as it might be my last chance to tell you how I feel. Please, accept my love," she pleaded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and hope.

The senior's response was unexpected, his eyes filled with guilt and hesitation as he gently declined Tina's proposal, revealing his love for Ariana instead. Stunned and speechless, Tina struggled to process his words, her heart sinking with each passing moment.

But Tina was not one to back down easily. With a forced smile and a trembling voice, she revealed the truth behind her actions, her words laced with bitterness and regret. "I...I thought I was helping," she stammered, her eyes brimming with unshed tears as she tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding around her.

As the tension in the room reached a fever pitch, Tina's resentment boiled beneath the surface, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge. But amidst the chaos and confusion, a glimmer of determination flickered in her eyes, her resolve stronger than ever as she plotted her next move.

Tina's voice cut through the tension in the room, her playful demeanor belying the gravity of the situation. "Hahaaa haa ha! Look at you guys, you all look so serious. Please calm down," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she addressed the group. Turning to Ariana with a sly grin, she continued, "And my dear Ariana, the senior is right. He is serious about you. I figured out his feelings for you a long time ago and waited to see him confess to you, but he never gathered up the courage. So, I thought about helping him. I really have no idea whether he is going to confess to you at his graduation ceremony. That's why I prepared all this drama so that he can confess to you. As I guess, I pretty much succeeded in my plan, but it also seems that I ruined the senior's plan. And senior, I am sorry for ruining your plan," she said, giving the senior a puppy-eyed look with a pout, before playfully winking at him.

Taking Ariana's hand in hers, Tina spoke with earnestness, "And Ariana, please grow up and accept the senior's proposal, okay? Look, I have created a whole drama for you." Ariana, still processing the whirlwind of emotions, remained silent, her thoughts a jumble of confusion and disbelief.

Turning to the rest of the classmates, Tina raised her glass of shots with a cheer, "Now everybody, let's enjoy ourselves, for the success of my plan! Woooooo hurray! Let's drink, hurray!" Her words were met with enthusiastic cheers from the group, but Ariana's hesitance lingered, her mind still reeling from the events of the evening.

As the party continued and the atmosphere lightened, Tina's facade began to crack, revealing a darker, more vindictive side. With each gulp of vodka, her resentment towards Ariana grew, spilling out in a venomous tirade. "Ariana, what's so good in you, huh?" she muttered under her breath, her words dripping with disdain. "I got better grades than you. I have a sexy hourglass figure, while you only got big boobs, you bitch. I always linger around you because I thought I would look superior in comparison to you, but now you seduced my man. I will make your life a living hell. Bestie, my foot, honey. Just wait and watch how I am going to show you my true colors. HAH HAAA HA HA HA HA," she laughed bitterly, the mask of friendship slipping away to reveal her true intentions.

Meanwhile, Ariana sat in a corner of the karaoke room, still reeling from the shock of the evening's events. Her mind raced with unanswered questions, her thoughts consumed by the implications of the senior's confession and Tina's betrayal. Feeling overwhelmed, she longed for the comfort of home, her voice barely above a whisper as she expressed her desire to leave the party behind.

In an embarrassed tone, Ariana replied, "Ehm'! It's not what you are thinking, Tina. I am just not feeling good, and it's pretty late now. I think we should go home now."

"Okay, okay! We will go home, but first, you drink something. You look pale," Tina replied, feigning concern. She hurriedly went into one corner of the room and mixed vodka with juices. With a smirk, she said, "You are gonna see the real hell today, my Ariana darling!" Carrying the vodka-laced juice, she offered it to Ariana, who, unaware of the truth, accepted it with a sweet smile. Ariana downed the first glass in one go, her thirst heightened by the tension of the evening. Feeling uneasy after the first glass, Ariana requested Tina to take her to the washroom as her head spun with nausea.

Tina smirked and offered another glass, saying, "OMG! Look how naive you are. Don't worry, honey. Just because you are not used to loud places, you are feeling nauseous. Now, finish these glasses too; you will definitely feel better." She forcefully made Ariana drink two more glasses.

"Gulp! Gulp! Ahh! My head is hurting badly. I can't stand it anymore," Ariana stammered after gulping down all three glasses, her vision blurring before she collapsed on the floor. Tina snickered at Ariana's state.

As the clock struck 2 am, the classmates had all departed, leaving Ariana and Tina alone in the karaoke room. Tina seized Ariana's phone, curling her hair with one hand as she held the phone in the other. "Ariana, why are you too good? Don't you know that this world is too cruel towards innocent and good people? Even if you are innocent in all this drama, you lured my love, my senior. So now, I will make you feel sorry for being so kind and innocent," she said with a malicious laugh. Planning her next move, she called Ariana's brother, Alexander.

Answering in a sleepy voice, Alexander asked, "Who are you? What's the matter?"

"Brother, it's me, Tina. Actually, today is my birthday, and we were celebrating with some classmates. But Ariana insisted on going to a nightclub and having some fun first. She hyped up, drank a few shots of vodka, and now she is dead drunk. Will you please come here and pick her up?" Tina said, her voice dripping with false concern.

Shocked and worried, Alexander rushed to the nightclub, scanning the club with concern until he found Ariana. Ignoring Tina, he lifted Ariana in his arms, gently patting her cheek and urging her to wake up, his voice filled with worry and tenderness.

"Ariana, are you okay? Please don't freak me out. Wake up, little girl, please..." Alexander's voice was filled with concern and worry as he held Ariana tightly.

Observing Alexander's tender response towards Ariana, Tina felt her efforts were futile. Fiercely clenching her fists, she adopted a pretentious and innocent tone. "Um, brother, please don't be mad at her. It's not her fault. She was only dancing and drinking some beer, but some drunk guy offered her vodka and persuaded her to dance with them. That's why she drank vodka and got drunk. Please don't be mad at her," she pleaded, her voice masking her deceit.

Alexander held Ariana tightly, shooting a freezing look at Tina that sent shivers down her spine. Without saying a word, he left with Ariana, his mood fierce and protective.

Breathing a sigh of relief after they departed, Tina muttered to herself, "Wow, I am really a good actress. Now, Ariana, when you wake up, you'll meet the Lord Yama. Hahaha! Even I got goosebumps after seeing your brother's murderous look. You're gonna be dead meat soon, my girl. Haha!"

She bit her lip shyly while playing with her hair, continuing to mumble, "Since you're my bestie, Ariana, don't worry. After your demise, I'll take care of your brother. He looks so damn hot in pajamas; I wonder how handsome he'll look naked. And me? How could I leave someone as hot as him? Oh my, I am blushing, Tina. You're such a pervert, girl. Um, haha!"