
Beyond limits of life

Stab! Stabbing for the last time , antagonist smirk contentedly at her "so called best friend" and spat mockingly at her miserable condition ,which is ofcourse result of her disgusting grudge. ……" Honey ! Honey! There is no place for a 'Damsel in distress ' like you in this filthy world . That's why I set you free, now just wait and soon you will be dispatched to heaven ;perfect place for your innocent soul." Hahaaaaaaaa……… Miserable female protagonist laying on the cold concrete couldn't help but to recall all previous memories of her past with the sting pain in her heart , definitely agonising her more than the stabbing pain . Only one question is hurting her like hell……" Am I going to die this pathetically , without taking my revenge , justice for being naive. Male protagonist 'THE GREAT VAMPIRE LORD' appears at the site of crime out of nowhere ,after all how could he let his bride die so easily. Being ruthless and cold blooded he just couldn't help her for nothing …….. " LITTLE GIRL! NOTHING CALLED FREE LUNCH …...BE MY LIVING BLOOD BANK ! AND I WILL HELP YOU WITH YOU REVENGE! DEAL?" [With his infamous smirk] This one deal apparently upended both of their lives. Leading her to become 'HALF HUMAN HALF VAMPIRE'. A girl with dignity and grace is now under someone else's mercy , the princess of her family compelled to forget her family forever just for the sale of REVENGE. ONLY GOD KNOWS OR MAYBE ' ONLY HER VAMPIRE LORD KNOW HOW FAR SHE HAS TO GO ON THE NAME OF REVENGE.

Ariana_Fortune · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs


Next morning, when Alex opened his eyes, he felt a pang of unease. A wave of confusion washed over him as he realized he was completely unaware of what he had done the night before. With a sudden jolt, he realized he was unclothed. Panic set in as he sat up abruptly, his gaze falling on Ariana, who was sleeping next to him.

As he took in Ariana's condition, the events of the previous night flooded back to him. Regret and guilt gnawed at his insides. He wanted desperately to make amends, to comfort Ariana, but he couldn't muster the courage to face her. Hastily, he slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

Under the shower, the memories of the previous night assaulted him, each recollection felt like a hammer blow to his conscience. The realization of what he had done haunted him, the weight of his actions pressing down on him.

As the water cascaded over him, Alex tried to wash away not just the physical remnants of the night before, but the discomfort and regret that seemed to cling to him. The memories played in his mind like a movie he couldn't turn off, each scene more vivid than the last.

Frustrated and angry at himself, Alex punched the wall in a fit of rage.

"Damn it! I hate myself!" he exclaimed. "I broke my promise. In my 3000 years of life, I never craved for women, I never felt this... this heat! Why did I suddenly lose control? Why did I ruin her last night?"

He paused, his voice filled with self-loathing. "She must hate me for what I did to her. I don't even remember when I stopped... When I stopped torturing her. How long did I...? I don't know how to face her now."

Regret weighed heavily on him as he contemplated the irreversible damage he had caused.

Turning off the shower, he leaned against the tiled wall, letting the droplets fall around him. He needed to talk to Ariana, to explain, to apologize. But the thought of facing her, of seeing the disappointment or hurt in her eyes, made his stomach churn.

After an hour in the shower, Alex emerged, his eyes softening as they fell on Ariana. However, he couldn't bring himself to approach her. Observing her still asleep, he assumed she must be tired, especially considering it was her first time. He decided not to disturb her and instead, headed to the kitchen to prepare something healthy for her.

Hours passed, and when Ariana still hadn't woken up by noon, Alex grew worried. He approached her and gently patted her shoulder. "Ariana, wake up. It's already noon," he said softly, but there was no response.

He tried again, gently patting her and running his fingers through her hair. "Ariana, please wake up. You need to eat something healthy. I know you must be exhausted after last night."

Despite his efforts, Ariana remained motionless, her breathing steady but shallow. Alex's panic intensified, and he resorted to splashing water on her face, hoping to rouse her. Still, she didn't stir.

Fear gripped him as he decided to uncover her body, revealing the bite marks and the blood staining her skin. Guilt flooded his senses, and he staggered back, his hands trembling.

"Oh no!" he gasped, staggering backward. "She's bleeding... I hurt her... I hurt her so badly." Guilt washed over him as he realized the extent of the damage he had caused. "Ariana, will you hate me for this? Can you ever forgive me for my sins? I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

"What should I do now? I can't take her to the hospital, nor can I call our medical head.

Feeling utterly helpless, Alex knew he had to act quickly. He couldn't take her to the hospital, nor could he call for medical assistance from their world without revealing their secret. Summoning the female medical head seemed like the only option.

With a heavy heart, Alex sent the urgent request, hoping for a swift response. He could only wait anxiously, praying for Ariana's well-being and forgiveness.

After a few tense minutes of waiting, the female medical head arrived at Alex's summons. She bowed respectfully before him, her demeanor poised and professional.

"Lord, you summoned me. How may I assist you?" she inquired, her voice calm and reassuring.

Alex immediately led her to Ariana, his concern palpable. "Lady, please examine my wife and treat her. She's in considerable pain."

The female medical head nodded, her demeanor calm and composed as she instructed Alex to wait outside while she attended to Ariana.

Anxiously pacing outside the room, Alex's mind raced with worry. He couldn't bear to see Ariana in pain, and he felt utterly helpless.

After what felt like an eternity, the female medical head opened the door and beckoned him inside. Relief flooded Alex as he rushed in to see Ariana.

"Lady medical head, is she okay? Is her body all right?" Alex's voice trembled with concern as his orbs hovered over Ariana's unconscious form.

With a reassuring smile, the medical head reassured him, "Lord, there's no need to worry. Lordess's condition is due to the shock of her first time experience. She fainted from the fright and has developed a fever as a result. However, her body is perfectly fine, both inside and out."

Alex's tense shoulders relaxed slightly at the news, but his worry lingered. "Will she wake up soon? Is there anything I can do?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

The female medical head smiled gently. "Yes, Lord. Her body is healthy, both inside and out. However, handling vampire hormones can be a bit challenging for a human, which is why she's experiencing some discomfort. But there's no need to worry; I've administered the necessary treatment. Lordess will regain consciousness within the next 30 minutes. Once she wakes, be sure to monitor her diet closely. Human bodies are fragile, and she'll need proper care and nourishment," she advised


Alex's worry was palpable as he sat beside Ariana, his gaze never leaving her face. When the female medical head reassured him of Ariana's well-being, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders, but the concern still lingered in his eyes.

"Are you sure she's fine? And she'll be back to her old self with just a good diet?" Alex's voice quivered with apprehension as he sought further reassurance.

With a serene smile, the medical head nodded. "Lord, rest assured. Lordess is perfectly healthy. All she needs is proper care and nourishment, and she'll be even stronger than before. If you require anything else, don't hesitate to summon me," she assured him before taking her leave.

As the medical head departed, Alex remained by Ariana's side, his grip tight on her hand, a silent sentinel of worry. When Ariana finally stirred and opened her eyes, relief flooded through him, evident in his concerned inquiry.

"Ariana, are you alright? Do you need anything? Just tell me, and I'll take care of it," Alex's voice was gentle yet urgent, his concern etched in every word.

Ariana attempted to rise, but a sharp pain shot through her body, causing her to wince. In her mind, she silently acknowledged the discomfort, feeling every ache keenly.

"Ah! My body... it hurts..." Ariana's voice trailed off into a pained murmur as she struggled to sit up.

Alex's worry deepened at her distress. "Don't strain yourself, Ariana. Stay in bed, and I'll fetch whatever you need. " he assured her, his commitment unwavering.

Ariana's reluctance to meet Alex's gaze after the events of last night ,spoke volumes about the unspoken tension between them, even though she understood he was not at fault. The unexpected turn of events had created an invisible barrier between them, one that neither knew how to breach.

In a quiet voice, she said, not meeting his gaze, "It's okay, I'm feeling better now. I just need to go to the bathroom."

Alex, concern etched on his face, offered, "Let me take you there."

Ariana, still not looking up, replied softly, "It's okay, I can manage."

She tried to rise, but a wave of dizziness washed over her, making her unsteady.

Without a word, Alex wrapped her in a blanket, lifting her gently into his arms, and carried her to the bathroom. After settling her down, he left, closing the door behind him.

After a while , Ariana emerged from the bathroom. She found a bowl of soup waiting for her, but insisted she wasn't hungry, retreating to bed and pulling the blanket around her.

Alex placed the soup on a nearby table, urging gently, "Please, drink it. It's good for you. I'll be outside. I won't disturb you anymore."

As he left the room, he couldn't shake off the worry in his mind. "Her eyes were red when she came out of the bathroom. Did she cry because of what happened last night? And why didn't she eat? Is it because she doesn't want to see me?"

But unknown to him, Ariana's eyes were red because she had accidentally gotten soap in them. Ariana's actions were driven by embarrassment and discomfort rather than resentment, but the chasm between them seemed to widen with each passing moment.

After hours of internal turmoil, Alex couldn't bear the weight of his guilt any longer. With a heavy heart, he approached Ariana, his hands trembling as he offered her a silver dagger, a symbol of his remorse. Kneeling before her, he poured out his soul in an apology, his voice laced with genuine contrition.

"Ariana, I know you must hate me for what I did to you last night. My sins do not merit your forgiveness, but please accept my apology. I am deeply sorry for the wounds I inflicted upon you. As punishment for my transgressions, please use this dagger to hurt me. Silver is forbidden and dangerous for vampires, so your punishment will cause me pain. Hurt me until you are satisfied. Last night, you showed me kindness, but I repaid it with cruelty. Please punish me, but do not hate me. I cannot bear your disdain."

Ariana gently placed the dagger aside and spoke softly, her words filled with understanding and compassion.

"Please stand up. What happened between us last night was not entirely your fault. I was stubborn and didn't listen to you. Moreover, what occurred is a natural part of a husband-wife relationship. Let's forget the past and move forward. I am not a child who can only find peace by causing pain to those who hurt me. Your sincere apology is enough for me. However, I need some time to feel calm and comfortable around you again. It's not because I hate you, but because I feel a little embarrassed and uncomfortable."

Relieved, Alex sought reassurance. "Ariana, are you sure? You don't hate me anymore? Will you promise me that you'll never leave me?"

Ariana nodded, her eyes reflecting her sincerity. "Yes, what I'm saying is true. I don't hate you, and I'll never leave you."

With determination, Alex promised, "I will spend every moment making up for what happened last night and cherish you as you deserve." Then he left the room, leaving Ariana to process the delicate emotions that lingered between them.

As Alex left the room, Ariana couldn't help but complain to herself.

"Is this guy even denser than I am, or what? When a girl isn't making a fuss after sleeping with a man and says 'it's okay,' how could she hate him? Girls only keep calm after making love when the man is the one she's chosen, the one she's willing to give her everything to.

I know the circumstances weren't ideal, but it's also true that, 'Alex, you are the only man to whom I am willing to sacrifice everything, even my first time.'"