
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Ação
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32 Chs

Thunder God Constitution

As Hu is called up he enter the area and see his most hated enemy Shin

"Well well look who it is I heard you beat Trev but didn't think I would be lucky enough to be able to kick your ass so soon in the tournament."

Hu here this insult and replies "yeah will see who kicking who ass."

Shin doesn't even come up with another remark as the match has already and release a powerful thundering aura

Nick see this and ask Sofia if this was the guy and she say yeah come up with a lie for Hu to see how he would get out of this situation

Hu ask "what did you do."

Shin smiles and say "it not what I did it what I was born with."

As the coward is shocked and confused by the commitment by Shin the seeded player know what going on a constitute and a strong one at


Hu think and the decides to fire a storm of mana blast and most hit and a few are left behind but it seem that it did nothing

The looming aura release and spread over paralysis Hu and creating a creator and rubble flying all over

Hu smile as he see his chance and pull the rubble with his mana blast from earlier by turning it to a mana wire and Shin face slam down on the ground causing a nose bleed

In deep anger Shin call out thunder God storm and say "this is the strongest technique that I have with the thunder God consistution."

Hear the name Hu think why does this guy have such a domineering name