
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Ação
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32 Chs

The big bad wolf

As Hu and Heliu bazhu are waking up, they decide they should ask the old man to hunt for a beginner. "we should go ask the old man were to go hunt but let get some food." As they headed out and got some food after they headed to the river bank and waited for the old man to come after waiting for a few hours, the old man came.

"Old man, Yu, you're finally here what took you so long." questioned the old man

"I have other things to do with my time than just fish, but beside that, what do you want?" commander said in a playful tone.

"I need to know where to go hunting for beginners." Said Hu in a very serious voice while staring at.

"Well, there is no place specifically for beginners, but just go outside the city just not far out since the monster out there is far too strong for you currently." As the commander scratched his chin and pondered for a second before saying something again. "Well, you should go to the forest just outside of the city where you can find some pretty weak monsters and is good for beginner and maybe practice your skill since their is only 1 month until the tournament starts."

"All right, thank you for the help, old man. Yu I see you next time." As Hu ran off back to his new tent and packed some food and headed out on his way, he had picked up some rusted chain from an ally and decided to take them since he want to practice with these and also he had no weapon currently on him as he head out he is stop by some guard to see I'd.

"Hey kid, where do you think you're going? Are you even awakened yet." As Hu shows his ID and the gaurd walk out of the way and give him a nod and he head out.

"Alright, so what now let go find a stream and see if their since animal need to drink water." As Hu head toward their as he arrives, he releases Heliu bazhu is the small river and tell him to hide in the river bank, and while Hu goes and climb up the trees.

As Hu is waiting for a few minutes, he sees a forest wolf, and it seems as if it is about to evolve into a magic beast but quite large and not jusy little bit larger but ginormous compared to other of it species. "Should I try to subdue it would be useful in the hunt, and since it is so large, it would probably become a heavy hitter in the future with enough care." As he communicates with Heliu bazhu with telepathy and tell him the plan.

After they finish talking, Heliu bazhu slow swim up toward the forest wolf, and Heliu bazhu jump out with aqau jet and then follow up with shock wave as the wolf whimper in pain and takes a step back.

"Heliu bazhu keep distracting it." As I got out and started to think of a plan, what could I do to subdue this wolf. While Hu is thinking of a plan, the size difference between Heliu bazhu is too big while .

Damn it shit I need to do something quick. As I am trying to rack my brain, I realize my not use my chain and my mana to reinforce it with mana string.

While Hu is doing that, Heliu bazhu and the wolf have a stare doing while Heliu bazhu could kill right now he listen to Hu order and keeps the wolf at a distance by using aqau jet to dodge and attack as they continue on for 10 minutes Hu finally is able to handle the mana strung with the old rusted chains.

As Hu runs toward the wolf from behind, Hu tells Heliu bazhu uses a shock wave and distracts it, and Hu jumps on top of the wolf from behind and starts to choke it out for few minutes but the wolf did not take it and put up a fight as it was thrashing around and slamming Hu around and injuring his back and causing a lot noise that some other creatures started to come around Hu can tell if he does have some done quick he done for so he call to Heliu bazhu to keep striking them down with shock waves.

As Hu and the wolf are getting peirce by the shock waves, he is constantly bleeding, but not just him the wolf is to but he soon realized he need this wolf to pass out quick since he does they might have to kill it since the shock affect me more since it destorying my bone and muscles inside out.

"Damn it, why won't this wolf go down? I just thought it was larger than other wolves. Is this a mutate it would be nice to have one , but if I die before hand." As Hu yells and slams down his hand with the rusted chain on the wolf back until finally it falls.

"I did it you god damn bastard." After pick himself up, he put the wold in the beast space space and started the taming just after cleaning the blood up and start his walk back to the city since his body is far to injured to continue hunt as he just about to make it he feel something pierce his back and then after he getting shocked by lighting and them he pass out as he wakes up in a hospital bed in a local clinic he found all his item are gone his food his wallet and as he think he communicates with Heliu bazhu and asked what had happened and told Hu that as he was coming back Shin and his group saw him and threw a knife at him and hit him with lightning then leave and was lucky found by the patrol team.

Author note hey guy sorry for not posting anything in a while. I finally have time to post again, so I decided to first overhaul the story and fix the current chapters and decide to work on this novel first since it is my most popular with have to many chapter I will post new chapters whenever I have free time that why this chapters so long