
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Ação
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32 Chs


It has been a couple of days since Chain and I encountered one of the undead kings. we were angry, especially Chain, since he had lost his home probably since he lived outside of the city so we trained and we put all our efforts into increasing our stats so now we decided to do some practical train like combat in the adventurer association in the combat simulator.

As we headed out, we saw a commotion up front and that when we saw someone walking out, it was a girl around my age, and I was instantly enamored by hee beauty she had light brown skin and medium length hair but what caught my eye was her smile was the most beautiful thing I have seen in my whole life so far.

"Hey Hu, why do you keep straining at her, you thing she cute."

"Yeah, why else would I be straining at her this much." After I said that, someone appeared behind me and said. "You're quite honestly kid. Most people would be flustered or lie about it."

As we turn, we see a man with red hair and Kai, who is the man who gave the welcome speech at my awakening ceremony.

"Kai, it been a while. How have you been." Chain said as Kai replied back, and then we asked to take us to the combat simulator, and we walked inside past the people trying to talk to the girl and head in and started to fight and practice our skill and refuned my movements under the pressure facing someone 1 levels above me as we continue to go on until the late afternoon we went outside and as we were talking I accidentally bumped into the girl and apologized.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you. Are you okay." and she replied with. "No, it not your fault. I wasn't looking."

Then, when I looked at her, it was the girl from earlier, and she even looked more magnificent up close than she said, "Hi, my name is Sofia. What your name." I replied with Hu, and then she continued the conversation, which I was confused but happy after getting to know each other she gave me her Holodeck number.

"Hey, Chain, can you get me a Holodeck." He smiled and laughed for a moment and then replied sure and we got one and went back to the tent, and then I added her, and she replied back asking for a battle in a few days.