
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Ação
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32 Chs

a holly jolly holiday

After the match finished Hu and Chain are quite impressed with Nick control and how he was able to keep Crow at bay even with his high-speed movement and his destructive power

They watch a few more match together when Hu get a message on his holodeck from Sofia "hey do you want to have dinner tomorrow since it Christmas."

When Hu readed the read Christmas he know what it in concept but never actually experienced and goes and ask Chain

"Well if it Christmas and she invited you out for dinner you should probably get here a gift like some jewelry." Once Hu hears that he worries hiw he going to get something like that

Chain chuckles and say "you don't have to get her something like that it the best option." Hu is angryed and decided Chain is not helping and decided to go shopping to see what their is that he can afford

While Hu walk around the town he see the nice light and remember when he was younger he would alway walk around this time looking at the lovely light this is the time of the year where it was never dark and all full of warmth even when he was cold

Hu look at all the shop and see a lovely sliver bracelet for cheap that has a nice plant pattern

He see a chance and decided to try to use some rune and enchantment to make it even more lovely

While he head back to see Chain work on his zombie Hu bring out a rune pen and practice inscribing on some other scap metal and first put some strengthing and speed runes at the current moment as a few hour pass by Hu feels that he has done an adequate job and then moves on to enchantment and trys to put the barrier enchantment as time goes on he remembers he still need a suit

While Hu buys a suit Chain decided to help him out and help fix the barrier enchantment and the next day went around and relaxed until he went over to a restaurant called Levan

They chated and enjoy their mean and exchanged gift Sofia say "what a lovely bracelet and I see their are some runes on it."

Hu say "yeah I tried my best their also a enchantment on it." While Sofia is impressed by the gift she exchanges her gift with Hu it a nice knife crafted with level 2 monster bones

As they chat and eat they spend the whole night relaxing preparing for the tournament tomorrow

Author notes: Merry Christmas everyone I just want to give you guy a little bit extra as a Christmas gift from to you reader hope you enjoy