
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
126 Chs

Kishi Kishi no Mi

-... And that's how the Marines set up this shop! Said the clerk.

-I see, quite the story.

Pretty much, this shop is one among the many set up in several of the islands under the Marines' protection.

The reason for this is unknown though.

-Thank you for the story, old man.

-Be careful out there young man! The streets aren't as safe as they used to be.

I waved to the man and went towards the "Ships and transportation" Section.

The market was surprisingly full with people. From what I heard from these people's conversations, the prices here are very accessible. Just enough to compete with this islands shops.

How do I describe this?

Different from the other sections, the "Ships and transportation" is completely separated from the rest of the supermarket.

There is an immense wall impeding anyone from seeing inside. There were two buff guards wearing the Marines' clothing.

-Is this the ships and transportation section?

-That's right sir! Are you here for what in specific?

The guard is surprisingly friendly.

-I am here to buy some supplies, if possible.

-Of course! Would you mind staying in the red circle?

I was deeply suspicious, so I increased my guard.


The ceiling parted in half revealing a hole. From the hole a small platform slowly descended in front of me.

On top of the platform was a small snail with big round eyes. There were some cables leaving its shell and the snail was wearing a rather big metallic helmet.


Its two eyes projected two beams of red light, slowly scanning my body.

After a full 10 seconds the snail said:

-Processing… Confirming identity…

What is this?

-...No prior criminal record.

The platform slow ascended to the top.


-Sorry for the wait sir.

-What was that?

-Just our newest security device, it allows us to compare someone's face to a large database in our nearest base. This is so that we can impede some people from accessing the products in the next area.

-... But what if someone too strong appears?

-There is a security measure that will destroy everything inside. And send an emergency signal to the nearest Marine outpost.

-I see… Can I go in?

They made way and one of them said:

-Of course! There is a cashier somewhere inside there so you can pay for your products immediately. Have a nice day.

-You too…

I entered the secured section.


The dark place suddenly lit up revealing multiple shelves filled with items.

Log poses, sealed maps, even some Den den Mushi were for sale.

What a strange place.

-Welcome. My name is Guirt, I shall be your guide. May I ask what is that you seek?

I looked behind me to see a middle-aged man wearing the classic butler outfit.

-Yes… I am looking primarily for Log poses…

-I see, please follow me.

The man led me towards a shelf filled with all sorts of Log poses.

There were even some Eternal Log poses.

/Cactus Island/ Eternal Log pose

/Drum Island/ Eternal Log pose

/Kyuka Island/ Eternal Log pose

/Arabasta Kingdom/ Eternal Log pose

There were several of those on the shelf.

-You are lucky customer as we have just been restocked, receiving supplies from further away into the Grand Line.

I looked at the price tags…

A normal Log pose was going for 100K Berries… But what I wanted was the Eternal ones.

The Log pose for Cactus island wasn't that expensive. Around 300K Berries. But the one for Arabasta…

43 Million Berries… No wonder there was only one.

-... We also make Vivre cards, but that takes a few days to be ready.

While the man was distracted I picked a fat stack of Berries from my inventory space and placed it inside my shirt.

For the time when I have to pay of course.

As for stealing these…

I am not desperate enough to do it. Money is just a tool for me, not something I am willing to risk my life and reputation for.

-Alright, I think I already know what I want.

-Splendid, just tell me and we can proceed.

-Can't we just pick them up and place them in the cart?

-Not quite. Our security regulation doesn't allow for that, but rest assured that you will receive everything after the payment has been confirmed.

It's not really a problem for me, it's convenient in fact. Let them pick the items for me.

-So let's start with this one. I pointed towards a normal Log pose.

-A splendid choice! A Log Pose is essential in the Grand line. I was going to recommend one to you but you beat me up to it MoHohohoh.

The man let out a strange laugh…

-Alright, let's continue…

/At the same time in the boat.../

'Loodwick and the other two had just finished their report to Ace'

-So what are we waiting for?

'Ace picked Roger's pirate hat and roved his long red cloak.'

-I knew this would happen...

'The others weren't surprised that the first thing their captain did was grab his stuff and leave.'

-We need to catch up with him before he causes any more trouble.

-Susein is right. Let 's go!

/Half an hour later/

'Close to one of the mountains, a large steel building, that was shaped like a large chest armor, proudly shinned in the golden sun'

-Is this the place?

'Frindin was confused. Shouldn't a black market boss have a secret underground base? Why is it so…'

-What do we think we should do captain… Captain?

'They looked around and noticed that their captain had disappeared'

-Excuse me sir… Is this Don Krieg base?

'Their captain was… Asking questions to one of the guards in front of the building'

-... He didn't just…

-He did Susein… He did… Get ready for trouble…

'The guards looked at each other before pulling up two pistols and shooting at Ace's face'

-Well… I thought as much!


'Before the two guards even had a chance to react, Ace punched both of their faces with immense speed. Their bodies flew and hit the gate, forcing it open'


'A loud alarm started to echo through the area.'

-Captain! They now know we are here!

-This makes things easier Susein-Chan… Just follow the plan.

-Whats the plan?

'Ace turned around and said:'

-Punch them in the face. If that doesn't work… Try again!


Ace disappeared from where he stood. His speed was too much for them to react to.

-... Sigh… The captain will be fine right?

-... I hope so Frindin… If only the first mate was here… He is the only rational person on this boat…

-... What? Why are you two looking at me? Let's go help the captain!

'The three ran after their captain, taking care of any enemies that he forgot to take out'

/At the same time back in the supermarket/

-So… What will it be sir?

-Give me one… Vanilla ice cream… No! Two.

-Would you like anything else?


-Then, excuse me.

This place is truly crazy… I easily got everything I needed… No unnecessary fights… No villains popping out of nowhere… Just came in and bought my stuff… I need a boat now… Do they sell boats in here?

Pfft. Of course not.

-... Here is your ice cream sir. Thank you for buying at RonRonDonaldo!

-... Yeah…


'I made my way to the door of the market where I saw the butler with who I had previously bought my stuff with.'

-All of your items have already been delivered to your boat.

-Already? Thank you.

'He took out a small card'

-This is a Vip card. If you ever need supplies from us again, make sure to use it. You will get preferential treatment at any of our shops.

A freebie?

-Well, thanks.

-I hope you have safe travels.

-Me too…

This ice cream is truly great. Although the taste is slightly off for me…



A strong wind suddenly blew on my face, making my two ice creams fly high into the sky.


Looking to the side, I saw a large mushroom cloud slowly rising into the sky.

-What are those idiots doing...

-HAHAHAHA! Nothing can pass my barrier! It's useless!

In front of Ace was a tall man around 250 Cm tall wearing very large and shiny armor.

-... Hum… It's rather hard but…

Ace knife suddenly got fully black.

-This should do…


-I once failed to get into the grand line, and was defeated yet again due to my lack of preparations! I was hasty and gave in to emotions.

-But this time… I managed to take over this island! And with the growing numbers of my armada and my Devil fruit, I will finally take over the grand line.



-Listen to my shiny boy… You are too ignorant. You can't get by in the grand line with numbers…




'His already oversized suit of armor started to inflate, metallic muscles started to appear and condense, slowly, the armor turned into a massive metallic humanoid.'


-That's quite cool… But…

Ace's knife started to shine red.

-I don't have all day you see.


'Krieg lifted his massive fist and crashed down on Ace'

-So predictable. I will end this in one move…