
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Ch. 27 - The Debt Of Gratitude Has Been Paid.

The Feilun FX 006 Combat Helicopter a few kilometers away began to enter the central Tienji region.

"It seems that the blizzard is spreading rapidly, as evidenced by the larger coverage area than previously reported." Namira said as she looked at the view of the snow city in front of her, from the helicopter cabin.

"Miss Ziudith, we can't go into the storm, it's too risky to fly in such weather conditions." The helicopter pilot's voice rang out in everyone's headphones.

"Yes, you're right, Bonnie. We'd better find a safe landing spot, then let the three of us get off and you two can go straight back." Namira gave orders to the pilot and co pilot.

The two could only stare at each other without daring to deny, then the helicopter pilot said.

"Yes Miss Ziudith, as ordered."

Not far from the area that had been swept by the blizzard, there was an office building where there was a helipad on top of the building.

Bonnie, the pilot of Ziudith Interprise's private helicopter, immediately took the initiative to contact the local ATC, to be connected to the owner of the building's helipad, and requested permission to land and unload passengers. she also informed the co-pilot beside her.

"Hey Louis, contact the local ATC immediately. We need to get permission to land and offload passengers at this building's helipad." Bonnie contacted Louis over the private intercom.

"Yes, Captain. I will contact the ATC immediately."

Louis immediately searched for a frequency to contact ATC.

"Tower this is Co-pilot of Feilun FX flight 006, please excuse me.

"This is Tower, Feilun FX 006. What can I help you with?

"We would like to request permission to land and drop off passengers at the helipad of the Zico International office building, Is there any special procedure we need to follow?"

"Sure, Co-pilot. I will put you in touch with the owner of the building's helipad. Please wait a moment."

(Over the phone)

"Hello, this is the Zico International Helipad Officer. How can I help you?"

"Hello, we are Feilun FX flight 006 from Ziudith Interprise, looking to make a landing and drop off passengers at your building's helipad. We need permission from your side."

"Sure, I will check the permission. Please wait a moment."

The helipad attendant then informed Lamia Vanilla, the General Manager of Zico International about the uninvited guest from Ziudith Interprise over the phone.

In the room of the General Manager of Zico International.

A young woman with long black hair, and a petite face that added to her beauty, was sitting casually leaning back in a luxurious leather office chair. she was Lamia Vanilla, the general manager of Zico International. when the phone rang, the young woman named Vanilla picked up the phone that was lying on her desk.

Lamia, who heard the arrival of the guest from Ziudith Interprise, immediately allowed it without thinking.

"Give them permission to land! Prepare some people to welcome them!" Lamia said firmly to the helipad attendant and assistant beside her.

"Yes Miss Vanilla!" The two answered promptly, and immediately carried out what the youngest daughter of the owner of the Vanilla Group ordered.

"Hello Co-pilot, we give permission for landing and disembarking passengers at our building's helipad. Please let us know your estimated time of arrival." The officer called Louis back.

"Thank you for the permission. We expect to arrive in less than five minutes. We'll let you know if there are any changes."

"Understood. Thank you. Please proceed with the landing and disembarkation procedures safely."

"Thank you. We will proceed with the procedure safely."

The conversation ended and Louis informed Bonnie of the permission granted.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation. Let's proceed with a safe landing." Bonnie said.

After being approved by the concerned parties, Bonnie immediately landed the helicopter on the helipad of the office building owned by Zico International, which is a subsidiary of Vanilla Group.

Lamia Vanilla and some of her subordinates, were already lined up neatly to welcome the arrival of this guest from Ziudith Interprise, in Lamia's mind said.

'Who is here? Is it Namira Ziudith?'

After landing, Namira immediately got off the helicopter, followed by James and Moji.

The three of them were warmly welcomed by the officials of the Zico International company who were lined up neatly waiting for their arrival.

The figure of a young woman with a beautiful body and long legs, looks very charming. Dressed in a thin blue shirt, with a suit that only sticks to both shoulders, with glasses keeping the hair on the forehead, adding to the impression of a relaxed young leader. The boss of Ziudith Interprise, descending from a combat helicopter. escorted by 3 men wearing clothes like a practitioner.

'That's right...it's Namira! The sole heir of the Ziudith family and CEO of Ziudith Interprise!' Lamia looked very happy when she saw Namira who had just gotten off the helicopter.

'The Goddess of Aegis has not abandoned me! This could be my chance to benefit from this wealthy young woman, so that I can put my foot down on my three older brothers!'

Lamia laughed contentedly in her heart.

She envisioned a situation where she was at the pinnacle of glory, beating her two older brothers and one older sister who had always been given more attention by her father than her.

The subordinates who saw their leader looking so enthusiastic, they were all a little astonished. The reason is, Lamia is famous for being cold and expensive to smile, even when meeting people from the Vanilla Group.

That's because looking at Lamia's side for some reason, she always felt that she had always been neglected by her father since childhood, and also always ignored by her three siblings. As she understood in her mind, the entire family blamed her because her mother died after giving birth to her.

This made Lamia never feel an important and valuable figure in her family, nor did anyone teach her a sense of empathy. making her a demon half-man who was very cold and cruel to his subordinates. in her life, she only had one goal, to teach all members of the Vanilla family a lesson and make them submit to her.

"Hello, Miss Ziudith. Nice to meet you!" Lamia offered a hand to shake, as she greeted Namira. Everyone else in line joined in the greeting.

"Hello, hello everyone," Namira waved to everyone, as she turned to je one of the very striking young ladies, she couldn't help but say. "Here, aren't you Miss Lamia, the youngest child of the Vanilla family? It's nice to meet you!" Namira looked up and shook Lamia's hand with a friendly smile.

"That's right Miss Ziudith, it's an honor to be recognized by a great lady like you!" Lamia said with a slight blush on her face as she was recognized by Namira, but deep down, she didn't care at all.

"Don't be so shy like that, how could I not recognize someone from a prominent family in this city like you?" Namira gave a slightly awkward smile this time.

"Miss Ziudith it could be, thank you for choosing us for your visit. let's go inside, it seems to be getting cold in here." Lamia smiled stiffly as the cold began to envelop her. She tried to end the pleasantries at the helipad as quickly as possible.

"Okay, please show me the way." Namira smiled and started walking parallel beside Lamia.

Lamia and Namira both walked in front into the building, followed by James and Moji behind them, and Lamia's subordinates who walked behind Ziudith's two bodyguards.

Meanwhile, the helicopter had taken off and returned to the Ziudith Interprise Building.


Thinking of the possibility of a snowstorm caused by Piu-piu, I started to feel furious.

'Can't that damn little fairy take responsibility for this? Why should I be the one to feel burdened by her actions?!'

My divine cloning was forced to activate along with the Holy-class Absolute Domain (cloning innate), after my fan body hid in the Tesseract dimension.

'Alright, what should I do first?' As I looked at the surrounding area, I picked up several voices through my mind perception.

'It seems that there are still many people living on the surface, will they be able to survive in these conditions?'

Out of curiosity, I tried activating the skill 'Stellar Vision' in order to get a clearer visualization, and get up close and able to penetrate buildings.

'Ah as I expected, they won't be able to survive much longer...'

'But, what should I do? evacuating them all to the bunker? that's impossible!'

True, it was impossible to take them out of the building, it would be difficult for ordinary humans to move around in this extreme cold.

While trying to think of a way, I heard the sound of a conversation not far from where I was.

"Mom, I...I can't take it anymore." a fifteen-year-old teenage girl, spoke to her mother while shivering from the cold.

"Hold on a moment child, mom will try to warm you up."

Her mother swiftly tried to push the sofa where her daughter had fallen asleep closer to the already fiery 'Pendiangan'. With a body that had begun to weaken, the middle-aged woman tried to be strong and exerted all the strength she had left to push the heavy teak sofa.

Her husband, who was loading firewood into the fireplace, saw her efforts and rushed over to help.

"Richard...what are you doing?"

"Clara, don't waste your energy like that, the legs of the sofa are frozen and tied to the floor. Let me carry Rain and hurry, warm your body in the fireplace."

"Okay...Richard." Clara Frederic immediately headed to the fireplace followed by Richard Frederic who was carrying Rain, his daughter.

While the crystallization propagation... froze the entire building up to the ceiling of the small family home, and the freezing stopped around the Fireplace which was ready to pounce at any time when the fire went out. In addition, the sabotage from the ice to some nearby firewood, began to freeze as well, making it difficult to ignite when burned.

"D*mn! I forgot to bring some food here. Also, there's nothing left to burn! How are we going to survive this?!" Richard shouted in frustration at being backed into a corner.

Clara, who was warming herself with her son on her lap, saw her husband getting angry, she started crying and hugged her husband.

In Clara's mind, the figure of Richard Frederic is a person who is always calm and very calm. in any critical situation, he can always be level-headed. all problems both from social life and his work as a hospital surgeon, have never made him this angry and frustrated.

"Calm down dear...god will not abandon us...we will not be allowed to die...here..." clara's voice and sobs made the tears in Richard's eyes that were starting to turn red unstoppable, both of them could only surrender to crying and hoping that a miracle would come.

Hearing this conversation, my humanity was deeply touched. Without thinking anymore, I tried to help like when I protected people from the enchanted shadow attack.

"Luna, activate Turn Null Effect to all areas affected by the blizzard."

[Are you sure, Master? It will cause you to lose a lot of energy balance, and could possibly cause your death.]

"How can that be? didn't I only spend 30 Quintillion before? and my balance is still around 999 Quintillion? isn't that more than enough?"

[Master, actually 30 Quintillion is just the cost for activation. As for the power supply itself at that time, I easily made the Turn Null Effect borrowing the Mana energy contained in the air as the source of absorption.]

[If not, your Subliminal Void-Pure Energy will be drastically reduced because the absorption power of the skill is quite large. Moreover, the current snowstorm is not caused by Mana Energy, but from other energies].

[And if you still want to activate Turn Null Effect widely, it will automatically fully use your Energy because the Mana Energy around here is no longer available due to its conflicting nature. and I also can't guarantee if I can use the energy from this blizzard].

"In other words, this blizzard was really caused by Piu-piu's energy, and made the Mana within the blizzard area disappear? that's also the reason why these people are weakened due to the interruption of Mana Energy supply?"

[That's right, Master.]

'Then this snowstorm has its energy source in the Autarky Sphere? White Cube? Namira?'

[Exactly, Master.]

'Huh? Did he forget that what was just now was my personal mind not Mind Transmission?!'


Now, I began to understand the situation more and more. not wanting to risk my own safety too much, in the end I would only help them by meeting them one by one.

"Alright, I have to take care of it quickly."

My divine clone flew very quickly and in an instant, I was near the little family I had just listened to the conversation with.

Seeing that the three of them already looked very weak while hugging their child's body, I immediately walked over to them with my 'Light Blur Unseen' skill active to hide my face.


It turned out that the footsteps on my divine Clone, causing the freezing of the floor, experienced an energy distortion. thus making the ice crack and melt. then suddenly a voice caught my ear.

"Who are you?! Don't come any closer!" Richard's voice sounded very wary, while taking a protective stance of his two loved ones.

'Damn it...I've made an easy thing into a hassle...' I moaned resignedly.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just want to help you..." I said in a low tone, trying to calm the man before me.

"Help? What can you do to help us?!"

'This voice, I seem to recognize...' When I paid closer attention, 'Dr. Richard?' instantly came to mind.

"Calm down, I know better what I can do." I extended my left hand to the three of them, and began to activate the Turn Null Effect skill.

A pitch-black aura came out from my palm and began to close in on them and envelop each of the little family's bodies.

"You-you...what are you doing to-" Richard instantly felt a change in temperature on his body, the painful chill slowly disappeared and his body began to warm up, "-we..." he also began to mutter as he experienced the change in condition on his body,

'I-this is very comfortable...makes me feel...relaxed...' Richard slowly fell asleep with a small smile on his face.

'No! I can't fall asleep... otherwise, I... I... will definitely be very... sal....' while trying hard to fight sleepiness, in the end, all his efforts were in vain.

After seeing Dr. Richard and his family sleeping on the frozen floor so comfortably, I intended to transfer them to the bed using my energy. The bodies of the three floated up and landed smoothly on the mattress.

"Looks like the protection mission is complete, next up..."

My right arm emitted a Bright White Aura and some food began to appear jumping out of the light in the palm of my hand. After the supply of food on top of the cupboard drawer was sufficient, I began to dress the food using the Turn Null Effect, and touched each food using my left palm.

"Alright, that's done. next is ...."

I immediately flew out through the wall of Dr. Richard's bedroom, and began to do the same to each of the families trapped inside their homes.

In some of the families, there were members who could no longer be helped. I helped those who could still be saved with the 'Heal' blessing of the "Goddess Vitalis" represented by Luna. As for those who had died, I let their bodies freeze to avoid decay.

After performing rescue actions on several people, I came to a three-story Apartment.

In one of the apartments, there was a young woman who was taking care of her bedridden mother, accompanied by her younger brother who seemed to be the same age as Novia.

'Why is that woman's face...familiar to me? Do I know her?' I thought as I looked through the apartment using Stellar Vision.

'Is she...'