
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Ch. 23 - My Daughter Spirit Fought The Ice Witch Spirit.

The unnamed Ice Witch replied to the question posed by Silvanus.

"That's right. And not only did I break the seal, I have also absorbed a large amount of energy contained in the ancestral Sacred Tree Heart! Hihi-hihi-hihi... look at this absolute power!!!"

After making that statement, the Ice Witch instantly released the large amount of energy she had borrowed from the ancestral Sacred Tree Heart and enriched her Ice magic power significantly.


The Freezing Aura, which was originally just a thin puff of smoke chasing Novia and the two Elves in her hands, instantly became a huge wave of ice! It was like an avalanche of snow with a huge volume falling from the top of a mountain range.

The difference was that the temperature of each snow crystal from the Ice magic cast by the old witch was extremely low, causing it to freeze instantly if it got a few meters too close to the Ice, let alone if it managed to pass through the Ice.

There would only be two words to the predetermined fate, namely, "Freezing to death".

"D*mn, we won't be able to survive the old witch's Ice pursuit!" Silvanus was terrified and fully inserted his head no longer sticking out of Novia's fist.

Novia, who was running while looking back, immediately stopped her feet and stood still with her body facing the huge Ice Wave that was ready to hit her.

"Little girl.. what are you doing?! why did you stop??? are you frustrated and asking us to die with you!?" Aelfric yelled at Novia so harshly that his protruding neck vein almost came out tearing his skin.

Novia, who did not accept being scolded and belittled by Aelfric, said with overwhelming emotion.

"I told you not to call me a child! My name is Novia!"


Novia's emotional outburst created a huge energy blast that shot out from her spiritual body, and inadvertently awakened her personal Absolute Domain.


The first wave of huge Ice waves arrived and hit Novia extremely cold and hard!

The collision between the high-speed solid ice and the defenses of Novia's Absolute Domain, made an extremely loud and deafening boom.

'bang! creaky!'

The aftereffects of the shockwave, too, spread out in various directions and destroyed everything that had been frozen or not. making the whole thing shatter into very fine pieces. Some of the scattered fragments landed on the ground, and some were lost in the air blown away by the wind because they were so fine.

Except for Silvanus, Aelfric who saw this was spontaneously dumbfounded at what he saw just now and immediately thought.

'What the heck is that?! This kid is so strong! So strong in fact!'

"Heh, it turns out that there are talents this young who are very strong in this era of rampant power.

It's no wonder that some sects of both practitioners. and other creatures such as vampires, they are always looking for young human children. to unleash their potential and then, serve as disciples as well as errand girls. hihi-hihi-hihi."

The witch's creepy voice echoed back into the heads of everyone within her magical range.

Novia just stood still with her head bowed, then a gloomy expression instantly turned her beautiful and cute face into a creepy and cold one. after remembering the kidnapping incident she experienced this afternoon.

"Are you also one of them?" Novia said this with suppressed emotion and eyes that stared intently at the direction where the witch was.

"Ugh?!" Instantly the Ice witch felt eye contact with Novia even though the distance between her and the little girl was within a radius of hundreds of meters.

'What was that? Why did I feel like I was staring at each other?! Moreover, that human child's gaze was very domineering and scared me just now!??' the witch's face was very surprised.

'Interesting, very interesting! I will take her as my disciple and bring out all his potential so that he can help me achieve my goal!' seeing the novia's power, reminded the witch of something.

"Kid, what's your name? And what's your background? I might be able to exclude you, even if you want to be my student. hihi-hihi-hihi...kid, kneel down and call me Master! Then I'll spare your little life! Hihi-hihi-hihi." The old Ice Witch said and sounded very arrogant to Novia.

Hearing that made Novia jump to conclusions about the Ice Witch and labeled her as part of one of the sects that kidnapped children.

"I don't know who you are, and what you're doing all this for. but believe me your confidence will destroy your hopes. this is just a dreamland and you should wake up and return to reality and live your life well."

Novia's mindset gradually became very mature followed by her spiritual body which grew bigger over time and looked like a teenager.

"Heh...how dare you, kid, to lecture me like that. just so you know, I hate an insubordinate person who won't take my word for it. and because of that, take my punishment and...go work with them!"

The Ice Witch stretched out one arm that held a large magic wand with a blue Dragon carved around the tip of the wand.

Instantly the mouth of the carved blue Dragon emitted a bright blue ray and the ball of light enlarged in a moment.

The Dragon's mouth then shot out an enormous blue Lasser-like beam from the light ball the size of a road tunnel.

The tunnel-sized blue Lasser extended and darted very quickly towards where Novia was.

Every single thing that had been frozen before, increased the thickness of the enveloping ice by several times as the blue Lasser passed by.

Not remaining silent. Novia, who in fact saw the attack launched by the ice witch, could be seen even from a great distance. her instincts told her that the blue Lasser attack that was fired at her would not be able to withstand her Absolute Domain.

Novia's eyes naturally shifted into focus mode until she could clearly see the flash of light from the blue Lasser attack with a sharp, pointed cone at the end.

'This.. why did the attack suddenly slow down? At this rate, wouldn't I be able to dodge the attack very easily?' Novia reflexively dodged the massive shock attack with near-light speed, shifting her position far away from the path of the attack.

'B-doom! crash!'

The blue lasser hit the hill and bounced upwards. the green hill that had been hit instantly changed color to a bluish-white hill that glittered in the moonlight.

The phenomenon of the lasser reflecting upwards was due to the reflector coming from the green hill that froze before the blue lasser hit horizontally. so that the layer of Eternal Ice that covered the entire surface of the hill could reflect the blue Lasser vertically.

"Where are you kid? hihi-hihi, you won't be able to escape from my blue Dragon's 'Ice Lasser' attack! Hihi-hihi-hihi..."

Sure enough, the bouncing blue Ice Lasser began to dart back as if it was retargeting its quarry. However, there was a slight change in the behavior of the blue Ice Lasser as it no longer moved in a straight line. but instead twisted in the air like a snake walking.

A change in the blue Ice Lasser's upstream also occurred, the pointed tip turned into the shape of a Dragon Snake that was very similar to the blue Dragon carving on the Ice Witch's magic wand.

The Dragon Snake began to fly back very quickly until it formed a blue flash above the sky just like the phenomenon of shooting stars.

The blue flash of the Dragon Serpent shot at full speed in the direction where Novia had been, and then flew very low over the ground that had formed a long and large depression, as if returning to the trajectory of the previous attack.

'Why? Why is my Ice Lasser suddenly returning to me? Is my attack going back to my wand?' The Ice Witch thought to herself and seemed confused by the behavior of her Ice Lasser attack that contained Blue Dragon Essence.

'And again, did my attack just now hit that girl and obliterate her? That's why I can't find her as far as my vision can see.'

Meanwhile, Novia moved very quickly around and reached the back of the Ice Mountain in just a few seconds. In the speed of her thinking, Novia realized it was the only safe place she could go, because only the Ice Mountain had sufficient lighting.

"Wait a minute, she's not going back.. she's going to attack that little boy! That means that kid..." The Ice Witch briefly realized and exclaimed in panic. Meanwhile, Novia thought to herself as she neared the Iceberg.

'Uh it's cold in here...'

Although Novia's Absolute Domain was still active, the minus temperature was several hundred degrees from the iceberg, the cold was able to penetrate her rudimentary absolute domain.

Just as Novia was about to sit down to rest, because her legs were sore. she heard the ice witch behind the iceberg calling her a child, Novia suddenly became annoyed and said.

"Why is everyone so annoying today! I told you not to call me a child!? My name is Novia!" Novia's voice echoed from behind the Ice Witch.

The aura on Novia's teenage spiritual body bound and absorbed all the negative aura around her including the aura on the iceberg.

Before the Ice Witch had time to look back...she glanced at the front of her body and said.

"Ah...woe! hi-"


The blue Dragon Ice Lasser's attack struck so hard that it pierced through the Ice Witch's body. That blue flash at the speed of sound continued to shoot towards the enormous Ice Mountain not far behind the Ice Witch.



The blue Dragon Ice Lasser slammed into the Iceberg, sending a strong wave of wind into the surrounding area. and instantly the Lasser faded away and disappeared.

However, the fragments of the blue Ice Dragon Lasser had actually been absorbed into Novia's spiritual body behind the mountain.

Along with the disappearance of the Ice Witch's blue Dragon Lasser attack, the clear night sky suddenly became cloudy and dark covering the moon and stars.

The Ice Witch who had just been hit, spat out a mouthful of blood from her mouth and nose.

"Uhuk.. uhuk..."

Snowflakes began to fall from the sky, as if mourning the defeat of one of the borrowed power users similar to the "Flocon de Neige" entity. A phenomenon in which water is condensed at such a low temperature that the molecules within it form beautiful snow crystals.

"Kid, I heard that your name is Novia, am I right? Uhuk.. uhuk." The Ice Witch said with the last of her breath that was beginning to feel labored due to the bleeding of internal wounds, and began to kneel on the surface of the melting ice.

"That's right. My name is Novia! And what is your name?" Novia asked irritably from behind the Iceberg while sitting back.

Although the layer of the iceberg was very thick, it was also very clear, so you could see what was inside, and it appeared that the ancestral sacred tree was inside. The Iceberg was also beginning to melt.

"So that's it, Novia, yes. I'll keep that in mind..." The Ice Witch had really implanted Novia's name in her memory deeply. How could it not be? The figure of a girl of the human kind managed to defeat her in a very short duration.

The little girl's ability to change places was also very, very mysterious. Because, Space type magic is a very rare ability and only exists in legends.

The Ice Witch suspected that the little girl named Novia had used long-distance teleportation magic which was a type of high-level magic that had long been extinct.

But what Novia was actually doing was moving casually to avoid his attack, then running towards the Ice Mountain and hiding behind it.

What remained a question was that time had mysteriously slowed down and every movement made by the 'teenage Novia' seemed to be close to the speed of light.

"Novia, my name is Luciana and I am the Spiritual Entity in Lucia's body that owns this dreamland." Hearing that the witch was related to her Aunt Lucia in the real world. Novia woke up from her reclining seat, then in an instant she was on the other side of the mountain and said.

"Are you Aunt Lucia's acquaintance, or her twin? I'm sorry, I didn't understand the meaning of the 'manas' you said..." Novia walked out of the mountain side with her head bowed in shame.

"Hih? Hihi-Uhuk... you're so cute... hihi-uhuk... I'm the spiritual existence of Lucia in other words I'm still a part of Lucia who has an important role to play in building Lucia's power as well as stabilizing it."

Luciana said after kneeling down with both hands pressed against the ground, trying to support her body that was starting to limp. she turned her head back to look at Novia.

"So that's it. although I don't really understand, but I have something to ask you.. why are you throwing a tantrum in auntie's subconscious?" Novia walked up to Luciana from behind who was posing for a piggyback.

"Because I want to separate myself from her! I'm tired of being a tool for her and often I overlook the excess use of power and don't prevent it's.. Uhuk... because when Lucia's real body is exhausted and unconscious.. uhuk... that's when I can freely move in the other world that resides in her subconscious."

"Why are you so mean to real auntie? Isn't it the case that if auntie does something wrong, your existence will also be in danger?"

"And again, no matter how hard you want to separate yourselves, you are basically auntie and auntie is you. your consciousnesses complement each other even though your bodies are in different dimensions."

The teenage Novia began to lecture Luciana based on her personal experience.

It seems that Novia is also aware that her current existence is not herself in the real world, but another entity from herself that has a separate consciousness but is still bound together. that's because both of them only have one soul, and if her soul is in danger, then both of their lives will be threatened at the same time.

"I see, so it was a waste of effort.. uhuk.. me..." Luciana lay on the wet surface of the melting ice. The snow, which was falling more and more heavily, slowly covered Luciana's back body. It looked like Lucia's spiritual figure had lost her consciousness.

Novia didn't look panicked at the sight of Luciana limply lying on the ground as a result of the weapons eating her. But she did panic when she opened her clenched palms.

Apparently, the two Forest Elves had fallen unconscious for unknown reasons.

While Novia looked around, it seemed that the entire surface was beginning to turn green again including the Dryad's ancestral Sacred Tree. The frozen Dryads also began to thaw, but none of them regained consciousness.

The disaster that occurred in the wilderness as a result of Luciana's ice magic had a lasting negative impact, leaving puddles everywhere.

However, the unpleasant sight of the puddles changed in an instant. The snow that fell was getting heavier and heavier until there were piles of snow everywhere covering every puddle.

Novia, who was confused about what to do in the midst of the blizzard, decided to find a warm place to take shelter because of the extreme negative temperatures.

She left Luciana, who was buried under a pile of snow, and walked away from where Luciana was buried with the two Elves in her arms.

As far as the small footprints leaving traces on the snowy surface, Novia's teenage spiritual body still found no place to take shelter. The entire wilderness that had just recovered from the icy freeze, was again hit by a catastrophic snowstorm.

Novia with her spiritual body, seemed to be starting to feel the cold piercing her body. her footsteps also slowly began to shrink and slow down.

"Mom.. dad.. help me.. it's cold.. so cold..."

Novia, who began to weaken due to the extreme cold temperature of minus several degrees Celsius, began to kneel on the snow a few centimeters thick from the surface. followed by her upper body began to droop limply and then.. fell lying on her stomach.

The tiny helpless body landed on a mound of icy snow.

Not long after, a Black Aura began to envelop Novia's spiritual body, that was almost completely buried by snow.

The black aura caused the snow around Novia to melt, as the air temperature began to warm up on her spiritual body.

When her entire body had been enveloped by the black aura, Novia's teenage spiritual body suddenly disappeared in a mysterious instant.
